Meeting Agenda
2. ROLL CALL-Establishment of Quorum
3. INVOCATION-Dr. Maria Luisa Guerra
4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE-Dr. Maria Luisa Guerra
5. BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND SUPERINTENDENT REMARKS-Limited to expressions of thanks, congratulations, condolences and attendance at District events.
6. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION-This portion of the meeting is typically held at 6:00 p.m., but may occur earlier or later depending on the time spent on other portions of the meeting.
7. SPECIAL RECOGNITION(S)-This portion of the meeting is typically held at 5:00 p.m., but may occur earlier or later depending on the time spent on other portions of the meeting.
7.A. Board Recognition(s)
7.A.1. Recognize Academic All-State Basketball Athletes from: Mary Carroll, Foy H. Moody, W. B. Ray and Veterans Memorial High Schools
7.A.2. Recognize National Merit Scholars from: W. B. Ray and Veteran's Memorial High Schools
7.A.3. Recognize National Hispanic Scholars from: Collegiate, W. B. Ray High School and Veterans Memorial High Schools
8.A. Superintendent Board Report
Board Goal 3, Growth Progress Measure 2 Algebra 1 State STAAR May 2019 Administration Three Year Growth Comparison |
8.B. Superintendent Board Report
Board Goal 1 - Growth Progress Measure 1 I-Station's Indicators of Progress (ISIP) End of the Year Data |
8.C. Update on Bond 2014, 2016 and 2018 Projects
9.A. Consent Agenda-Operational
9.A.1. Ratification of Approval for the Purchase and Installation of Library Furniture and Shelving for New Baker and Cunningham at South Park Middle Schools-$213,215 Bond 2016
9.A.2. Approval of Purchase and Installation of SMART TVs for New Baker and Cunningham at South Park Middle Schools-$495,874 Bond 2016
9.A.3. Approval of Renewal of Malwarebytes Endpoint Security Protection License-$261,500 General Fund
9.A.4. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement for Crossing Guard Services with All City Management Services (ACMS)-$270,446 General Fund
9.A.5. Approval of Ratification of Contractual Agreement for Air and Water Cooled Chiller Annual Inspections and Preventative Maintenance-$84,430 General Fund
9.A.6. Approval of Second Award Extension for Armored Car Services-$52,000 Various Budgeted Funds
9.A.7. Approval of Contractual Agreement of Central Kitchen Refrigeration Replacement Project-$182,901 Food Services Fund
9.A.8. Approval of First Award Extension for Discount Pricing for Grounds Equipment Parts and Supplies-$191,460 General Fund
9.A.9. Approval of Bid Award for the Purchase of Districtwide Custodial Supplies-$835,000 General Fund
9.A.10. Approval of Broker of Record for Workers' Compensation Excess Insurance Coverage-$95,000 Workers' Compensation Fund
9.A.11. Approval of Award for Districtwide Copier Program-$424,856 Various Budgeted Funds
9.B. Consent Agenda-Instructional
9.B.1. Approval of Ratification of Amendment to the Contractual Agreement with Solution-$55,000 IMA Fund
9.B.2. Approval of Renewal Agreement with Education Service Center (ESC) Region 2 to Purchase Technology Multimedia Resources and Professional Services-$129,780; $2,350 SCE/$55,411 General Fund/$72,019 IMA Fund
9.B.3. Approval of Renewal with Sirius Education Solutions, LLC for Supplemental Student Reading and Language Instructional Materials-$320,390; $92,790 General Fund/$106,280 Title I/$121,320 SCE
9.B.4. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with Imagine Learning for Supplemental Mathematics Curriculum-$268,000; $134,000 Title I/$134,000 SCE
9.B.5. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with Odysseyware, Inc., for the Purchase of Odysseyware Computerized Curriculum and Professional Development Training-$208,250; $21,250 SCE/$187,000 Title I-Part D
9.B.6. Approval of Renewal with Renaissance Learning for Renaissance STAR and Accelerated Reader Materials-$174,892 IMA Fund
9.B.7. Approval of Renewal with Mentoring Minds for Supplemental Student and Teacher Instructional Materials-$138,055; $69,904 Title I/$68,152 SCE
9.B.8. Approval of Purchase with Committee for Children for Social-Emotional Learning Materials-$90,432 Title IV
9.B.9. Approval of Renewal with Voyager Sopris Learning (Language! Live) for Supplemental Instructional Materials-$184,991 SCE
9.B.10. Approval of Renewal with Eduphoria for the Instructional Management System-$134,780; $75,810 IMA Fund/$37,905 Title II Funding/$21,065 General Fund
9.B.11. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with ANACA Technologies DBA Xello formerly known as Career Cruising for Districtwide Counselors-$72,630 General Fund
9.B.12. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with Ellevation, LLC for LPAC Software-$65,546 SCE
9.B.13. Approval of Renewal with Follett School Solutions, Inc., for Library Inventory and Management Systems-$90,159 General Fund
9.B.14. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with Sharon Wells Mathematics Curriculum, Inc., for Curriculum and Professional Development Services-$181,312; $130,000 IMA Fund/$51,312 Title II, Part A
