Meeting Agenda
I. CALL TO ORDER Announcement of Quorum, Notice of Meeting Posting.
IV.A. Consider approval of Board Minutes for September 2024. - Louan Powers
IV.B. Consider approval of Tax Collection Reports through August 2024. - Michael Carrales
IV.C. Consider approval of the Fourth Quarter Investment Report ending August 2024. - Michael Carrales
IV.D. Consider approval of the formal record of action of the resolution to amend and restate the Southside ISD 403(b) Plan. - Michael Carrales
IV.E. Consider approval of the formal record of action of the resolution to amend and restate the Southside ISD 457(b) Plan. - Michael Carrales
IV.F. Consider approval of the formal record of action of the resolution to amend and restate the Southside ISD FICA Alternative Plan. - Michael Carrales
IV.G. Consider approval of executing an agreement(s) with Presence Learning, Inc. and Next Level Speech Therapy, P.C. on an as-needed basis. - Dan Garza/Dr. Ernesto Salinas
IV.H. Consider approval to utilize GSA, TIPS, HCDE/CP, Allied States, ESC7, Epic 6, Epic 7, BuyBoard, E&I, DIR, HGAC, Omnia Partners, GoodBuy, SETX, Sourcewill, 1GPA, TXMAS, Equalis, Edtech, Choice Partners, and ESC20 Cooperative Agencies for FY2024-2025 on an as-needed basis for various departments. - Dan Garza
IV.I. Consider approval of School District Teaching Permit for Non-Core Career & Technology Education (CTE) courses. - Marybel Flores
IV.J. Consider approval of an in-kind donation exceeding $5,000.00. - Sylvia Rincon
V.A. Presentation: Campus/Student VIP Award winners - Sylvia Rincon/Alejandra Gallego
V.B. Presentation: September award for the highest percentage of attendance for the first six weeks of 2024-2025. - Corina Sanchez
V.C. Presentation: Optimizing SHARS Billing: An Exploration for Direct Service Billing - Dr. Ernesto Salinas
V.D. Presentation: Annual Bilingual/ESL Program Evaluation - Melissa Martinez
V.E. Presentation: Student Achievement and Progress - Dr. Jodi Spoor/Miguel Castillo
V.F. Information: Review of Financial Statements for September 2024 - Michael Carrales
VI.A. Action
VI.A.1. Discuss and consider approval of Clarity Services - Miguel Castillo/Dr. Ernesto Salinas/
VII. CLOSED MEETING The Board will adjourn to Closed Meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.071, 551.074, and, 551.129 to consider the following:
VII.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, discussion regarding board member duties, roles, and responsibilities.
VII.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 and 551.129 consultation with legal counsel concerning legal issues related to 1st Amendment to Health Center Service Agreement to amend the terms of the existing agreement.
VII.C. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071, attorney consultation regarding legal issues related to the possible proposed termination of a term contract employee during the contract period for good cause.
VII.D. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, consider and discuss issues related to the possible proposed termination of a term contract employee during the contract period for good cause.
The Board will consider and take action if necessary on items considered in Closed Meeting |
VIII.A. Consider and take possible action regarding the approval of the 1st Amendment to Health Center Service Agreement to amend the terms of the agreement.
VIII.B. Consider and take possible action regarding Superintendent’s recommendation to propose termination of a term contract employee during the contract period for good cause.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. CALL TO ORDER Announcement of Quorum, Notice of Meeting Posting.
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IV.A. Consider approval of Board Minutes for September 2024. - Louan Powers
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IV.B. Consider approval of Tax Collection Reports through August 2024. - Michael Carrales
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IV.C. Consider approval of the Fourth Quarter Investment Report ending August 2024. - Michael Carrales
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IV.D. Consider approval of the formal record of action of the resolution to amend and restate the Southside ISD 403(b) Plan. - Michael Carrales
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IV.E. Consider approval of the formal record of action of the resolution to amend and restate the Southside ISD 457(b) Plan. - Michael Carrales
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IV.F. Consider approval of the formal record of action of the resolution to amend and restate the Southside ISD FICA Alternative Plan. - Michael Carrales
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IV.G. Consider approval of executing an agreement(s) with Presence Learning, Inc. and Next Level Speech Therapy, P.C. on an as-needed basis. - Dan Garza/Dr. Ernesto Salinas
Subject: |
IV.H. Consider approval to utilize GSA, TIPS, HCDE/CP, Allied States, ESC7, Epic 6, Epic 7, BuyBoard, E&I, DIR, HGAC, Omnia Partners, GoodBuy, SETX, Sourcewill, 1GPA, TXMAS, Equalis, Edtech, Choice Partners, and ESC20 Cooperative Agencies for FY2024-2025 on an as-needed basis for various departments. - Dan Garza
Subject: |
IV.I. Consider approval of School District Teaching Permit for Non-Core Career & Technology Education (CTE) courses. - Marybel Flores
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IV.J. Consider approval of an in-kind donation exceeding $5,000.00. - Sylvia Rincon
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V.A. Presentation: Campus/Student VIP Award winners - Sylvia Rincon/Alejandra Gallego
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V.B. Presentation: September award for the highest percentage of attendance for the first six weeks of 2024-2025. - Corina Sanchez
Subject: |
V.C. Presentation: Optimizing SHARS Billing: An Exploration for Direct Service Billing - Dr. Ernesto Salinas
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V.D. Presentation: Annual Bilingual/ESL Program Evaluation - Melissa Martinez
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V.E. Presentation: Student Achievement and Progress - Dr. Jodi Spoor/Miguel Castillo
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V.F. Information: Review of Financial Statements for September 2024 - Michael Carrales
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VI.A. Action
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VI.A.1. Discuss and consider approval of Clarity Services - Miguel Castillo/Dr. Ernesto Salinas/
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VII. CLOSED MEETING The Board will adjourn to Closed Meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.071, 551.074, and, 551.129 to consider the following:
Subject: |
VII.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, discussion regarding board member duties, roles, and responsibilities.
Subject: |
VII.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 and 551.129 consultation with legal counsel concerning legal issues related to 1st Amendment to Health Center Service Agreement to amend the terms of the existing agreement.
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VII.C. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071, attorney consultation regarding legal issues related to the possible proposed termination of a term contract employee during the contract period for good cause.
Subject: |
VII.D. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, consider and discuss issues related to the possible proposed termination of a term contract employee during the contract period for good cause.
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The Board will consider and take action if necessary on items considered in Closed Meeting |
Subject: |
VIII.A. Consider and take possible action regarding the approval of the 1st Amendment to Health Center Service Agreement to amend the terms of the agreement.
Subject: |
VIII.B. Consider and take possible action regarding Superintendent’s recommendation to propose termination of a term contract employee during the contract period for good cause.
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