Meeting Agenda
2. ROLL CALL - Establishment of Quorum
3. INVOCATION - Mr. R. Xavier Gonzalez
4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mr. R. Xavier Gonzalez
5. BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND SUPERINTENDENT REMARKS - Including, but not limited to, expressions of thanks, congratulations, and/or condolences; and status of, and/or reports on, district events
6. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION - This portion of the meeting is typically held at 6:00 p.m., but may occur earlier or later depending on the time spent on other portions of the meeting.
7. SPECIAL PRESENTATION(S) - This portion of the meeting is typically held at 5:00 p.m., but may occur earlier or later depending on the time spent on other portions of the meeting.
7.A. Board Recognition(s)
7.A.1. Donna Hohn and the Office of Finance
8.A. A Public Hearing for the Purpose of Receiving Public Comments on the Proposed 2014-2015 General Operating, Food Service, Debt Service Budgets and 5 Additional Special Revenue Funds, and Any Other Related Actions Necessary to Effectuate Same
8.A.1. Public Comment(s)
8.A.2. Adoption of 2014-2015 General Operating, Food Service, and Debt Service Budgets and 5 Additional Special Revenue Funds, and Any Other Related Actions Necessary to Effectuate Same
8.A.3. Adoption of Order Setting the Tax Rate and Levying Taxes for 2014-2015, and Any Other Related Actions Necessary to Effectuate Same
8.B. Public Hearing for the Purpose of Receiving Public Comments on the District Response to the Texas Education Agency's Report Regarding the Bilingual/ESL, Special Education, and Residential Facilities Programs
8.B.1. Public Comment(s)
8.B.2. Approval to Submit the District Response to the Texas Education Agency's Report Regarding the Bilingual/ESL, Special Education, and Residential Facilities Programs
9.A. Consent Agenda
9.A.1. Approval of Purchase of Lighting Equipment for the Athletic Fields at Veterans Memorial High School
9.A.2. Approval of Change Order to Reduce the Purchase and Installation of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Units at Twenty-Three Locations Costs by Unused Balances
9.A.3. Approval of Interlocal Agreement with Communities in Schools of the Coastal Bend
9.A.4. Approval of Second and Final Award Extension for Excess Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage
9.A.5. Approval of Renewal for Special Education Student Management System
9.A.6. Approval of Renewal of Agreement with Education Service Center (ESC) Region 20 to Purchase a Subscription of Digital Knowledge Central and K-12 Information Databases for District Students, K-12
9.A.7. Approval of Renewal of On-Line Credit Recovery Program Edgenuity for Various Campuses Districtwide
9.A.8. Approval of Agreement with Education Service Center (ESC) Region 2 to Purchase Technology and Professional Services
9.A.9. Approval of Contractual Agreement to Purchase AIMSweb Pro Mathetmatic K-2
9.B. Approval of 2013-2014 Budget Amendments
9.C. Approval of July 2014 Near Final Financial Statements
9.D. Approval of Board Policy EC (LOCAL) - School Day (Second Reading)
9.E. Approval of Board Policy EHDC (LOCAL) - Alternative Methods for Earning Credit, Credit by Examination without Prior Instruction (Second Reading)
9.F. Approval of Board Policy EIE (LOCAL) - Academic Achievement, Retention and Promotion (Second Reading)
9.G. Approval of Board Policy EIF (LOCAL) - Academic Achievement Graduation (Second Reading)
9.H. Approval of Minutes
9.H.1. August 11, 2014: Regular Meeting
10.A. Approval for Renewal of Teacher Data Portal of the Texas Assessment Management System Waiver to Use Eduphoria Portal in Lieu of Teacher Data Portal
11. CALENDAR - This item has been added to the agenda to provide an opportunity to set dates for student and/or teacher hearings or to bring to the Board's attention other special dates.
11.A. September 1, 2014: Labor Day Holiday (Districtwide Holiday)
11.B. September 8, 2014: Fiscal Management Committee Meeting at 2:30 p.m.
11.C. September 8, 2014: Regular Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m.
11.D. September 22, 2014: Regular Board Meeting
12.A. Matters which the Board may discuss in Closed Session and upon which action may be taken in Open Session:
12.A.1. Legal Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.071].
12.A.1.a. Receive legal advice related to any listed agenda item.
12.A.1.b. Receive legal advice related to communications, oral or written, received by the Superintendent, a Board Member, and/or another District employee or officer containing allegations which, if true, might subject the District to legal risk.
12.A.1.c. Receive legal advice related to board policies and board operating procedures.
12.A.2. Personnel Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.074].
12.A.2.a. Matters relating to the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of various central office personnel.
12.A.2.b. Matters relating to the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of various field personnel.
12.A.2.c. Matters relating to a complaint or charge brought against an employee by another employee.
12.A.2.d. Consider and take possible action to give notice of proposed discharge of two continuing contract teachers for good cause as determined by the board, good cause being the failure to meet the accepted standards of conduct for the profession as generally recognized and applied in similarly situated school districts in the State.
13. FUTURE BOARD AGENDA ITEM(S) - This item has been added to this agenda to provide an opportunity for Board Members to request the placement of agenda items at upcoming Board meetings.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 25, 2014 at 3:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
2. ROLL CALL - Establishment of Quorum
Subject: |
3. INVOCATION - Mr. R. Xavier Gonzalez
Subject: |
4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mr. R. Xavier Gonzalez
Subject: |
5. BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND SUPERINTENDENT REMARKS - Including, but not limited to, expressions of thanks, congratulations, and/or condolences; and status of, and/or reports on, district events
Subject: |
6. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION - This portion of the meeting is typically held at 6:00 p.m., but may occur earlier or later depending on the time spent on other portions of the meeting.
