Meeting Agenda
II.A. Announcement by the chairperson whether a quorum is present, and that the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.
II.B. Invocation
II.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags (Trustee)
II.D. Special Recognition
II.D.1. Recognition of Elementary Art Student "Top of TEAM" Winner and Jr. VASE Platinum Award Winners (I. Little/G. Lawrence)
II.D.2. Recognition of Irving ISD by Wipro UNTDallas Science Education Fellowship (C. Dazer)
II.E. Public Comment
III.A.1. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda Items:
III.A.1.a. Consider Approval of Minutes of May 16, 2022
III.A.1.b. Consider Approval of Financial Statement for April 2022 (AD Jenkins)
III.A.1.c. Consider Approval of Resolution and Order No. 21-22-12 Authorizing June Amendment to the 2021-2022 Budget (AD Jenkins)
III.A.1.d. Consider the Approval of the Supplements to the Irving ISD Tax Rolls (AD Jenkins)
III.A.1.e. Consider Approval of Modifications to the 2022-2023 Athletic Stipend Structure for Head Coaches (M. Webb)
III.A.1.f. Consider Approval of College Readiness and Success College Board Contract #CB-00032003 (C. Trotter)
III.A.1.g. Consider Approval of Alternate Approver for Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) and Texas Education Agency Secure Environment (TEASE) (D. Galindo)
III.A.1.h. Consider Approval of District Improvement Committee Membership 2021-2022 (A. Gomez)
III.A.1.i. Consider Approval of Submission to the Texas Education Agency Missed School Day Waiver for Travis Middle School (L. Campbell)
III.A.1.j. Consider Approval of the Renewal of Award for Request for Proposal (RFP) #21-102-880 and #21-105-880 for the Purchase of Bilingual and ESL Instructional Materials & Software, Respectively (J. Pilgrim/B. De La Sierra)
III.A.1.k. Consider Approval of Award for Request for Qualification (RFQ) #22-70-735 for Bond Election Consulting Services (J. Pilgrim/F. Natividad)
III.A.1.l. Consider Approval of Award for Request for Proposal (RFP) #22-71-914 for the Purchase of Disaster Recovery, Restoration and Related Services (A. Rosado/A. Smith)
III.A.1.m. Consider Approval of Award for Request for Proposal (RFP) #22-43-914 for the Purchase of Waste Collection, Recycling, Compacting, and Related Services (A. Rosado/A. Smith)
III.A.1.n. Request that the Board Delegate Authority to the Superintendent or Her Designee Regarding Actions Required to Accept, Evaluate, and Select Contractor for the Demolition of the YMCA (RFCSP #22-85-914) (J. Pilgrim/A. Smith)
III.A.1.o. Consider Approval of Fund Balance Designation for the School Year 2021-2022 for the Purchase, Installation, and Related Services for Security Cameras at All Elementary Campuses (A. Smith/F. Natividad/ M. Bradford)
III.A.1.p. Consider Approval of the Employer Acceptance Agreement and Related Documentation Between Dallas College and Irving ISD for Participation in the ACE Education Consortium and Apprenticeship Program (E. Kolni/K. Gilleland)
III.A.1.q. Consider Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding Between Texas A&M University-Commerce and Irving ISD for the Pride Pathways Program for Undergraduate and Graduate Assistance and Support (E. Kolni/K. Gilleland)
III.A.1.r. Consider Approval of Amendment to the 2022-2023 School Board Meeting Schedule (E. Kolni)
III.A.1.s. Receive Presentation on the Accomplishment of Dallas College and Irving ISD, Dual Credit, Early College High School and P-Tech (I. Little/Chancellor Justin Lonon/Trustee Boyd)
III.A.1.t. Consider Acceptance of Gifts and Donations to the District
III.B. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda Items:
III.B.1. Consider Approval of Minutes of May 16, 2022
III.B.2. Consider Approval of Financial Statement for April 2022 (AD Jenkins)
III.B.3. Consider Approval of Resolution and Order No. 21-22-12 Authorizing June Amendment to the 2021-2022 Budget (AD Jenkins)
III.B.4. Consider the Approval of the Supplements to the Irving ISD Tax Rolls (AD Jenkins)
III.B.5. Consider Approval of Modifications to the 2022-2023 Athletic Stipend Structure for Head Coaches (M. Webb)
III.B.6. Consider Approval of College Readiness and Success College Board Contract #CB-00032003 (C. Trotter)
III.B.7. Consider Approval of Alternate Approver for Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) and Texas Education Agency Secure Environment (TEASE) (D. Galindo)
