Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. BOARD EXECUTIVE SESSION 4:45-6:00 PM (Closed to the Public) ORS 192.660(2)(b) & ORS 192.660(2)(d)
2.A. Consider Dismissal/Discipline of Employee (4:45-5:30 p.m.)
2.B. Collective Bargaining (5:30-6:00 p.m.)
3. BOARD REGULAR SESSION - Begins at 6:00 PM
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Superintendent's Report
6. Financial Reports
7. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
7.A. Routine Personnel Items - December 2013
7.A.1. Athletic Coaches
7.B. Enrollment Reports
7.C. Approval of draft minutes of previous meetings
7.C.1. Board Work Session - October 1, 2013
7.D. Grant(s):
7.D.1. Oregon Youth Conservation Corps Program at Illinois Valley HS
7.D.2. Oregon Community Foundation Grant
8. Community Comments [20 minutes]
9. Reports - No Action
9.A. Jerome Prairie Recommendation
9.B. Graduation Requirements
10. Discussion
10.A. Board Policies JFCF & GBNA
10.B. Curriculum Committee
11. Action Items
11.A. Planned Course Statement - Intro to Principles of Engineering (ACTION)
11.B. Policies - FIRST READING
11.B.1. IGBA Students with Disabilities
11.B.2. IGBA-AR Students with Disabilities-Child Identification Procedures
11.B.3. IGBAB/JO Education Records/Students with Disabilites
11.B.4. IGBAB/JO-AR Education Records/Records of Students with Disabilites Management
11.B.5. IGBAF Special Education - Individualized Education Program (IEP) *NEW*
11.B.6. IGBAG-AR Special Education-Procedural Safeguards
11.B.7. IGBAH Special Education-Evaluation Procedures
11.B.8. IGBAJ Special Education - Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
11.B.9. IGBAJ-AR Special Education - Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
11.B.10. JGAB Use of Restraint and Seclusion
11.B.11. JGAB-AR Use of Restraint and Seclusion
12. Communication to the Board (No Action - Read Only)
12.A. Support Services Report - David Marshall, Director
12.B. Special Education Reports - Stephanie Allen-Hart, Director
12.C. Payables - November 2013
12.D. Principal Board Reports
12.D.1. Williams Elementary
12.D.2. Lincoln Savage Middle School
12.D.3. Fleming Middle School
12.D.4. Manzanita Elementary
12.D.5. Illinois Valley High School
12.D.6. Madrona Elementary
12.E. Newsletters
12.E.1. Evergreen Elementary
12.E.2. Illinois Valley High School
12.E.3. Manzanita Elementary
12.E.4. Williams Elementary
13. Upcoming Events:
13.A. Dec. 18, 2013 (Wednesday) - Williams Elementary Holiday Musical; 7:00 p.m./Gym
13.B. Dec. 18, 2013 (Wednesday) - Manzanita Elementary Christmas Holiday Program - 7:00 p.m.
13.C. Dec. 19, 2013 (Thursday) - Illinois Valley HS Winter Concert - 7:00 p.m.
13.D. Dec. 20, 2013 (Friday) - Madrona Pride Day Assemblies - KG, 1st & 2nd at 9:30 / 3rd, 4th & 5th at 10:30
14. Future Meeting Dates and Suggested Agenda Items:
14.A. Board Work Session - Tuesday, January 7, 2014 - 5:00 PM at District Office
14.B. Board Meeting - Tuesday, January 21, 2014 - 6:00 PM at District Office
15. Other
16. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 17, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Presenter: |
Ron Crume, Board Chair
Subject: |
2. BOARD EXECUTIVE SESSION 4:45-6:00 PM (Closed to the Public) ORS 192.660(2)(b) & ORS 192.660(2)(d)
Subject: |
2.A. Consider Dismissal/Discipline of Employee (4:45-5:30 p.m.)
Presenter: |
Debbie Breckner, Director
Subject: |
2.B. Collective Bargaining (5:30-6:00 p.m.)
Presenter: |
Debbie Breckner, Director
Subject: |
3. BOARD REGULAR SESSION - Begins at 6:00 PM
Subject: |
4. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
5. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Patricia Adams, Superintendent
Subject: |
6. Financial Reports
Presenter: |
Lisa Cross, District Accountant
Subject: |
7. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
Items in the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion unless a member of the Board or the Superintendent requests that an item or items be removed and voted upon separately.