Subject: |
7. SPECIAL PRESENTATION(S) - This portion of the meeting is typically held at 5:00 p.m., but may occur earlier or later depending on the time spent on other portions of the meeting.
Subject: |
7.A. Board Recognition(s)
Presenter: |
Subject: |
7.A.1. Donna Hohn and the Office of Finance
Subject: |
Subject: |
8.A. A Public Hearing for the Purpose of Receiving Public Comments on the Proposed 2014-2015 General Operating, Food Service, Debt Service Budgets and 5 Additional Special Revenue Funds, and Any Other Related Actions Necessary to Effectuate Same
Presenter: |
Subject: |
8.A.1. Public Comment(s)
Subject: |
8.A.2. Adoption of 2014-2015 General Operating, Food Service, and Debt Service Budgets and 5 Additional Special Revenue Funds, and Any Other Related Actions Necessary to Effectuate Same
Presenter: |
Subject: |
8.A.3. Adoption of Order Setting the Tax Rate and Levying Taxes for 2014-2015, and Any Other Related Actions Necessary to Effectuate Same
Presenter: |
Subject: |
8.B. Public Hearing for the Purpose of Receiving Public Comments on the District Response to the Texas Education Agency's Report Regarding the Bilingual/ESL, Special Education, and Residential Facilities Programs
Presenter: |
Subject: |
8.B.1. Public Comment(s)
Subject: |
8.B.2. Approval to Submit the District Response to the Texas Education Agency's Report Regarding the Bilingual/ESL, Special Education, and Residential Facilities Programs
Presenter: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
9.A. Consent Agenda
Presenter: |
Subject: |
9.A.1. Approval of Purchase of Lighting Equipment for the Athletic Fields at Veterans Memorial High School
Subject: |
9.A.2. Approval of Change Order to Reduce the Purchase and Installation of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Units at Twenty-Three Locations Costs by Unused Balances
Subject: |
9.A.3. Approval of Interlocal Agreement with Communities in Schools of the Coastal Bend
Subject: |
9.A.4. Approval of Second and Final Award Extension for Excess Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage
Subject: |
9.A.5. Approval of Renewal for Special Education Student Management System
Subject: |
9.A.6. Approval of Renewal of Agreement with Education Service Center (ESC) Region 20 to Purchase a Subscription of Digital Knowledge Central and K-12 Information Databases for District Students, K-12
Subject: |
9.A.7. Approval of Renewal of On-Line Credit Recovery Program Edgenuity for Various Campuses Districtwide
Subject: |
9.A.8. Approval of Agreement with Education Service Center (ESC) Region 2 to Purchase Technology and Professional Services
Subject: |
9.A.9. Approval of Contractual Agreement to Purchase AIMSweb Pro Mathetmatic K-2
Subject: |
9.B. Approval of 2013-2014 Budget Amendments
Presenter: |
Subject: |
9.C. Approval of July 2014 Near Final Financial Statements
Presenter: |
Subject: |
9.D. Approval of Board Policy EC (LOCAL) - School Day (Second Reading)
Subject: |
9.E. Approval of Board Policy EHDC (LOCAL) - Alternative Methods for Earning Credit, Credit by Examination without Prior Instruction (Second Reading)
Subject: |
9.F. Approval of Board Policy EIE (LOCAL) - Academic Achievement, Retention and Promotion (Second Reading)
Subject: |
9.G. Approval of Board Policy EIF (LOCAL) - Academic Achievement Graduation (Second Reading)
Subject: |
9.H. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
9.H.1. August 11, 2014: Regular Meeting
Subject: |
Subject: |
10.A. Approval for Renewal of Teacher Data Portal of the Texas Assessment Management System Waiver to Use Eduphoria Portal in Lieu of Teacher Data Portal
Presenter: |
Subject: |
11. CALENDAR - This item has been added to the agenda to provide an opportunity to set dates for student and/or teacher hearings or to bring to the Board's attention other special dates.
Subject: |
11.A. September 1, 2014: Labor Day Holiday (Districtwide Holiday)
Subject: |
11.B. September 8, 2014: Fiscal Management Committee Meeting at 2:30 p.m.
Subject: |
11.C. September 8, 2014: Regular Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m.
Subject: |
11.D. September 22, 2014: Regular Board Meeting
Subject: |
Subject: |
12.A. Matters which the Board may discuss in Closed Session and upon which action may be taken in Open Session:
Subject: |
12.A.1. Legal Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.071].
Subject: |
12.A.1.a. Receive legal advice related to any listed agenda item.
Subject: |
12.A.1.b. Receive legal advice related to communications, oral or written, received by the Superintendent, a Board Member, and/or another District employee or officer containing allegations which, if true, might subject the District to legal risk.
Subject: |
12.A.1.c. Receive legal advice related to board policies and board operating procedures.
Subject: |
12.A.2. Personnel Matters: [Government Code, Section 551.074].
Subject: |
12.A.2.a. Matters relating to the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of various central office personnel.
Subject: |
12.A.2.b. Matters relating to the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of various field personnel.
Subject: |
12.A.2.c. Matters relating to a complaint or charge brought against an employee by another employee.
Subject: |
12.A.2.d. Consider and take possible action to give notice of proposed discharge of two continuing contract teachers for good cause as determined by the board, good cause being the failure to meet the accepted standards of conduct for the profession as generally recognized and applied in similarly situated school districts in the State.
Subject: |
13. FUTURE BOARD AGENDA ITEM(S) - This item has been added to this agenda to provide an opportunity for Board Members to request the placement of agenda items at upcoming Board meetings.
Subject: |