III.B.8. Consider Approval of District Improvement Committee Membership 2021-2022 (A. Gomez)
III.B.9. Consider Approval of Submission to the Texas Education Agency Missed School Day Waiver for Travis Middle School (L. Campbell)
III.B.10. Consider Approval of the Renewal of Award for Request for Proposal (RFP) #21-102-880 and #21-105-880 for the Purchase of Bilingual and ESL Instructional Materials & Software, Respectively (J. Pilgrim/B. De La Sierra)
III.B.11. Consider Approval of Award for Request for Qualification (RFQ) #22-70-735 for Bond Election Consulting Services (J. Pilgrim/F. Natividad)
III.B.12. Consider Approval of Award for Request for Proposal (RFP) #22-71-914 for the Purchase of Disaster Recovery, Restoration and Related Services (A. Rosado/A. Smith)
III.B.13. Consider Approval of Award for Request for Proposal (RFP) #22-43-914 for the Purchase of Waste Collection, Recycling, Compacting, and Related Services (A. Rosado/A. Smith)
III.B.14. Request that the Board Delegate Authority to the Superintendent or Her Designee Regarding Actions Required to Accept, Evaluate, and Select Contractor for the Demolition of the YMCA (RFCSP #22-85-914) (J. Pilgrim/A. Smith)
III.B.15. Consider Approval of Fund Balance Designation for the School Year 2021-2022 for the Purchase, Installation, and Related Services for Security Cameras at All Elementary Campuses (A. Smith/F. Natividad/ M. Bradford)
III.B.16. Consider Approval of the Employer Acceptance Agreement and Related Documentation Between Dallas College and Irving ISD for Participation in the ACE Education Consortium and Apprenticeship Program (E. Kolni/K. Gilleland)
III.B.17. Consider Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding Between Texas A&M University-Commerce and Irving ISD for the Pride Pathways Program for Undergraduate and Graduate Assistance and Support (E. Kolni/K. Gilleland)
III.B.18. Consider Approval of Amendment to the 2022-2023 School Board Meeting Schedule (E. Kolni)
III.B.19. Receive Presentation on the Accomplishment of Dallas College and Irving ISD, Dual Credit, Early College High School and P-Tech (I. Little/Chancellor Justin Lonon/Trustee Boyd)
III.B.20. Consider Acceptance of Gifts and Donations to the District
IV.A. Written Reports
IV.A.1. Division Reports
IV.A.1.a. Business Services
*Total Tax Collections * Payroll * Investment Earnings |
IV.A.1.b. Support Services
*Monthly Maintenance Work Order Summary Report for June (A. Smith) |
IV.A.1.c. Human Resources
IV.B. Announcements
IV.B.1. Administration
IV.B.1.a. Superintendent Announcement(s)
IV.B.2. Board of Trustees
IV.B.2.a. Individual Trustee Report on IISD Student Activity/Event
V. EXECUTIVE SESSION - The Board may recess the Open Meeting and reconvene in a Closed Meeting pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Government Code and as authorized by Sections 551.071-551.076 and 551.082-551.084 therefore of
V.A. Section 551.071 - To seek the advice of the Board's attorney about:
V.A.1. Pending or Contemplated Litigation, Settlement Offer, or Matter Under Investigation
V.A.2. A Matter in Which the Professional Duty of the Attorney to the Board Conflicts with the Applicable Provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act.
V.B. Section 551.072 - To deliberate the purchase, exchange, sale, lease or value of real property if such deliberation in open session would have a detrimental effect on the Board’s position in negotiations with a third party
V.C. Section 551.074 - To deliberate the appointment, employment, resignation, evaluation, reassignment, proposed nonrenewals, termination, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee.
V.D. Safety and Security Update
VI. RECONVENE from Closed Meeting for Action Relative to Items Covered in Such Meeting.
VI.A. Consider Action by the Board Related to Pending or Contemplated Litigation, Settlement Offer, or Matter Under Investigation
VI.B. Consider Action Regarding Purchase, Exchange, Sale, Lease or Value of Real Property
VI.C. Consider Action Regarding Public Officer(s) or Employee(s) Considered in Executive Session as Authorized by Section 551.074, Texas Government Code
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 20, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
II.A. Announcement by the chairperson whether a quorum is present, and that the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.
