Meeting Agenda
2. ROLL CALL-Establishment of Quorum
3. INVOCATION-Ms. Leanne Libby
5.A. Matters which the Board may Discuss in Closed Session and upon which Action may be taken in Open Session:
5.A.1. Legal Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.071]
5.A.1.a. Receive legal advice related to any listed agenda item.
5.A.1.b. Receive legal advice related to communications, oral or written, received by the Superintendent, a Board Member, and/or another District employee or officer containing allegations which, if true, might subject the District to legal risk.
5.A.1.c. Receive legal advice related to status of pending or contemplated litigation and other legal proceedings.
5.A.1.d. Receive legal advice related to board policies and board operating procedures, including board member request for information about District procedures protected by attorney client privilege.
5.A.2. Personnel Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.074]
5.A.2.a. Matters relating to the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of various central office personnel and/or a public officer, including a school district trustee.
5.A.2.b. Matters relating to the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of various field personnel.
5.A.2.c. Matters relating to a charge or complaint brought against a District employee or public officer, including a school district trustee.
6.A. The Holdsworth Center Campus Leadership Program (CLP)
7.A. Consent Agenda
7.A.1. Ratification of Approval and Contractual Agreement for Fencing Services at Metro Elementary School of Design-Security Grant Fund ($72,000 budgeted)
7.A.2. Ratification of Approval and Contractual Agreement with Tolunay-Wong Engineers, Inc., for Construction Materials Testing Services for Bond 2022 New Gym Addition Projects at Adkins and Driscoll Middle Schools-Bond 2022 ($97,136 budgeted)* ($50,628 budgeted) Adkins Middle School *($46,508 budgeted) Driscoll Middle School
7.A.3. Ratification of Approval of Contractual Agreement for Bond 2022 Playground Upgrades at Allen Elementary School-Bond 2022 ($93,678 budgeted)
7.A.4. Approval of Purchase of Avigilon Control Center (ACC) Enterprise Smart Plan Licenses-Bond 2018 ($62,627.10 budgeted)
7.A.5. Approval of Purchase of Google Workspace for Education Standard Licenses-Bond 2018 Funds ($160,380 budgeted)
7.A.6. Approval of Second Amendment to the Contractual Agreement with Docunav Solutions for the Purchase of Emergency Support Access-General Funds ($54,070.26 budgeted)
7.A.7. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with All City Management Services (ACMS) for Crossing Guard Services-General Fund ($379,679.85 budgeted)
7.A.8. Approval of Award for the Purchase of Heavy Kitchen Equipment for the 2024-2025 School Year-Food Services Fund ($327,769.42 budgeted)
7.A.9. Approval of Award for the Purchase of Food Services Child Nutrition Software-Food Services Fund ($115,115 budgeted)
7.A.10. Approval of Award for External Financial Audit Services-General Fund ($80,000 budgeted)
7.A.11. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with Curriculum Associates, LLC (ELLevation)-State Compensatory Education ($75,264.00 budgeted)
7.A.12. Approval of Renewal of Interlocal Agreement with Communities in Schools (CIS) of the Coastal Bend-State Compensatory Education ($691,770 budgeted)
7.A.13. Approval of Contractual Agreement with Summit K12 for English Language Proficiency Assessments-General Fund ($104,725 budgeted)
7.A.14. Approval of Renewal with Texas Special Education Software Solutions, LLC DBA Onward Learning for Medicaid Reimbursement-General Fund ($125,000 budgeted)
7.A.15. Approval of Renewal with Frontline Education for the Special Education Student Management System-IDEA-B Federal Funding ($125,571.17 budgeted)
7.A.16. Approval of Second and Final Award Extension and Renewal of Contractual Agreement with NCS Pearson, Inc. for District Assessment Licenses-IDEA-B Federal ($95,155.20 budgeted)
7.A.17. Approval of Contractual Agreement for Repairs to Ray High School Greenhouse-Perkins Grant ($52,921 budgeted)
7.B. Approval of Minutes
7.B.1. April 8, 2024 - Regular Meeting
7.C. Approval of Bids Received for Tax Resale Properties
7.D. Approval of Renewal of Property Insurance Coverage-General Fund ($10,669,354 budgeted)
7.E. Approval of Proclamation 2024 Instructional Materials Adoption and Continuing Adoptions as Recommended and/or Funded by TEA, or Allowable Under TIMA Eligibility Guidelines
8. CALENDAR-This item has been added to the agenda to provide an opportunity to set dates for student and/or teacher hearings or to bring to the Board's attention other special dates.
