Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order, Quorum Determination, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer
2. Student Commendations
2.A. Kara Fiolek - 4-H Shooting Sports
2.C. Crockett Bulldogs-Area Champions
3. Public Comments
4. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda
4.A. Investment Report
5. Superintendent's Report
5.A. Friends of Texas Public Schools
5.B. Little Dribblers
5.C. Powell & Leon Consulting Services for RTF (Serenity Place)
5.D. Other Items as Needed
6. Continuing Education Credit (CEC) Board Training Report
7. Consider Approval of Resolution Concerning Issues With an A-F Accountability Rating System for Texas Public Schools
8. Consider Approval of a Voluntary Pre-Audit of Special Programs
9. Executive Session
551.074 Discussing personnel; deliberate the appointment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee; or discussion on contracted services |
10. Consider Approval of Personnel Recommendations: Elections, Resignations, Remunerations, etc.
11. Adjournment
12. Minutes of the Previous Meetings
13. Bills and Budget Comparison
14. Consider Approval of Disposal of Retired/Obsolete/Nonfunctioning I.T. Assets
15. Consider Approval of Resolution Calling on the Texas Legislature to Remove the Unfair Penalty For Small Schools With Less Than 300 Square Miles
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 19, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order, Quorum Determination, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer
Subject: |
2. Student Commendations
Subject: |
2.A. Kara Fiolek - 4-H Shooting Sports
Subject: |
Subject: |
2.C. Crockett Bulldogs-Area Champions
Subject: |
3. Public Comments
(Members of the audience who have filled out and given to the Secretary a Request for Audience Comments will have an opportunity to address the Board of Trustees on any appropriate subject)
Subject: |
4. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda
Subject: |
4.A. Investment Report
Subject: |
5. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
5.A. Friends of Texas Public Schools
Subject: |
5.B. Little Dribblers
Subject: |
5.C. Powell & Leon Consulting Services for RTF (Serenity Place)
Subject: |
5.D. Other Items as Needed
Subject: |
6. Continuing Education Credit (CEC) Board Training Report
Subject: |
7. Consider Approval of Resolution Concerning Issues With an A-F Accountability Rating System for Texas Public Schools
Subject: |
8. Consider Approval of a Voluntary Pre-Audit of Special Programs
Subject: |
9. Executive Session
551.074 Discussing personnel; deliberate the appointment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee; or discussion on contracted services |
Subject: |
10. Consider Approval of Personnel Recommendations: Elections, Resignations, Remunerations, etc.
Subject: |
11. Adjournment
Subject: |
12. Minutes of the Previous Meetings
Subject: |
13. Bills and Budget Comparison
Subject: |
14. Consider Approval of Disposal of Retired/Obsolete/Nonfunctioning I.T. Assets
Subject: |
15. Consider Approval of Resolution Calling on the Texas Legislature to Remove the Unfair Penalty For Small Schools With Less Than 300 Square Miles