Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order Open Session in the Board Room at Little Elm ISD Administration Building on 400 Lobo Lane, Little Elm, Texas 75068.
2. The Board will recess into Closed Meeting in the Board Support Conference Room as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act Code Subchapter 551.072 & 551.074. The Board and Superintendent will discuss:
2.A. Personnel
2.B. Land
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Invocation
5. Introduction and Roll Call
6. Superintendent Spotlight
6.A. Texas School Counselor Association Crest Counseling Award
Presenter: Donnie Bartlett |
6.B. Silvia Lozano Award - North Texas Ballet Folklorico
Presenter: Daisy Castilleja |
6.C. Introduction of New Head Football Coach for Little Elm High School
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
6.D. Introduction of New Principal of the Alternative Education Campus
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
6.E. LEaders of the Pack
Asheley Brown |
6.F. Students of the Month
Presenter: Donnie Bartlett |
7. Reports of the Superintendent
8. Citizen Input
Audience participation shall be permitted at regular Board meetings and shall be limited to the public comment portion designated for that purpose |
9. Approval of Minutes
9.A. Consider approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2025
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
9.B. Consider approval of Special Meeting Minutes - February 3, 2025
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
10. Action Items
10.A. Consider approval of 2025-2026 Administrator Contracts/Employment Agreements
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
10.B. Consider approval of Request for New FTEs - Lakewood Village Elementary
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
10.C. Consider approval of 2025-2026 Little Elm ISD Calendar
Presenter: Penny Tramel |
10.D. Consider approval of 2025-2026 New Course and Sunset Course Requests
Presenter: Penny Tramel |
10.E. Consider approval to Authorize Administrative Response To Winter Weather Emergency
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
10.F. Consider approval of Board Resolution: Little Elm ISD Investment Officer
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
10.G. Consider approval of Contractor Selection for Strike & Walker Middle School Interior Renovations
Presenter: Mickey James |
11. Consent Agenda
11.A. Consider approval of Order of Cancelation for the May 3, 2025, Board of Trustees Election
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
11.B. Consider approval of Certification of Unopposed Candidates for the May 3, 2025, Board of Trustees Election
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
11.C. Consider approval of Board Policy Updates - TASB Update 118
Presenter: Renee Pentecost |
11.D. Consider approval of Board Policy Updates - TASB Update 119
Presenter: Renee Pentecost |
11.E. Consider approval of Annual Investment Report and Policy
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
11.F. Consider approval of Little Elm ISD Expenditures over $100,000 Summary Report
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
11.G. Consider approval of Financial Reports - December 2024
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
11.H. Consider approval of Little Elm ISD Interlocal Summary Report
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
11.I. Consider approval of Request for Proposal #2024-005 Food Catering Services
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
12. Board President Comments
Presenter: Mary Watkins |
13. Board Comments
14. Superintendent Comments
15. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 24, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order Open Session in the Board Room at Little Elm ISD Administration Building on 400 Lobo Lane, Little Elm, Texas 75068.
Subject: |
2. The Board will recess into Closed Meeting in the Board Support Conference Room as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act Code Subchapter 551.072 & 551.074. The Board and Superintendent will discuss:
Subject: |
2.A. Personnel
Subject: |
2.B. Land
Subject: |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
4. Invocation
Subject: |
5. Introduction and Roll Call
Subject: |
6. Superintendent Spotlight
Subject: |
6.A. Texas School Counselor Association Crest Counseling Award
Presenter: Donnie Bartlett |
Subject: |
6.B. Silvia Lozano Award - North Texas Ballet Folklorico
Presenter: Daisy Castilleja |
Subject: |
6.C. Introduction of New Head Football Coach for Little Elm High School
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
Subject: |
6.D. Introduction of New Principal of the Alternative Education Campus
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
Subject: |
6.E. LEaders of the Pack
Asheley Brown |
Subject: |
6.F. Students of the Month
Presenter: Donnie Bartlett |
Subject: |
7. Reports of the Superintendent
Subject: |
8. Citizen Input
Audience participation shall be permitted at regular Board meetings and shall be limited to the public comment portion designated for that purpose |
Subject: |
9. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
9.A. Consider approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2025
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
Subject: |
9.B. Consider approval of Special Meeting Minutes - February 3, 2025
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
Subject: |
10. Action Items
Subject: |
10.A. Consider approval of 2025-2026 Administrator Contracts/Employment Agreements
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
Subject: |
10.B. Consider approval of Request for New FTEs - Lakewood Village Elementary
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
Subject: |
10.C. Consider approval of 2025-2026 Little Elm ISD Calendar
Presenter: Penny Tramel |
Subject: |
10.D. Consider approval of 2025-2026 New Course and Sunset Course Requests
Presenter: Penny Tramel |
Subject: |
10.E. Consider approval to Authorize Administrative Response To Winter Weather Emergency
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
Subject: |
10.F. Consider approval of Board Resolution: Little Elm ISD Investment Officer
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
Subject: |
10.G. Consider approval of Contractor Selection for Strike & Walker Middle School Interior Renovations
Presenter: Mickey James |
Subject: |
11. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
11.A. Consider approval of Order of Cancelation for the May 3, 2025, Board of Trustees Election
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
Subject: |
11.B. Consider approval of Certification of Unopposed Candidates for the May 3, 2025, Board of Trustees Election
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
Subject: |
11.C. Consider approval of Board Policy Updates - TASB Update 118
Presenter: Renee Pentecost |
Subject: |
11.D. Consider approval of Board Policy Updates - TASB Update 119
Presenter: Renee Pentecost |
Subject: |
11.E. Consider approval of Annual Investment Report and Policy
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
Subject: |
11.F. Consider approval of Little Elm ISD Expenditures over $100,000 Summary Report
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
Subject: |
11.G. Consider approval of Financial Reports - December 2024
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
Subject: |
11.H. Consider approval of Little Elm ISD Interlocal Summary Report
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
Subject: |
11.I. Consider approval of Request for Proposal #2024-005 Food Catering Services
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
Subject: |
12. Board President Comments
Presenter: Mary Watkins |
Subject: |
13. Board Comments
Subject: |
14. Superintendent Comments
Subject: |
15. Adjournment