Meeting Agenda
I. The Board of Trustees under the authority of the Texas Government Code sections 551.071 and 551.129 for the purpose of obtaining legal advice regarding the Dilley November 2013 Bond Program (Dilley ISD Construction of the New High School; Construction of New Bus Facility; Renovation of Existing High School as New Middle School; and Additions and Renovations to the Existing Elementary School and Existing Middle School Project).
II. Consideration and possible action with regard to the Dilley November 2013 Bond Program (Dilley ISD Construction of the New High School; Construction of New Bus Facility; Renovation of Existing High School as New Middle School; and Additions and Renovations to the Existing Elementary School and Existing Middle School Project).
III. Call to Order
IV. Attendance
V. Invocation
VI. Pledge of Allegiance
VII. Open Forum
Public comments/audience participation: |
VIII.1. Presentations
VIII.1.A. Principals' Report
VIII.1.B. Board Member Continuing Education Credits
VIII.1.C. Emergent Bilingual
VIII.2. Superintendent's Update
IX.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
IX.2. Bills for Payment
IX.3. 2024 Certified Appraisal Rolls
IX.3.A. LaSalle County Appraisal District
IX.3.B. Frio County Appraisal District
IX.4. 2024-25 Appraisers/Appraisal Calendar
IX.5. Fundraisers (if any)
X.1. ACTION ITEMS: Items will include consideration, discussion and possible voting.
X.1.A. Consider and Approve Budget Amendment for Texas Workforce Commission Grant for CTE/Welding
X.1.B. Nominate a Candidate for Frio County Appraisal District Board of Directors
X.1.C. Consider and take possible action to (1) authorize multiple representation by the law firm of Walsh Gallegos Kyle Robinson & Roalson P.C. on matters related to the negotiation, drafting and revising the Special Education Cooperative Cluster XII Shared Services Arrangement Agreement, including the limited waiver of the attorney-client privilege as to Cooperative member districts regarding revisions to the Agreement, and (2) delegate authority to the Superintendent of Schools to take further action in the negotiation and approval of said Agreement.
X.1.D. Discussion and Possible Action to Revise Board Meeting Dates
X.1.E. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Purchase of Audio/PA Equipment for the Baseball/Softball Complex
X.1.F. Executive Session as Authorized by Section 551.001 et seq. of the Texas Government Code (Open Meetings Act), under the following Provisions: 551.071, 551.074, and 551.129.
X.1.F.1. The Board of Trustees under the authority of Texas Government Code Section 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee.
X.1.F.2. The Board of Trustees under the authority of the Texas Government Code sections 551.071 and 551.129 for the purpose of obtaining legal advice regarding the Dilley November 2013 Bond Program (Dilley ISD Construction of the New High School; Construction of New Bus Facility; Renovation of Existing High School as New Middle School; and Additions and Renovations to the Existing Elementary School and Existing Middle School Project).
X.1.G. Consider and take possible action related to items discussed in closed session
X.1.G.1. Consideration and possible action with regard to the Dilley November 2013 Bond Program (Dilley ISD Construction of the New High School; Construction of New Bus Facility; Renovation of Existing High School as New Middle School; and Additions and Renovations to the Existing Elementary School and Existing Middle School Project).
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 21, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. The Board of Trustees under the authority of the Texas Government Code sections 551.071 and 551.129 for the purpose of obtaining legal advice regarding the Dilley November 2013 Bond Program (Dilley ISD Construction of the New High School; Construction of New Bus Facility; Renovation of Existing High School as New Middle School; and Additions and Renovations to the Existing Elementary School and Existing Middle School Project).
Subject: |
II. Consideration and possible action with regard to the Dilley November 2013 Bond Program (Dilley ISD Construction of the New High School; Construction of New Bus Facility; Renovation of Existing High School as New Middle School; and Additions and Renovations to the Existing Elementary School and Existing Middle School Project).
Subject: |
III. Call to Order
Subject: |
IV. Attendance
Subject: |
V. Invocation
Subject: |
VI. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
VII. Open Forum
Public comments/audience participation: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
VIII.1. Presentations
Subject: |
VIII.1.A. Principals' Report
Subject: |
VIII.1.B. Board Member Continuing Education Credits
Subject: |
VIII.1.C. Emergent Bilingual
Subject: |
VIII.2. Superintendent's Update
Subject: |
Subject: |
IX.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
Subject: |
IX.2. Bills for Payment
Subject: |
IX.3. 2024 Certified Appraisal Rolls
Subject: |
IX.3.A. LaSalle County Appraisal District
Subject: |
IX.3.B. Frio County Appraisal District
Subject: |
IX.4. 2024-25 Appraisers/Appraisal Calendar
Subject: |
IX.5. Fundraisers (if any)
Subject: |
Subject: |
X.1. ACTION ITEMS: Items will include consideration, discussion and possible voting.
Subject: |
X.1.A. Consider and Approve Budget Amendment for Texas Workforce Commission Grant for CTE/Welding
Subject: |
X.1.B. Nominate a Candidate for Frio County Appraisal District Board of Directors
Subject: |
X.1.C. Consider and take possible action to (1) authorize multiple representation by the law firm of Walsh Gallegos Kyle Robinson & Roalson P.C. on matters related to the negotiation, drafting and revising the Special Education Cooperative Cluster XII Shared Services Arrangement Agreement, including the limited waiver of the attorney-client privilege as to Cooperative member districts regarding revisions to the Agreement, and (2) delegate authority to the Superintendent of Schools to take further action in the negotiation and approval of said Agreement.
Subject: |
X.1.D. Discussion and Possible Action to Revise Board Meeting Dates
Subject: |
X.1.E. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Purchase of Audio/PA Equipment for the Baseball/Softball Complex
Subject: |
X.1.F. Executive Session as Authorized by Section 551.001 et seq. of the Texas Government Code (Open Meetings Act), under the following Provisions: 551.071, 551.074, and 551.129.
Subject: |
X.1.F.1. The Board of Trustees under the authority of Texas Government Code Section 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee.
Subject: |
X.1.F.2. The Board of Trustees under the authority of the Texas Government Code sections 551.071 and 551.129 for the purpose of obtaining legal advice regarding the Dilley November 2013 Bond Program (Dilley ISD Construction of the New High School; Construction of New Bus Facility; Renovation of Existing High School as New Middle School; and Additions and Renovations to the Existing Elementary School and Existing Middle School Project).
Subject: |
X.1.G. Consider and take possible action related to items discussed in closed session
Subject: |
X.1.G.1. Consideration and possible action with regard to the Dilley November 2013 Bond Program (Dilley ISD Construction of the New High School; Construction of New Bus Facility; Renovation of Existing High School as New Middle School; and Additions and Renovations to the Existing Elementary School and Existing Middle School Project).
Subject: |