8.A. May 13, 2024: Fiscal Management Meeting at 2:30 p.m.
8.B. May 13, 2024: Regular Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m.
8.C. May 15, 2024: 16th Annual Academic Achievers at 6:00 p.m.
8.D. May 18, 2024: Branch Academy Graduation at 11:00 a.m.
8.E. May 18, 2024: Collegiate High School Graduation at 2:30 p.m.
8.F. May 22, 2024: 24th Annual Retirement Event at 6:00 p.m.
9. SPECIAL RECOGNITION(S)-This portion of the meeting is typically held at 5:00 p.m., but may occur earlier or later depending on the time spent on other portions of the agenda.
9.A. Board Recognitions
9.A.1. Recognize Above the Line Winners
9.A.2. Recognize Texas Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association State Qualifier/Academic All State Swimming
9.A.3. Recognize Texas Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association Diving State Qualifer
9.A.4. Recognize Texas High School Association State Qualifier/Academic All State Wrestling
9.A.5. Recognize Texas High School Coaches Association Academic All State Football for Carroll, King and Ray High School
10. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION AND READING OF NON-AGENDA COMMENTS-This portion of the meeting is typically held at 6:00 p.m., or at the conclusion of the Board meeting, whichever comes first.
11. BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND SUPERINTENDENT REMARKS-Limited to expressions of thanks, congratulations, condolences and attendance at District events.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 22, 2024 at 3:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
2. ROLL CALL-Establishment of Quorum
Subject: |
3. INVOCATION-Ms. Leanne Libby
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
5.A. Matters which the Board may Discuss in Closed Session and upon which Action may be taken in Open Session:
Subject: |
5.A.1. Legal Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.071]
Subject: |
5.A.1.a. Receive legal advice related to any listed agenda item.
Subject: |
5.A.1.b. Receive legal advice related to communications, oral or written, received by the Superintendent, a Board Member, and/or another District employee or officer containing allegations which, if true, might subject the District to legal risk.
Subject: |
5.A.1.c. Receive legal advice related to status of pending or contemplated litigation and other legal proceedings.
Subject: |
5.A.1.d. Receive legal advice related to board policies and board operating procedures, including board member request for information about District procedures protected by attorney client privilege.
Subject: |
5.A.2. Personnel Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.074]
Subject: |
5.A.2.a. Matters relating to the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of various central office personnel and/or a public officer, including a school district trustee.
Subject: |
5.A.2.b. Matters relating to the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of various field personnel.
Subject: |
5.A.2.c. Matters relating to a charge or complaint brought against a District employee or public officer, including a school district trustee.