Subject: |
II.B. Invocation
Subject: |
II.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags (Trustee)
Subject: |
II.D. Special Recognition
Subject: |
II.D.1. Recognition of Elementary Art Student "Top of TEAM" Winner and Jr. VASE Platinum Award Winners (I. Little/G. Lawrence)
Subject: |
II.D.2. Recognition of Irving ISD by Wipro UNTDallas Science Education Fellowship (C. Dazer)
Subject: |
II.E. Public Comment
Individuals wishing to address the Board on agenda items or make comments regarding issues not on the agenda will be heard at this time.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
III.A.1. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda Items:
Subject: |
III.A.1.a. Consider Approval of Minutes of May 16, 2022
Subject: |
III.A.1.b. Consider Approval of Financial Statement for April 2022 (AD Jenkins)
Subject: |
III.A.1.c. Consider Approval of Resolution and Order No. 21-22-12 Authorizing June Amendment to the 2021-2022 Budget (AD Jenkins)
Subject: |
III.A.1.d. Consider the Approval of the Supplements to the Irving ISD Tax Rolls (AD Jenkins)
Subject: |
III.A.1.e. Consider Approval of Modifications to the 2022-2023 Athletic Stipend Structure for Head Coaches (M. Webb)
Subject: |
III.A.1.f. Consider Approval of College Readiness and Success College Board Contract #CB-00032003 (C. Trotter)
Subject: |
III.A.1.g. Consider Approval of Alternate Approver for Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) and Texas Education Agency Secure Environment (TEASE) (D. Galindo)
Subject: |
III.A.1.h. Consider Approval of District Improvement Committee Membership 2021-2022 (A. Gomez)
Subject: |
III.A.1.i. Consider Approval of Submission to the Texas Education Agency Missed School Day Waiver for Travis Middle School (L. Campbell)
Subject: |
III.A.1.j. Consider Approval of the Renewal of Award for Request for Proposal (RFP) #21-102-880 and #21-105-880 for the Purchase of Bilingual and ESL Instructional Materials & Software, Respectively (J. Pilgrim/B. De La Sierra)
Subject: |
III.A.1.k. Consider Approval of Award for Request for Qualification (RFQ) #22-70-735 for Bond Election Consulting Services (J. Pilgrim/F. Natividad)
Subject: |
III.A.1.l. Consider Approval of Award for Request for Proposal (RFP) #22-71-914 for the Purchase of Disaster Recovery, Restoration and Related Services (A. Rosado/A. Smith)
Subject: |
III.A.1.m. Consider Approval of Award for Request for Proposal (RFP) #22-43-914 for the Purchase of Waste Collection, Recycling, Compacting, and Related Services (A. Rosado/A. Smith)
Subject: |
III.A.1.n. Request that the Board Delegate Authority to the Superintendent or Her Designee Regarding Actions Required to Accept, Evaluate, and Select Contractor for the Demolition of the YMCA (RFCSP #22-85-914) (J. Pilgrim/A. Smith)
Subject: |
III.A.1.o. Consider Approval of Fund Balance Designation for the School Year 2021-2022 for the Purchase, Installation, and Related Services for Security Cameras at All Elementary Campuses (A. Smith/F. Natividad/ M. Bradford)
Subject: |
III.A.1.p. Consider Approval of the Employer Acceptance Agreement and Related Documentation Between Dallas College and Irving ISD for Participation in the ACE Education Consortium and Apprenticeship Program (E. Kolni/K. Gilleland)
Subject: |
III.A.1.q. Consider Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding Between Texas A&M University-Commerce and Irving ISD for the Pride Pathways Program for Undergraduate and Graduate Assistance and Support (E. Kolni/K. Gilleland)
Subject: |
III.A.1.r. Consider Approval of Amendment to the 2022-2023 School Board Meeting Schedule (E. Kolni)
Subject: |
III.A.1.s. Receive Presentation on the Accomplishment of Dallas College and Irving ISD, Dual Credit, Early College High School and P-Tech (I. Little/Chancellor Justin Lonon/Trustee Boyd)
Subject: |
III.A.1.t. Consider Acceptance of Gifts and Donations to the District
Subject: |
III.B. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda Items:
Subject: |
III.B.1. Consider Approval of Minutes of May 16, 2022
Subject: |
III.B.2. Consider Approval of Financial Statement for April 2022 (AD Jenkins)
Subject: |
III.B.3. Consider Approval of Resolution and Order No. 21-22-12 Authorizing June Amendment to the 2021-2022 Budget (AD Jenkins)
Subject: |
III.B.4. Consider the Approval of the Supplements to the Irving ISD Tax Rolls (AD Jenkins)
Subject: |
III.B.5. Consider Approval of Modifications to the 2022-2023 Athletic Stipend Structure for Head Coaches (M. Webb)
Subject: |
III.B.6. Consider Approval of College Readiness and Success College Board Contract #CB-00032003 (C. Trotter)
Subject: |
