Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order, Quorum Determination, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer
2. Student Commendations
3. Public Comments
4. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda
4.A. Minutes of the Previous Meetings
4.B. Bills and Budget Comparison
4.C. Investment Report
4.D. Budget Amendment #2
5. Superintendent's Report
5.A. School Board Recognition Month - "Follow the Leader"
5.B. Local Grant Program Update
6. Consider Approval of District Improvement Plan for 2010-2011
7. Consider Approval of Resolution Regarding Early Voting Polling Place
8. Consider Approval of Surplus Property Disposal (Vehicles)
9. Consider Approval of TASB Update 89, Affecting Local Policies
9.A. CKB (Local) Safety Program/Risk Management Accident Prevention and Reports
9.B. EEJA (Local) Individualized Learning Credit by Examination with Prior Instruction
9.C. EEJB (Local) Individualized Learning Credit by Examination without Prior Instruction
9.D. EEJC (Local) Individualized Learning Correspondence Courses
9.E. EHDC (Local) Alternative Methods for Earning Credit-Credit by Examination without Prior Instruction
9.F. EHDD (Local) Alternative Methods for Earning Credit College Course Work/Dual Credit
9.G. EHDE (Local) Alternative Methods for Earning Credit Distance Learning
9.H. FD (Local) Admissions
10. Executive Session per Texas Government Code 551.074
Discussion of the Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract |
11. Consideration and Board Action, if any, regarding the Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract
12. Adjournment
13. EHDB (Local) Alternative Methods for Earning Credit-Credit by Examination with Prior Instruction
14. Return to Open Session
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 24, 2011 at 5:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order, Quorum Determination, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer
Subject: |
2. Student Commendations
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3. Public Comments
(Members of the audience who have filled out and given to the Secretary a Request for Audience Comments will have an opportunity to address the Board of Trustees on any appropriate subject)
Subject: |
4. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda
Subject: |
4.A. Minutes of the Previous Meetings
Subject: |
4.B. Bills and Budget Comparison
Subject: |
4.C. Investment Report
Subject: |
4.D. Budget Amendment #2
Subject: |
5. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
5.A. School Board Recognition Month - "Follow the Leader"
Subject: |
5.B. Local Grant Program Update
Subject: |
6. Consider Approval of District Improvement Plan for 2010-2011
Subject: |
7. Consider Approval of Resolution Regarding Early Voting Polling Place
Subject: |
8. Consider Approval of Surplus Property Disposal (Vehicles)
Subject: |
9. Consider Approval of TASB Update 89, Affecting Local Policies
Subject: |
9.A. CKB (Local) Safety Program/Risk Management Accident Prevention and Reports
Subject: |
9.B. EEJA (Local) Individualized Learning Credit by Examination with Prior Instruction
Subject: |
9.C. EEJB (Local) Individualized Learning Credit by Examination without Prior Instruction
Subject: |
9.D. EEJC (Local) Individualized Learning Correspondence Courses
Subject: |
9.E. EHDC (Local) Alternative Methods for Earning Credit-Credit by Examination without Prior Instruction
Subject: |
9.F. EHDD (Local) Alternative Methods for Earning Credit College Course Work/Dual Credit
Subject: |
9.G. EHDE (Local) Alternative Methods for Earning Credit Distance Learning
Subject: |
9.H. FD (Local) Admissions
Subject: |
10. Executive Session per Texas Government Code 551.074
Discussion of the Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract |
Subject: |
11. Consideration and Board Action, if any, regarding the Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract
Subject: |
12. Adjournment
Subject: |
13. EHDB (Local) Alternative Methods for Earning Credit-Credit by Examination with Prior Instruction
Subject: |
14. Return to Open Session