Subject: |
Subject: |
6.A. The Holdsworth Center Campus Leadership Program (CLP)
Presenter: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
7.A. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
7.A.1. Ratification of Approval and Contractual Agreement for Fencing Services at Metro Elementary School of Design-Security Grant Fund ($72,000 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.2. Ratification of Approval and Contractual Agreement with Tolunay-Wong Engineers, Inc., for Construction Materials Testing Services for Bond 2022 New Gym Addition Projects at Adkins and Driscoll Middle Schools-Bond 2022 ($97,136 budgeted)* ($50,628 budgeted) Adkins Middle School *($46,508 budgeted) Driscoll Middle School
Subject: |
7.A.3. Ratification of Approval of Contractual Agreement for Bond 2022 Playground Upgrades at Allen Elementary School-Bond 2022 ($93,678 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.4. Approval of Purchase of Avigilon Control Center (ACC) Enterprise Smart Plan Licenses-Bond 2018 ($62,627.10 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.5. Approval of Purchase of Google Workspace for Education Standard Licenses-Bond 2018 Funds ($160,380 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.6. Approval of Second Amendment to the Contractual Agreement with Docunav Solutions for the Purchase of Emergency Support Access-General Funds ($54,070.26 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.7. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with All City Management Services (ACMS) for Crossing Guard Services-General Fund ($379,679.85 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.8. Approval of Award for the Purchase of Heavy Kitchen Equipment for the 2024-2025 School Year-Food Services Fund ($327,769.42 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.9. Approval of Award for the Purchase of Food Services Child Nutrition Software-Food Services Fund ($115,115 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.10. Approval of Award for External Financial Audit Services-General Fund ($80,000 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.11. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with Curriculum Associates, LLC (ELLevation)-State Compensatory Education ($75,264.00 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.12. Approval of Renewal of Interlocal Agreement with Communities in Schools (CIS) of the Coastal Bend-State Compensatory Education ($691,770 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.13. Approval of Contractual Agreement with Summit K12 for English Language Proficiency Assessments-General Fund ($104,725 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.14. Approval of Renewal with Texas Special Education Software Solutions, LLC DBA Onward Learning for Medicaid Reimbursement-General Fund ($125,000 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.15. Approval of Renewal with Frontline Education for the Special Education Student Management System-IDEA-B Federal Funding ($125,571.17 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.16. Approval of Second and Final Award Extension and Renewal of Contractual Agreement with NCS Pearson, Inc. for District Assessment Licenses-IDEA-B Federal ($95,155.20 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.A.17. Approval of Contractual Agreement for Repairs to Ray High School Greenhouse-Perkins Grant ($52,921 budgeted)
Subject: |
7.B. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
7.B.1. April 8, 2024 - Regular Meeting
Subject: |
7.C. Approval of Bids Received for Tax Resale Properties
Presenter: |
Subject: |
7.D. Approval of Renewal of Property Insurance Coverage-General Fund ($10,669,354 budgeted)
Presenter: |
Subject: |
7.E. Approval of Proclamation 2024 Instructional Materials Adoption and Continuing Adoptions as Recommended and/or Funded by TEA, or Allowable Under TIMA Eligibility Guidelines
Presenter: |
Subject: |
8. CALENDAR-This item has been added to the agenda to provide an opportunity to set dates for student and/or teacher hearings or to bring to the Board's attention other special dates.
Subject: |
8.A. May 13, 2024: Fiscal Management Meeting at 2:30 p.m.
Subject: |
8.B. May 13, 2024: Regular Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m.
Subject: |
8.C. May 15, 2024: 16th Annual Academic Achievers at 6:00 p.m.
Subject: |
8.D. May 18, 2024: Branch Academy Graduation at 11:00 a.m.
Subject: |
8.E. May 18, 2024: Collegiate High School Graduation at 2:30 p.m.
Subject: |
8.F. May 22, 2024: 24th Annual Retirement Event at 6:00 p.m.
Subject: |
9. SPECIAL RECOGNITION(S)-This portion of the meeting is typically held at 5:00 p.m., but may occur earlier or later depending on the time spent on other portions of the agenda.
Subject: |
9.A. Board Recognitions
Presenter: |
Subject: |
9.A.1. Recognize Above the Line Winners
Subject: |
9.A.2. Recognize Texas Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association State Qualifier/Academic All State Swimming
Subject: |
9.A.3. Recognize Texas Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association Diving State Qualifer
Subject: |
9.A.4. Recognize Texas High School Association State Qualifier/Academic All State Wrestling
Subject: |
9.A.5. Recognize Texas High School Coaches Association Academic All State Football for Carroll, King and Ray High School
Subject: |
10. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION AND READING OF NON-AGENDA COMMENTS-This portion of the meeting is typically held at 6:00 p.m., or at the conclusion of the Board meeting, whichever comes first.
Subject: |
11. BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND SUPERINTENDENT REMARKS-Limited to expressions of thanks, congratulations, condolences and attendance at District events.
Subject: |