Meeting Agenda
1. Call to order/roll call/adoption of agenda/consent grouping
2. * Approval of the regular and Closed Session minutes from the January 23, 2012, Board Meeting.
3. Communications
4. Special Presentation
4.a. Bond Sales - Beverly Bonning of Thrun Law
4.a.1) Action Item 61-11-12. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the resolution ratifying the sale of the 2012 School Building and Site Bonds, Series B, as presented to the Board; a copy of which shall be included in the board meeting minutes.
4.b. MASB Presentation - Richard Dunham
5. * Staff Reports
5.a. North Creek - Marcus Kaemming
5.b. South Meadows - Lisa Nickel
5.c. Operations - Ron Livengood
5.d. Technology - Scott Wooster
5.e. Food Services - Sara Simmerman
5.f. Transportation - Jeff Knasiak
5.g. Special Education - Jim Woodhams
6. Board Member Reports
7. Public Input
8. Superintendent/Board Discussion
9. * Consent Action Items:
9.a. Action Item 62-11-12. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the Washtenaw Alliance for Education (WAE) Resolution.
10. * Individual Action Items:
10.a. Action Item 63-11-12. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve Brad Bush's leave request from his current teaching assignment for the remainder of the 2011-2012 school year.
10.b. Action Item 64-11-12. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the assignment of Brad Bush as the Interim Assistant Principal at Chelsea High School for the remainder of the 2011-2012 school year.
11. * Information/Discussion
11.a. AP Econ Field Trip Request to Chicago May 29, 2012.
11.b. Baseball Annual Spring Break Field Trip Request to Venice, FL; Mar. 30 - Apr.8, 2012.
11.c. Middle School Course Name Change
11.d. Policy Review
11.e. Staffing Discussion
12. Public Input
13. Superintendent Report
14. Commendations/Thank-you's
15. Upcoming Events
16. Closed Session for the purpose of CEA negotiations. (MCL 380.503)
17. Other
18. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 13, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to order/roll call/adoption of agenda/consent grouping
Subject: |
2. * Approval of the regular and Closed Session minutes from the January 23, 2012, Board Meeting.
Subject: |
3. Communications
Subject: |
4. Special Presentation
Subject: |
4.a. Bond Sales - Beverly Bonning of Thrun Law
Subject: |
4.a.1) Action Item 61-11-12. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the resolution ratifying the sale of the 2012 School Building and Site Bonds, Series B, as presented to the Board; a copy of which shall be included in the board meeting minutes.
Subject: |
4.b. MASB Presentation - Richard Dunham
Subject: |
5. * Staff Reports
Subject: |
5.a. North Creek - Marcus Kaemming
Subject: |
5.b. South Meadows - Lisa Nickel
Subject: |
5.c. Operations - Ron Livengood
Subject: |
5.d. Technology - Scott Wooster
Subject: |
5.e. Food Services - Sara Simmerman
Subject: |
5.f. Transportation - Jeff Knasiak
Subject: |
5.g. Special Education - Jim Woodhams
Subject: |
6. Board Member Reports
Subject: |
7. Public Input
Subject: |
8. Superintendent/Board Discussion
Subject: |
9. * Consent Action Items:
Subject: |
9.a. Action Item 62-11-12. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the Washtenaw Alliance for Education (WAE) Resolution.
Subject: |
10. * Individual Action Items:
Subject: |
10.a. Action Item 63-11-12. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve Brad Bush's leave request from his current teaching assignment for the remainder of the 2011-2012 school year.
Subject: |
10.b. Action Item 64-11-12. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the assignment of Brad Bush as the Interim Assistant Principal at Chelsea High School for the remainder of the 2011-2012 school year.
Subject: |
11. * Information/Discussion
Subject: |
11.a. AP Econ Field Trip Request to Chicago May 29, 2012.
Subject: |
11.b. Baseball Annual Spring Break Field Trip Request to Venice, FL; Mar. 30 - Apr.8, 2012.
Subject: |
11.c. Middle School Course Name Change
Subject: |
11.d. Policy Review
Subject: |
11.e. Staffing Discussion
Subject: |
12. Public Input
Subject: |
13. Superintendent Report
Subject: |
14. Commendations/Thank-you's
Subject: |
15. Upcoming Events
• Wednesday, January 25 -3:45-7:00 PM-Parent/Teacher Conferences - Middle School Only
• Thursday, January 26 - 3:45-7:00 PM - Parent/Teacher Conferences - High School Only • Monday, February 13 - 7:30 AM - Legislative Breakfast - WISD • Monday, February 13 - 6:30 PM - Board Meeting - WSEC • February 17-20 - No School - Presidents’ Day Weekend • Tuesday, February 21 - 6:00 PM - The Center for Michigan's Community Conversation - Seminar Room 3 - WISD • Monday, February 27 - 6:30 PM - Board Meeting - North Creek • Thursday, March 8 -3:45-7:00 PM - Parent/Teacher Conferences - Elementary Only • Tuesday, March 13 - End of 2nd Trimester • Tuesday, March 13 - 3:45-7:00 PM - Parent/Teacher Conferences - Elementary Only • Wednesday, March 14 - No School for Students; Elementary Teachers Report AM for Records Day; Secondary Teachers Report All Day for Records Day and Professional Development • Monday, March 19 – 6:30 PM – Board Meeting – WSEC • April 2-6 - No School - Spring Break |
Subject: |
16. Closed Session for the purpose of CEA negotiations. (MCL 380.503)
Subject: |
17. Other
Subject: |
18. Adjournment