III.B.7. Consider Approval of Alternate Approver for Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) and Texas Education Agency Secure Environment (TEASE) (D. Galindo)
Subject: |
III.B.8. Consider Approval of District Improvement Committee Membership 2021-2022 (A. Gomez)
Subject: |
III.B.9. Consider Approval of Submission to the Texas Education Agency Missed School Day Waiver for Travis Middle School (L. Campbell)
Subject: |
III.B.10. Consider Approval of the Renewal of Award for Request for Proposal (RFP) #21-102-880 and #21-105-880 for the Purchase of Bilingual and ESL Instructional Materials & Software, Respectively (J. Pilgrim/B. De La Sierra)
Subject: |
III.B.11. Consider Approval of Award for Request for Qualification (RFQ) #22-70-735 for Bond Election Consulting Services (J. Pilgrim/F. Natividad)
Subject: |
III.B.12. Consider Approval of Award for Request for Proposal (RFP) #22-71-914 for the Purchase of Disaster Recovery, Restoration and Related Services (A. Rosado/A. Smith)
Subject: |
III.B.13. Consider Approval of Award for Request for Proposal (RFP) #22-43-914 for the Purchase of Waste Collection, Recycling, Compacting, and Related Services (A. Rosado/A. Smith)
Subject: |
III.B.14. Request that the Board Delegate Authority to the Superintendent or Her Designee Regarding Actions Required to Accept, Evaluate, and Select Contractor for the Demolition of the YMCA (RFCSP #22-85-914) (J. Pilgrim/A. Smith)
Subject: |
III.B.15. Consider Approval of Fund Balance Designation for the School Year 2021-2022 for the Purchase, Installation, and Related Services for Security Cameras at All Elementary Campuses (A. Smith/F. Natividad/ M. Bradford)
Subject: |
III.B.16. Consider Approval of the Employer Acceptance Agreement and Related Documentation Between Dallas College and Irving ISD for Participation in the ACE Education Consortium and Apprenticeship Program (E. Kolni/K. Gilleland)
Subject: |
III.B.17. Consider Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding Between Texas A&M University-Commerce and Irving ISD for the Pride Pathways Program for Undergraduate and Graduate Assistance and Support (E. Kolni/K. Gilleland)
Subject: |
III.B.18. Consider Approval of Amendment to the 2022-2023 School Board Meeting Schedule (E. Kolni)
Subject: |
III.B.19. Receive Presentation on the Accomplishment of Dallas College and Irving ISD, Dual Credit, Early College High School and P-Tech (I. Little/Chancellor Justin Lonon/Trustee Boyd)
Subject: |
III.B.20. Consider Acceptance of Gifts and Donations to the District
Subject: |
Subject: |
IV.A. Written Reports
Subject: |
IV.A.1. Division Reports
Subject: |
IV.A.1.a. Business Services
*Total Tax Collections * Payroll * Investment Earnings |
Subject: |
IV.A.1.b. Support Services
*Monthly Maintenance Work Order Summary Report for June (A. Smith) |
Subject: |
IV.A.1.c. Human Resources
Subject: |
IV.B. Announcements
Subject: |
IV.B.1. Administration
Subject: |
IV.B.1.a. Superintendent Announcement(s)
Subject: |
IV.B.2. Board of Trustees
Subject: |
IV.B.2.a. Individual Trustee Report on IISD Student Activity/Event
Subject: |
V. EXECUTIVE SESSION - The Board may recess the Open Meeting and reconvene in a Closed Meeting pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Government Code and as authorized by Sections 551.071-551.076 and 551.082-551.084 therefore of
Subject: |
V.A. Section 551.071 - To seek the advice of the Board's attorney about:
Subject: |
V.A.1. Pending or Contemplated Litigation, Settlement Offer, or Matter Under Investigation
Subject: |
V.A.2. A Matter in Which the Professional Duty of the Attorney to the Board Conflicts with the Applicable Provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act.
Subject: |
V.B. Section 551.072 - To deliberate the purchase, exchange, sale, lease or value of real property if such deliberation in open session would have a detrimental effect on the Board’s position in negotiations with a third party
Subject: |
V.C. Section 551.074 - To deliberate the appointment, employment, resignation, evaluation, reassignment, proposed nonrenewals, termination, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee.
Subject: |
V.D. Safety and Security Update
Subject: |
VI. RECONVENE from Closed Meeting for Action Relative to Items Covered in Such Meeting.
Subject: |
VI.A. Consider Action by the Board Related to Pending or Contemplated Litigation, Settlement Offer, or Matter Under Investigation
Subject: |
VI.B. Consider Action Regarding Purchase, Exchange, Sale, Lease or Value of Real Property
Subject: |
VI.C. Consider Action Regarding Public Officer(s) or Employee(s) Considered in Executive Session as Authorized by Section 551.074, Texas Government Code
Subject: |