9.B.15. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with Pearlized Mathematics Consulting, LLC for Curriculum and Professional Development Services-$77,862; $67,047 IMA Fund/$10,815 Title II
9.B.16. Approval of Renewal for the Purchase of Supplemental Student Reading Assessment Materials with Imagination Station, Inc., (Istation)-$322,512; $95,765 General Fund/$226,747 SCE
9.B.17. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement to Purchase PSAT Exams from College Board-$98,744 General Fund
9.B.18. Approval of Renewal of Interlocal Agreement with Communities in Schools (CIS), Corpus Christi, Inc.-$464,527 SCE
9.B.19. Approval of Renewal with Instructure for Canvas/Practice Learning Management System-$293,505; $205,305 General Fund/$88,200 Title I
9.B.20. Approval of Printing Services with Diverse Education Resources for Instructional Materials for 2019-2020 School Year-$600,000; $552,735 General Fund/$47,265 IMA Fund
9.C. Approval of 2018-2019 Budget Amendments
9.D. Approval of Board Policy DEC (Local) - Compensation and Benefits: Leaves and Absences
9.E. Approval of Minutes
9.E.1. May 20, 2019: Rescheduled Regular Board Meeting
10.A. Approval to Submit the Low Attendance Days Waiver to the Texas Education Agency for May 10, 2019 (Campuses)
10.B. Approval to Submit the Low Attendance Days Waiver to the Texas Education Agency for May 22, 2019 (Ray HS)
11. CALENDAR - This item has been added to the agenda to provide an opportunity to set dates for student and/or teacher hearings or to bring to the Board's attention other special dates.
11.A. June 20 thru July 5, 2019: Summer Break-Administration
11.B. July 4, 2019: Independence Day, Districtwide Holiday
11.C. July 22, 2019: Curriculum and Students Committee Meeting at 2:30 p.m.
11.D. July 22, 2019: Regular Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m.
11.E. August 5, 2019: New Teacher Orientation at King HS
11.F. August 8, 2019: Summer Graduation at Veterans Memorial High School Auditorium at 6:00 p.m.
11.G. August 12, 2019: Fiscal Management Committee Meeting at 2:30 p.m.
11.H. August 12, 2019: Regular Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m.
11.I. August 26, 2019: Curriculum and Students Committee Meeting at 2:30 p.m.
11.J. August 26, 2019: Regular Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m.
12.A. Matters which the Board may Discuss in Closed Session and upon which Action may be taken in Open Session:
12.A.1. Legal Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.071]
12.A.1.a. Receive legal advice related to any listed agenda item.
12.A.1.b. Receive legal advice related to communications, oral or written, received by the Superintendent, a Board Member, and/or another District employee or officer containing allegations which, if true, might subject the District to legal risk.
12.A.1.c. Receive legal advice related to status of pending or contemplated litigation and other legal proceedings.
12.A.1.d. Receive legal advice related to board policies and board operating procedures, including board member request for information about district procedures protected by attorney client privilege.
12.A.2. Personnel Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.074]
12.A.2.a. Matters relating to the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of various central office personnel and/or a public officer, including a school district trustee.
12.A.2.b. Matters relating to the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of various field personnel.
12.A.2.c. Matters relating to a charge or complaint brought against a District employee or public officer, including a school district trustee.
12.A.3. Real Estate Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.072]
12.A.3.a. Discussion and possible action relating to site selection/land acquisition for possible construction site, to the extent discussions would have a detrimental effect on the position of CCISD in negotiations with third parties. [Government Code, Section 551.072]
12.A.3.b. Discuss and take possible action to adopt a resolution declaring surplus property and to ratify and/or approve the contract for the sale of such property. [Government Code, Section 551.071]
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 10, 2019 at 3:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
2. ROLL CALL-Establishment of Quorum
Subject: |
3. INVOCATION-Dr. Maria Luisa Guerra
Subject: |
4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE-Dr. Maria Luisa Guerra
Subject: |
5. BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND SUPERINTENDENT REMARKS-Limited to expressions of thanks, congratulations, condolences and attendance at District events.
Subject: |
6. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION-This portion of the meeting is typically held at 6:00 p.m., but may occur earlier or later depending on the time spent on other portions of the meeting.
Subject: |
7. SPECIAL RECOGNITION(S)-This portion of the meeting is typically held at 5:00 p.m., but may occur earlier or later depending on the time spent on other portions of the meeting.
