Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.A. Declaration of Quorum
1.B. Closed Session (6:00 pm to 7:00 pm)
2. Reconvene after Closed Meeting
2.A. Recognition of Veterans
2.B. Invocation
2.C. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognitions
3.A. Administrative Personnel
3.B. Recognition of Years of Service
3.C. Klein Collins High School girls' softball team
3.D. Presentation of Media Honor Roll to Lindsay Peyton, Houston Chronicle freelance reporter
3.E. Boy Scout Visitors
4. Intermission to meet the Trustees
5. Citizen Inquiries
6. Reports
6.A. Instructional Report - Math Update
6.B. Instructional Report: - Update on EOC and TAKS
7. Independent Hearing Officer
8. Board Policy
9. Resolution
10. Budget Review
11. Texas High Performing Schools Consortium
12. Lunch Prices
13. Contract Amendment
14. Items removed from the Consent Agenda
15. Consent Agenda
15.A. Blanket approval to order TEA approved instructional materials using IMA funds
15.B. Petitions for refunds of taxes in excess of $500
15.C. Denial of waiver of penalty and interest on delinquent taxes in accordance with section 33.011 of the Property Tax Code regarding Zarkaza C-Store, Inc. #2072817
15.D. Sale of obsolete, unusable, and non-repairable surplus property by public auction in accordance with section 11.151(c) of the Texas Education Code, during June 2012, via a national online website service
15.E. Renewal of the Equity Center membership and dues for the 2012-13 school year
15.F. Addendum to Jackie Walsh contracts for Quality Questioning training
15.G. Renewal of the Northwest Harris County Cooperative for the Hearing Impaired (NWHCC) Shared Service Arrangement
15.H. Local student standardized assessments for 2012-13
15.I. Bid #13-114 Mizuni ScoreCard Custom Project
15.J. Bid #12-245 food service dairy products
15.K. Bid #12-246 food service chips and vending snacks
15.L. Bid #12-257 awards, trophies, specialty clothing and items
15.M. CSP Bid #12-261 food service produce
15.N. Continuation of Bid #12-262 food supply and USDA commodity processing (HCDE)
15.O. Bid #12-269 electrical supplies
15.P. Bid #12-270 plumbing supplies
15.Q. Bid #12-272 calculators, probes and sensors
15.R. Bid #12-277 high volume groceries and supplies
15.S. Renewal of Bid #12-283 tutoring services
15.T. Renewal of Bid #12-287 elevator service
15.U. CSP #12-307 SAN/NAS tiered storage
15.V. Bid #12-308 full service food supply and USDA commodity distribution
15.W. Bid #12-309 forklifts
15.X. Bid #12-312 blanket agreement for purchase of support services from Pearson School System/Chancery SMS
15.Y. Continuation of Bid #12-313 US Communities
16. Minutes
17. Board Agenda Calendar Review
18.A. Follow-up on prior reports/requests for information
18.B. Comments from Board Members and Administrators
19. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 11, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
Call to Order
Subject: |
Declaration of Quorum
State for the record, the names of trustees representing the quorum
Subject: |
Closed Session (6:00 pm to 7:00 pm)
Request to have a closed session as authorized by the Texas Government Code in accordance with Sections 551.071 private consultation with the board's attorney, including board governance, 551.072 discussing purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, 551.074 discussing employment, evaluation, or discipline of personnel, including superintendent's contract and evaluation, 551.076 discussing security personnel, 551.082 discussing disciplinary matters or complaints regarding school children and/or school district employees, 551.0821 discussing personally identifiable information about public school students, and 551.087 deliberation regarding economic development negotiations.
