Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Superintendent's Report
4. Student Body Report - North Valley High School
5. Recognition of Excellence
5.A. Classified Appreciation Week - March 3-7, 2014
6. Financial Reports
7. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
7.A. Routine Personnel Items - February 2014
7.A.1. Athletic Coaches
7.B. Enrollment Reports
7.C. Approval of draft minutes of previous meetings
7.C.1. Board Regular Session - November 19, 2013
7.C.2. Board Work Session - December 3, 2013
7.D. Superintendent Contract Addendum to Reflect Cut Days
7.E. Out-of-State Travel
7.E.1. North Valley teacher Blair Starkey requests approval for the Key Club to take approximately 8 students with 4 adults to a District Convention in Seattle, Washington on April 4-6, 2014.
7.F. Grant(s)
7.F.1. Chris Pendleton, Hidden Valley FBLA, requests permission to accept grant funds in the amount of $1,600 from the Oregon CTE Student Leadership Foundation. The money will be used to promote the Lincoln Savage leadership program with the HVHS FBLA leadership students.
8. SOESD Local Service Plan (ACTION)
9. First Student Scholarship
10. Community Comments [20 minutes]
11. Reports - No Action
11.A. Three Rivers School District Art and Music
11.B. Review High School Scheduling Process
12. Action Items
12.A. Revised 2013-14 Student Calendar (ACTION)
12.B. Policies - First Reading
12.B.1. E Policies
12.B.1.a. EBBB - Injuty/Illness Report
12.B.1.b. EBCB - Emergency Drills
12.B.1.c. ECAB - Vandalism/Malicious Mischief/Theft
12.B.1.d. EDDA - Sustainability *NEW*
12.B.1.e. EDDA-AR - Sustainability Management System *NEW*
12.B.1.f. EEA - Student Transportation Services
12.B.1.g. EEAC - School Bus Safety Program
12.B.1.h. EEACC - Student Conduct on School Buses *NEW*
12.B.1.i. EEACD - Use of District Activity Vehicle for Student Transportation *NEW*
12.B.1.j. EEAE - Student Transportation in Private Vehicle *NEW*
12.B.1.k. EEBAA - District Vehicles/Seat Belts/Child Safety System *NEW*
12.B.1.l. EFA - Local Wellness Program
12.B.1.m. EFA-AR - Local Wellness Program
12.B.1.n. EFAA - District Nutrition and Food Services
12.B.1.o. EFAA-AR - Reimbursable School Meals and Milk Program
12.B.1.p. EGACA - Cell Phones OPTIONAL - Committee Decision: Do not adopt
12.B.1.q. EGACA-AR - Cell Phones OPTIONAL - Committee Decision: Do not adopt
12.B.2. FK - Facilities Renovation
13. Communication to the Board (No Action - Read Only)
13.A. Support Services Report - David Marshall, Director
13.B. Special Education Reports - Stephanie Allen-Hart, Director
13.C. Payables - January 2014
13.D. Principal Second Trimester Board Reports
13.D.1. Manzanita Elementary
13.E. Newsletters
13.E.1. Applegate School
13.E.2. Hidden Valley High School
13.E.3. Illinois Valley High School
13.E.4. Lornia Byrne Middle School
13.E.5. Williams Elementary
14. Upcoming Events:
14.A. Feb. 20, 2014 (Thursday) - Lorna Byrne MS - Day of Respect: assembly, activities & presentation. 1:15 in Gym & Cafeteria
14.B. Feb. 20, 2014 (Thursday) - Lorna Byrne MS - Bullying at the midddle school / How to help your kid survive. Dinner provided. 6:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria.
14.C. Feb. 24, 2014 (Monday) - Ft. Vannoy at Kids Zone @ Club Northwest. 5:30-7:30 p.m.
14.D. Feb. 26, 2014 (Wednesday) - Ft. Vannoy Scholastic Book Fair - Library 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
14.E. Feb. 28, 2014 (Friday) - Ft. Vannoy Art Night/Book Fair - Gym 5:00-8:00 p.m.
15. Future Meeting Dates and Suggested Agenda Items:
15.A. Board Work Session - Tuesday, March 4, 2014 - 5:00 PM at District Office
15.B. Board Meeting - Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 6:00 PM at North Valley High School
16. Other
17. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 18, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Presenter: |
Ron Crume, Board Chair
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
3. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Patricia Adams, Superintendent
Subject: |
4. Student Body Report - North Valley High School
Presenter: |
North Valley High School Student Government
Subject: |
5. Recognition of Excellence
Presenter: |
Patricia Adams, Superintendent
Subject: |
5.A. Classified Appreciation Week - March 3-7, 2014
Presenter: |
Patricia Adams, Superintendent
Subject: |
6. Financial Reports
Presenter: |
Lisa Cross, District Accountant
Subject: |
7. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
Items in the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion unless a member of the Board or the Superintendent requests that an item or items be removed and voted upon separately.