Subject: |
7.A. Board Recognition(s)
Presenter: |
Subject: |
7.A.1. Recognize Academic All-State Basketball Athletes from: Mary Carroll, Foy H. Moody, W. B. Ray and Veterans Memorial High Schools
Subject: |
7.A.2. Recognize National Merit Scholars from: W. B. Ray and Veteran's Memorial High Schools
Subject: |
7.A.3. Recognize National Hispanic Scholars from: Collegiate, W. B. Ray High School and Veterans Memorial High Schools
Subject: |
Subject: |
8.A. Superintendent Board Report
Board Goal 3, Growth Progress Measure 2 Algebra 1 State STAAR May 2019 Administration Three Year Growth Comparison |
Presenter: |
Subject: |
8.B. Superintendent Board Report
Board Goal 1 - Growth Progress Measure 1 I-Station's Indicators of Progress (ISIP) End of the Year Data |
Presenter: |
Subject: |
8.C. Update on Bond 2014, 2016 and 2018 Projects
Presenter: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
9.A. Consent Agenda-Operational
Presenter: |
Subject: |
9.A.1. Ratification of Approval for the Purchase and Installation of Library Furniture and Shelving for New Baker and Cunningham at South Park Middle Schools-$213,215 Bond 2016
Subject: |
9.A.2. Approval of Purchase and Installation of SMART TVs for New Baker and Cunningham at South Park Middle Schools-$495,874 Bond 2016
Subject: |
9.A.3. Approval of Renewal of Malwarebytes Endpoint Security Protection License-$261,500 General Fund
Subject: |
9.A.4. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement for Crossing Guard Services with All City Management Services (ACMS)-$270,446 General Fund
Subject: |
9.A.5. Approval of Ratification of Contractual Agreement for Air and Water Cooled Chiller Annual Inspections and Preventative Maintenance-$84,430 General Fund
Subject: |
9.A.6. Approval of Second Award Extension for Armored Car Services-$52,000 Various Budgeted Funds
Subject: |
9.A.7. Approval of Contractual Agreement of Central Kitchen Refrigeration Replacement Project-$182,901 Food Services Fund
Subject: |
9.A.8. Approval of First Award Extension for Discount Pricing for Grounds Equipment Parts and Supplies-$191,460 General Fund
Subject: |
9.A.9. Approval of Bid Award for the Purchase of Districtwide Custodial Supplies-$835,000 General Fund
Subject: |
9.A.10. Approval of Broker of Record for Workers' Compensation Excess Insurance Coverage-$95,000 Workers' Compensation Fund
Subject: |
9.A.11. Approval of Award for Districtwide Copier Program-$424,856 Various Budgeted Funds
Subject: |
9.B. Consent Agenda-Instructional
Presenter: |
Subject: |
9.B.1. Approval of Ratification of Amendment to the Contractual Agreement with Solution-$55,000 IMA Fund
Subject: |
9.B.2. Approval of Renewal Agreement with Education Service Center (ESC) Region 2 to Purchase Technology Multimedia Resources and Professional Services-$129,780; $2,350 SCE/$55,411 General Fund/$72,019 IMA Fund
Subject: |
9.B.3. Approval of Renewal with Sirius Education Solutions, LLC for Supplemental Student Reading and Language Instructional Materials-$320,390; $92,790 General Fund/$106,280 Title I/$121,320 SCE
Subject: |
9.B.4. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with Imagine Learning for Supplemental Mathematics Curriculum-$268,000; $134,000 Title I/$134,000 SCE
Subject: |
9.B.5. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with Odysseyware, Inc., for the Purchase of Odysseyware Computerized Curriculum and Professional Development Training-$208,250; $21,250 SCE/$187,000 Title I-Part D
Subject: |
9.B.6. Approval of Renewal with Renaissance Learning for Renaissance STAR and Accelerated Reader Materials-$174,892 IMA Fund
Subject: |
9.B.7. Approval of Renewal with Mentoring Minds for Supplemental Student and Teacher Instructional Materials-$138,055; $69,904 Title I/$68,152 SCE
Subject: |
9.B.8. Approval of Purchase with Committee for Children for Social-Emotional Learning Materials-$90,432 Title IV
Subject: |
9.B.9. Approval of Renewal with Voyager Sopris Learning (Language! Live) for Supplemental Instructional Materials-$184,991 SCE
Subject: |
9.B.10. Approval of Renewal with Eduphoria for the Instructional Management System-$134,780; $75,810 IMA Fund/$37,905 Title II Funding/$21,065 General Fund
Subject: |
9.B.11. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with ANACA Technologies DBA Xello formerly known as Career Cruising for Districtwide Counselors-$72,630 General Fund
Subject: |
9.B.12. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with Ellevation, LLC for LPAC Software-$65,546 SCE
Subject: |
9.B.13. Approval of Renewal with Follett School Solutions, Inc., for Library Inventory and Management Systems-$90,159 General Fund
Subject: |
9.B.14. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with Sharon Wells Mathematics Curriculum, Inc., for Curriculum and Professional Development Services-$181,312; $130,000 IMA Fund/$51,312 Title II, Part A