Subject: |
Reconvene after Closed Meeting
Subject: |
Recognition of Veterans
Subject: |
Presenter: Mr. Szymczak
Subject: |
Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: Mr. Lanham
Subject: |
Subject: |
Administrative Personnel
Subject: |
Recognition of Years of Service
Subject: |
Klein Collins High School girls' softball team
Subject: |
Presentation of Media Honor Roll to Lindsay Peyton, Houston Chronicle freelance reporter
Subject: |
Boy Scout Visitors
Subject: |
Intermission to meet the Trustees
Subject: |
Citizen Inquiries
Approximately 20 minutes of each regular meeting will be allocated to citizen inquiries. After registering with the board secretary prior to the meeting, a school district resident, employee, vendor, or potential vendor shall have an opportunity to address the Board of Trustees for the four specific purposes as dictated by the state laws governing open meetings: 1) to discuss an item that appears on the agenda/notice of meeting, 2) to make a request for specific factual information, 3) to ask for a recitation of existing policy, and 4) to redress grievances. In accordance with the law, no deliberation, discussion or decision will be made other than to consider a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a subsequent meeting, unless the subject is listed on the board agenda, in which case it may be discussed by the board. A written response or acknowledgment will be provided. Oral comments are limited to five minutes in length, unless extended by a majority of the trustees, and must not mention any individuals by name or position or contain any personally identifiable reference.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Instructional Report - Math Update
Subject: |
Instructional Report: - Update on EOC and TAKS
Subject: |
Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and Acceptable Use Procedures
Subject: |
Independent Hearing Officer
Consideration and approval of the hearing officer recommendation regarding Board Policy FNG Complaint
Subject: |
Board Policy
First reading of proposed modification to board policies DIA (Local) Employee Welfare: Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation; and FB (Local) Equal Education Opportunity
Subject: |
Consideration and approval of the Texas Resolution regarding high stakes, standardized testing
Subject: |
Budget Review
Approval of budget amendments for the 2011-12 school year
Subject: |
Texas High Performing Schools Consortium
Approval for the district to apply to be chosen as a member of the Texas High Performing Schools Consortium
Subject: |
Lunch Prices
Approval of the proposed elementary, high school, and adult lunch prices for 2012-13
Subject: |
Contract Amendment
Consideration of amendment to superintendent's contract
Subject: |
Items removed from the Consent Agenda
Subject: |
Consent Agenda
Subject: |
Blanket approval to order TEA approved instructional materials using IMA funds
Subject: |
Petitions for refunds of taxes in excess of $500
Subject: |
Denial of waiver of penalty and interest on delinquent taxes in accordance with section 33.011 of the Property Tax Code regarding Zarkaza C-Store, Inc. #2072817
Subject: |
Sale of obsolete, unusable, and non-repairable surplus property by public auction in accordance with section 11.151(c) of the Texas Education Code, during June 2012, via a national online website service
Subject: |
Renewal of the Equity Center membership and dues for the 2012-13 school year
Subject: |
Addendum to Jackie Walsh contracts for Quality Questioning training
Subject: |
Renewal of the Northwest Harris County Cooperative for the Hearing Impaired (NWHCC) Shared Service Arrangement
Subject: |
Local student standardized assessments for 2012-13
Subject: |
Bid #13-114 Mizuni ScoreCard Custom Project
Subject: |
Bid #12-245 food service dairy products
Subject: |
Bid #12-246 food service chips and vending snacks
Subject: |
Bid #12-257 awards, trophies, specialty clothing and items
Subject: |
CSP Bid #12-261 food service produce
Subject: |
Continuation of Bid #12-262 food supply and USDA commodity processing (HCDE)
Subject: |
Bid #12-269 electrical supplies
Subject: |
Bid #12-270 plumbing supplies
Subject: |
Bid #12-272 calculators, probes and sensors
Subject: |
Bid #12-277 high volume groceries and supplies
Subject: |
Renewal of Bid #12-283 tutoring services
Subject: |
Renewal of Bid #12-287 elevator service
Subject: |
CSP #12-307 SAN/NAS tiered storage
Subject: |
Bid #12-308 full service food supply and USDA commodity distribution
Subject: |
Bid #12-309 forklifts
Subject: |
Bid #12-312 blanket agreement for purchase of support services from Pearson School System/Chancery SMS
Subject: |
Continuation of Bid #12-313 US Communities
Subject: |
Approval of Minutes of regular meeting on May 14, 2012
Subject: |
Board Agenda Calendar Review
Subject: |
Subject: |
Follow-up on prior reports/requests for information
Subject: |
Comments from Board Members and Administrators
Subject: |