Meeting Agenda
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Invocation
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Recognition of students, employees, board members and/or patrons for outstanding
service/achievement |
5.A. Lion Leaders
5.B. "Paws"-itive Leadership
5.C. Circle of Champions
5.D. Academic Scholars
5.E. Athletic Scholars
5.F. Extracurricular Scholars
5.G. Staff Recognition
6. Public comments-agenda items only
7. Discussion Items
7.A. April 1, 2025 TASB School Board training @ DHS
7.B. DHS Greenhouse Project
7.C. Intruder Detection Audit
8. Report Agenda as follows:
8.A. Monthly financial report for period ending January 31, 2025
8.B. Student Enrollment
8.C. Board training opportunities
9. Consent Agenda as follows:
9.A. Minutes from previous meeting(s)
10. Accept and approve Certification of Unopposed Candidates
11. Consider and act on Order of Cancellation of general trustee election and declare unopposed candidates elected
12. Consider TASB Policy Update 124
12.A. (LEGAL) policies
12.B. (LOCAL) policies
12.B.1. CAA(LOCAL) - Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives - Financial Ethics
12.B.2. CDA(LOCAL) - Other Revenues - Investments
12.B.3. CY(LOCAL) - Intellectual Property
12.B.4. DH(LOCAL) - Employee Standards of Conduct
12.B.5. EHB(LOCAL) - Curriculum Design - Special Programs
12.B.6. EHBB(LOCAL) - Special Programs - Gifted and Talented Students
12.B.7. FFG(LOCAL) - Student Welfare - Child Abuse and Neglect
12.B.8. GKA(LOCAL) - Community Relations - Conduct on School Premises
13. Consider and act on amendment to the Dublin ISD District of Innovation Plan
14. Consider and act on 2025-2026 School Calendar
15. Consider and act on Memorandum of Understanding between Teachworthy and Dublin Independent School District
16. Closed Session in accordance with the following:
16.A. Sec. 551.074 Personnel Matters
16.A.1. to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee
16.A.1.a. Teacher(s)
16.A.1.b. Teacher/Coach(es)
16.A.1.c. Teacher/Assistant Band Director
16.A.1.d. Nurse, R.N.
16.A.1.e. Educational Diagnostician(s)
16.A.1.f. Teacher/Athletic Trainer
17. Consider and act on Superintendent's recommendations regarding continued employment of employees currently under term contract with the District as follows:
17.A. Teacher(s)
17.B. Teacher/Coach(es)
17.C. Nurse, R.N.
17.D. Educational Diagnostician(s)
18. Consider and acted on Superintendent's recommendations regarding continued employment of employees currently under probationary contract with the District as follows:
18.A. Teacher(s)
18.B. Teacher/Coach(es)
18.C. Teacher/Assistant Band Director
19. Consider and act on Superintendent's recommendations regarding continued employment of employees currently under Non-Chapter 21 contract with the District as follows:
19.A. Teacher(s)
19.B. Teacher/Coach(es)
19.C. Teacher/Athletic Trainer
20. Future board meetings
20.A. Regular March Meeting - Monday, March 24, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
20.B. Regular April Meeting - Monday, April 28, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
20.C. Regular May Meeting - Monday, May 19, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
21. Public comments--non-agenda items only
22. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 24, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to order
Subject: |
2. Roll call
Subject: |
3. Invocation
Subject: |
4. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
5. Recognition of students, employees, board members and/or patrons for outstanding
service/achievement |
Subject: |
5.A. Lion Leaders
Subject: |
5.B. "Paws"-itive Leadership
Subject: |
5.C. Circle of Champions
Subject: |
5.D. Academic Scholars
Subject: |
5.E. Athletic Scholars
Subject: |
5.F. Extracurricular Scholars
Subject: |
5.G. Staff Recognition
Subject: |
6. Public comments-agenda items only
Subject: |
7. Discussion Items
Subject: |
7.A. April 1, 2025 TASB School Board training @ DHS
Subject: |
7.B. DHS Greenhouse Project
Subject: |
7.C. Intruder Detection Audit
Subject: |
8. Report Agenda as follows:
Subject: |
8.A. Monthly financial report for period ending January 31, 2025
Subject: |
8.B. Student Enrollment
Subject: |
8.C. Board training opportunities
Subject: |
9. Consent Agenda as follows:
Subject: |
9.A. Minutes from previous meeting(s)
Subject: |
10. Accept and approve Certification of Unopposed Candidates
Subject: |
11. Consider and act on Order of Cancellation of general trustee election and declare unopposed candidates elected
Subject: |
12. Consider TASB Policy Update 124
Subject: |
12.A. (LEGAL) policies
Subject: |
12.B. (LOCAL) policies
Subject: |
12.B.1. CAA(LOCAL) - Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives - Financial Ethics
Subject: |
12.B.2. CDA(LOCAL) - Other Revenues - Investments
Subject: |
12.B.3. CY(LOCAL) - Intellectual Property
Subject: |
12.B.4. DH(LOCAL) - Employee Standards of Conduct
Subject: |
12.B.5. EHB(LOCAL) - Curriculum Design - Special Programs
Subject: |
12.B.6. EHBB(LOCAL) - Special Programs - Gifted and Talented Students
Subject: |
12.B.7. FFG(LOCAL) - Student Welfare - Child Abuse and Neglect
Subject: |
12.B.8. GKA(LOCAL) - Community Relations - Conduct on School Premises
Subject: |
13. Consider and act on amendment to the Dublin ISD District of Innovation Plan
Subject: |
14. Consider and act on 2025-2026 School Calendar
Subject: |
15. Consider and act on Memorandum of Understanding between Teachworthy and Dublin Independent School District
Subject: |
16. Closed Session in accordance with the following:
Subject: |
16.A. Sec. 551.074 Personnel Matters
Subject: |
16.A.1. to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee
Subject: |
16.A.1.a. Teacher(s)
Subject: |
16.A.1.b. Teacher/Coach(es)
Subject: |
16.A.1.c. Teacher/Assistant Band Director
Subject: |
16.A.1.d. Nurse, R.N.
Subject: |
16.A.1.e. Educational Diagnostician(s)
Subject: |
16.A.1.f. Teacher/Athletic Trainer
Subject: |
17. Consider and act on Superintendent's recommendations regarding continued employment of employees currently under term contract with the District as follows:
Subject: |
17.A. Teacher(s)
Subject: |
17.B. Teacher/Coach(es)
Subject: |
17.C. Nurse, R.N.
Subject: |
17.D. Educational Diagnostician(s)
Subject: |
18. Consider and acted on Superintendent's recommendations regarding continued employment of employees currently under probationary contract with the District as follows:
Subject: |
18.A. Teacher(s)
Subject: |
18.B. Teacher/Coach(es)
Subject: |
18.C. Teacher/Assistant Band Director
Subject: |
19. Consider and act on Superintendent's recommendations regarding continued employment of employees currently under Non-Chapter 21 contract with the District as follows:
Subject: |
19.A. Teacher(s)
Subject: |
19.B. Teacher/Coach(es)
Subject: |
19.C. Teacher/Athletic Trainer
Subject: |
20. Future board meetings
Subject: |
20.A. Regular March Meeting - Monday, March 24, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
Subject: |
20.B. Regular April Meeting - Monday, April 28, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
Subject: |
20.C. Regular May Meeting - Monday, May 19, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
Subject: |
21. Public comments--non-agenda items only
Subject: |
22. Adjourn