Subject: |
9.B.15. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement with Pearlized Mathematics Consulting, LLC for Curriculum and Professional Development Services-$77,862; $67,047 IMA Fund/$10,815 Title II
Subject: |
9.B.16. Approval of Renewal for the Purchase of Supplemental Student Reading Assessment Materials with Imagination Station, Inc., (Istation)-$322,512; $95,765 General Fund/$226,747 SCE
Subject: |
9.B.17. Approval of Renewal of Contractual Agreement to Purchase PSAT Exams from College Board-$98,744 General Fund
Subject: |
9.B.18. Approval of Renewal of Interlocal Agreement with Communities in Schools (CIS), Corpus Christi, Inc.-$464,527 SCE
Subject: |
9.B.19. Approval of Renewal with Instructure for Canvas/Practice Learning Management System-$293,505; $205,305 General Fund/$88,200 Title I
Subject: |
9.B.20. Approval of Printing Services with Diverse Education Resources for Instructional Materials for 2019-2020 School Year-$600,000; $552,735 General Fund/$47,265 IMA Fund
Subject: |
9.C. Approval of 2018-2019 Budget Amendments
Presenter: |
Subject: |
9.D. Approval of Board Policy DEC (Local) - Compensation and Benefits: Leaves and Absences
Presenter: |
Subject: |
9.E. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
9.E.1. May 20, 2019: Rescheduled Regular Board Meeting
Subject: |
Subject: |
10.A. Approval to Submit the Low Attendance Days Waiver to the Texas Education Agency for May 10, 2019 (Campuses)
Presenter: |
Subject: |
10.B. Approval to Submit the Low Attendance Days Waiver to the Texas Education Agency for May 22, 2019 (Ray HS)
Presenter: |
Subject: |
11. CALENDAR - This item has been added to the agenda to provide an opportunity to set dates for student and/or teacher hearings or to bring to the Board's attention other special dates.
Subject: |
11.A. June 20 thru July 5, 2019: Summer Break-Administration
Subject: |
11.B. July 4, 2019: Independence Day, Districtwide Holiday
Subject: |
11.C. July 22, 2019: Curriculum and Students Committee Meeting at 2:30 p.m.
Subject: |
11.D. July 22, 2019: Regular Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m.
Subject: |
11.E. August 5, 2019: New Teacher Orientation at King HS
Subject: |
11.F. August 8, 2019: Summer Graduation at Veterans Memorial High School Auditorium at 6:00 p.m.
Subject: |
11.G. August 12, 2019: Fiscal Management Committee Meeting at 2:30 p.m.
Subject: |
11.H. August 12, 2019: Regular Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m.
Subject: |
11.I. August 26, 2019: Curriculum and Students Committee Meeting at 2:30 p.m.
Subject: |
11.J. August 26, 2019: Regular Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m.
Subject: |
Subject: |
12.A. Matters which the Board may Discuss in Closed Session and upon which Action may be taken in Open Session:
Subject: |
12.A.1. Legal Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.071]
Subject: |
12.A.1.a. Receive legal advice related to any listed agenda item.
Subject: |
12.A.1.b. Receive legal advice related to communications, oral or written, received by the Superintendent, a Board Member, and/or another District employee or officer containing allegations which, if true, might subject the District to legal risk.
Subject: |
12.A.1.c. Receive legal advice related to status of pending or contemplated litigation and other legal proceedings.
Subject: |
12.A.1.d. Receive legal advice related to board policies and board operating procedures, including board member request for information about district procedures protected by attorney client privilege.
Subject: |
12.A.2. Personnel Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.074]
Subject: |
12.A.2.a. Matters relating to the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of various central office personnel and/or a public officer, including a school district trustee.
Subject: |
12.A.2.b. Matters relating to the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of various field personnel.
Subject: |
12.A.2.c. Matters relating to a charge or complaint brought against a District employee or public officer, including a school district trustee.
Subject: |
12.A.3. Real Estate Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.072]
Subject: |
12.A.3.a. Discussion and possible action relating to site selection/land acquisition for possible construction site, to the extent discussions would have a detrimental effect on the position of CCISD in negotiations with third parties. [Government Code, Section 551.072]
Subject: |
12.A.3.b. Discuss and take possible action to adopt a resolution declaring surplus property and to ratify and/or approve the contract for the sale of such property. [Government Code, Section 551.071]
Subject: |