Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Establish A Quorum
III. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a moment of silence
IV. Public Comment
At regular Board Meetings the Board shall permit public comment on any topic. At all other Board Meetings public comments will be limited to items on the agenda posted with the notice of the meeting. All Public Comments are limited to 3 minutes. |
V. Student/Staff Recognition:
V.A. Star Students - Carrizo Springs Elementary
V.B. Above and Beyond Service Staff Recognition - Carrizo Springs Elementary
V.C. UIL State Qualifier: Wesley Allen - UIL Congress
UIL CX Debate State Qulifiers: Jose Garza and Luis Campa |
V.D. CREST Award: CSCISD Counselors
National Counselor Appreciation |
VI. Announcements/Communications/Presentations
VI.A. Board Committee Reports
VI.B. Presentation by Education Service Center 20: Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)
VI.C. Presentation by E3 Entergral Solutions to present potential project scope of work items to be included in the Design-Build Project with budget estimates to date for discussion purposes only.
VI.D. TWS Project Manager Nick Martinez will provide a recap of Bond 2023 projects and introduce ERO Architects to present the current status of Elementary and Intermediate School designs. MTR Engineers/Terra Testing will report on civil survey progress, followed by a presentation from Butler Cohen, Construction Manager, on market conditions analysis and comparisons.
VI.E. Presentation of the District Wide Student Performance on the Middle of Year NWEA MAP Growth Assessment Results.
VII. Superintendent Briefing
VIII. Reports/Informational Items
VIII.A. Financial Briefing:
VIII.B. Discussion and review of monthly Accounts Payable and disclose check register
VIII.C. Discussion and review of vendor(s) over fifty thousand ($50,000) report for the district
VIII.D. Discussion and review of monthly Tax Collection Report
IX. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
IX.A. Consideration of Minutes: Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 21, 2025
X. Discussion and Possible Action Items
X.A. Consider Approval of Vendor Expected to Exceed $50,000 for the 2024-2025 SY.
X.B. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment to Wildcat Academy (DAEP) to accept the donation by Maldonado Law Group, PLLC.
X.C. Consider Approval of Payment of $89,000.00 to Dell for High School Technology Refresh - Teacher Laptops.
X.D. Consider Approval of $80,000.00 to ESC20 for Strong Foundations Planning Grant.
X.E. Consider Approval of Amendments and Additions to the 2024-2025 Compensation Plan.
XI. Executive Session: Discussion authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.:
XI.A. 551.074 et seq - Personnel Matters: Discussion of resignations, retirements, leaves of absence, reassignments, new employment, new personnel position, duties/responsibilities of employees.
XII. Possible action in open session for executive session items
XIII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 18, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Call Meeting to Order
Subject: |
Establish A Quorum
Subject: |
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a moment of silence
Subject: |
Public Comment
At regular Board Meetings the Board shall permit public comment on any topic. At all other Board Meetings public comments will be limited to items on the agenda posted with the notice of the meeting. All Public Comments are limited to 3 minutes. |
Subject: |
Student/Staff Recognition:
Subject: |
Star Students - Carrizo Springs Elementary
Subject: |
Above and Beyond Service Staff Recognition - Carrizo Springs Elementary
Subject: |
UIL State Qualifier: Wesley Allen - UIL Congress
UIL CX Debate State Qulifiers: Jose Garza and Luis Campa |
Subject: |
CREST Award: CSCISD Counselors
National Counselor Appreciation |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Board Committee Reports
Subject: |
Presentation by Education Service Center 20: Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)
Subject: |
Presentation by E3 Entergral Solutions to present potential project scope of work items to be included in the Design-Build Project with budget estimates to date for discussion purposes only.
Subject: |
TWS Project Manager Nick Martinez will provide a recap of Bond 2023 projects and introduce ERO Architects to present the current status of Elementary and Intermediate School designs. MTR Engineers/Terra Testing will report on civil survey progress, followed by a presentation from Butler Cohen, Construction Manager, on market conditions analysis and comparisons.
Subject: |
Presentation of the District Wide Student Performance on the Middle of Year NWEA MAP Growth Assessment Results.
Subject: |
Superintendent Briefing
Subject: |
Reports/Informational Items
Subject: |
Financial Briefing:
Subject: |
Discussion and review of monthly Accounts Payable and disclose check register
Subject: |
Discussion and review of vendor(s) over fifty thousand ($50,000) report for the district
Subject: |
Discussion and review of monthly Tax Collection Report
Subject: |
Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
Consideration of Minutes: Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 21, 2025
Subject: |
Discussion and Possible Action Items
Subject: |
Consider Approval of Vendor Expected to Exceed $50,000 for the 2024-2025 SY.
Subject: |
Consider Approval of Budget Amendment to Wildcat Academy (DAEP) to accept the donation by Maldonado Law Group, PLLC.
Subject: |
Consider Approval of Payment of $89,000.00 to Dell for High School Technology Refresh - Teacher Laptops.
Subject: |
Consider Approval of $80,000.00 to ESC20 for Strong Foundations Planning Grant.
Subject: |
Consider Approval of Amendments and Additions to the 2024-2025 Compensation Plan.
Subject: |
Executive Session: Discussion authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.:
Subject: |
551.074 et seq - Personnel Matters: Discussion of resignations, retirements, leaves of absence, reassignments, new employment, new personnel position, duties/responsibilities of employees.
Subject: |
Possible action in open session for executive session items
Subject: |