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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order:
1.A. Establishment of Quorum - Iris Galindo, Board President
1.B. Announcement: Notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.043 of the Texas Government Code
2. Closed Meeting - The Board will enter into closed session pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.071, 551.074 of the Texas Government Code: The Board will take no vote or action in Closed Session.
2.A. Personnel - Discussion and Consideration Regarding Superintendent Recommendations for Personnel.

Franz Biantan - PHS English Language Arts
Jhocel Yabo - PHS Math
Hannah-Lyn Alciso - PHS Science
Tamara Carrasco - PHS Art
3. Return to Open Session to take action as needed on items discussed in Closed Session under the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.071, 551.074 of the Texas Government Code.
4. Discussion, consideration and possible approval regarding personnel.
5. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: July 18, 2024 at 4:30 PM - Special
1. Call to Order:
1.A. Establishment of Quorum - Iris Galindo, Board President
1.B. Announcement: Notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.043 of the Texas Government Code
2. Closed Meeting - The Board will enter into closed session pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.071, 551.074 of the Texas Government Code: The Board will take no vote or action in Closed Session.
2.A. Personnel - Discussion and Consideration Regarding Superintendent Recommendations for Personnel.

Franz Biantan - PHS English Language Arts
Jhocel Yabo - PHS Math
Hannah-Lyn Alciso - PHS Science
Tamara Carrasco - PHS Art
3. Return to Open Session to take action as needed on items discussed in Closed Session under the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.071, 551.074 of the Texas Government Code.
4. Discussion, consideration and possible approval regarding personnel.
5. Adjournment

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