Subject: |
7.A. Routine Personnel Items - February 2014
Subject: |
7.A.1. Athletic Coaches
Subject: |
7.B. Enrollment Reports
Subject: |
7.C. Approval of draft minutes of previous meetings
Subject: |
7.C.1. Board Regular Session - November 19, 2013
Subject: |
7.C.2. Board Work Session - December 3, 2013
Subject: |
7.D. Superintendent Contract Addendum to Reflect Cut Days
Subject: |
7.E. Out-of-State Travel
Subject: |
7.E.1. North Valley teacher Blair Starkey requests approval for the Key Club to take approximately 8 students with 4 adults to a District Convention in Seattle, Washington on April 4-6, 2014.
Subject: |
7.F. Grant(s)
Subject: |
7.F.1. Chris Pendleton, Hidden Valley FBLA, requests permission to accept grant funds in the amount of $1,600 from the Oregon CTE Student Leadership Foundation. The money will be used to promote the Lincoln Savage leadership program with the HVHS FBLA leadership students.
Subject: |
8. SOESD Local Service Plan (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Scott Perry, SOESD Superintendent
Subject: |
9. First Student Scholarship
Presenter: |
Rowdy Bates, First Student
Subject: |
10. Community Comments [20 minutes]
The Board values input from patrons and, as part of its regular agenda items, there will be 20 minutes allotted for public input.
Subject: |
11. Reports - No Action
Subject: |
11.A. Three Rivers School District Art and Music
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Director
Subject: |
11.B. Review High School Scheduling Process
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Director
Subject: |
12. Action Items
Subject: |
12.A. Revised 2013-14 Student Calendar (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Debbie Breckner, Director
Subject: |
12.B. Policies - First Reading
Presenter: |
Patricia Adams, Superintendent
Subject: |
12.B.1. E Policies
Subject: |
12.B.1.a. EBBB - Injuty/Illness Report
Subject: |
12.B.1.b. EBCB - Emergency Drills
Subject: |
12.B.1.c. ECAB - Vandalism/Malicious Mischief/Theft
Subject: |
12.B.1.d. EDDA - Sustainability *NEW*
Subject: |
12.B.1.e. EDDA-AR - Sustainability Management System *NEW*
Subject: |
12.B.1.f. EEA - Student Transportation Services
Subject: |
12.B.1.g. EEAC - School Bus Safety Program
Subject: |
12.B.1.h. EEACC - Student Conduct on School Buses *NEW*
Subject: |
12.B.1.i. EEACD - Use of District Activity Vehicle for Student Transportation *NEW*
Subject: |
12.B.1.j. EEAE - Student Transportation in Private Vehicle *NEW*
Subject: |
12.B.1.k. EEBAA - District Vehicles/Seat Belts/Child Safety System *NEW*
Subject: |
12.B.1.l. EFA - Local Wellness Program
Subject: |
12.B.1.m. EFA-AR - Local Wellness Program
Subject: |
12.B.1.n. EFAA - District Nutrition and Food Services
Subject: |
12.B.1.o. EFAA-AR - Reimbursable School Meals and Milk Program
Subject: |
12.B.1.p. EGACA - Cell Phones OPTIONAL - Committee Decision: Do not adopt
Subject: |
12.B.1.q. EGACA-AR - Cell Phones OPTIONAL - Committee Decision: Do not adopt
Subject: |
12.B.2. FK - Facilities Renovation
Subject: |
13. Communication to the Board (No Action - Read Only)
Subject: |
13.A. Support Services Report - David Marshall, Director
Subject: |
13.B. Special Education Reports - Stephanie Allen-Hart, Director
Subject: |
13.C. Payables - January 2014
Subject: |
13.D. Principal Second Trimester Board Reports
Subject: |
13.D.1. Manzanita Elementary
Presenter: |
Jessica Durrant, Principal
Subject: |
13.E. Newsletters
Subject: |
13.E.1. Applegate School
Subject: |
13.E.2. Hidden Valley High School
Subject: |
13.E.3. Illinois Valley High School
Subject: |
13.E.4. Lornia Byrne Middle School
Subject: |
13.E.5. Williams Elementary
Subject: |
14. Upcoming Events:
Subject: |
14.A. Feb. 20, 2014 (Thursday) - Lorna Byrne MS - Day of Respect: assembly, activities & presentation. 1:15 in Gym & Cafeteria
Subject: |
14.B. Feb. 20, 2014 (Thursday) - Lorna Byrne MS - Bullying at the midddle school / How to help your kid survive. Dinner provided. 6:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria.
Subject: |
14.C. Feb. 24, 2014 (Monday) - Ft. Vannoy at Kids Zone @ Club Northwest. 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Subject: |
14.D. Feb. 26, 2014 (Wednesday) - Ft. Vannoy Scholastic Book Fair - Library 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Subject: |
14.E. Feb. 28, 2014 (Friday) - Ft. Vannoy Art Night/Book Fair - Gym 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Subject: |
15. Future Meeting Dates and Suggested Agenda Items:
Subject: |
15.A. Board Work Session - Tuesday, March 4, 2014 - 5:00 PM at District Office
Subject: |
15.B. Board Meeting - Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 6:00 PM at North Valley High School
Subject: |
16. Other
Subject: |
17. Adjournment