Subject: |
7.A. Routine Personnel Items - December 2013
Subject: |
7.A.1. Athletic Coaches
Subject: |
7.B. Enrollment Reports
Subject: |
7.C. Approval of draft minutes of previous meetings
Subject: |
7.C.1. Board Work Session - October 1, 2013
Subject: |
7.D. Grant(s):
Subject: |
7.D.1. Oregon Youth Conservation Corps Program at Illinois Valley HS
Presenter: |
Jann Taylor
Subject: |
7.D.2. Oregon Community Foundation Grant
Presenter: |
Rachael George, Lorna Byrne Middle School
Subject: |
8. Community Comments [20 minutes]
The Board values input from patrons and, as part of its regular agenda items, there will be 20 minutes allotted for public input.
Subject: |
9. Reports - No Action
Subject: |
9.A. Jerome Prairie Recommendation
Presenter: |
David Marshall and Damian Crowson
Subject: |
9.B. Graduation Requirements
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Stephanie Allen-Hart & Debbie Breckner, Directors
Subject: |
10. Discussion
Subject: |
10.A. Board Policies JFCF & GBNA
Presenter: |
Ron Crume, Board Chair
Subject: |
10.B. Curriculum Committee
Presenter: |
Ron Crume, Board Chair
Subject: |
11. Action Items
Subject: |
11.A. Planned Course Statement - Intro to Principles of Engineering (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Director
Subject: |
11.B. Policies - FIRST READING
Presenter: |
Stephanie Allen-Hart, Director
Subject: |
11.B.1. IGBA Students with Disabilities
Subject: |
11.B.2. IGBA-AR Students with Disabilities-Child Identification Procedures
Subject: |
11.B.3. IGBAB/JO Education Records/Students with Disabilites
Subject: |
11.B.4. IGBAB/JO-AR Education Records/Records of Students with Disabilites Management
Subject: |
11.B.5. IGBAF Special Education - Individualized Education Program (IEP) *NEW*
Subject: |
11.B.6. IGBAG-AR Special Education-Procedural Safeguards
Subject: |
11.B.7. IGBAH Special Education-Evaluation Procedures
Subject: |
11.B.8. IGBAJ Special Education - Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
Subject: |
11.B.9. IGBAJ-AR Special Education - Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
Subject: |
11.B.10. JGAB Use of Restraint and Seclusion
Subject: |
11.B.11. JGAB-AR Use of Restraint and Seclusion
Subject: |
12. Communication to the Board (No Action - Read Only)
Subject: |
12.A. Support Services Report - David Marshall, Director
Subject: |
12.B. Special Education Reports - Stephanie Allen-Hart, Director
Subject: |
12.C. Payables - November 2013
Subject: |
12.D. Principal Board Reports
Subject: |
12.D.1. Williams Elementary
Presenter: |
Renee Hults, Principal
Subject: |
12.D.2. Lincoln Savage Middle School
Presenter: |
Damian Crowson, Principal
Subject: |
12.D.3. Fleming Middle School
Presenter: |
John George, Principal
Subject: |
12.D.4. Manzanita Elementary
Presenter: |
Jessica Durrant, Principal
Subject: |
12.D.5. Illinois Valley High School
Presenter: |
Casey Alderson, Principal
Subject: |
12.D.6. Madrona Elementary
Presenter: |
Lise VanBrunt, Principal
Subject: |
12.E. Newsletters
Subject: |
12.E.1. Evergreen Elementary
Subject: |
12.E.2. Illinois Valley High School
Subject: |
12.E.3. Manzanita Elementary
Subject: |
12.E.4. Williams Elementary
Subject: |
13. Upcoming Events:
Subject: |
13.A. Dec. 18, 2013 (Wednesday) - Williams Elementary Holiday Musical; 7:00 p.m./Gym
Subject: |
13.B. Dec. 18, 2013 (Wednesday) - Manzanita Elementary Christmas Holiday Program - 7:00 p.m.
Subject: |
13.C. Dec. 19, 2013 (Thursday) - Illinois Valley HS Winter Concert - 7:00 p.m.
Subject: |
13.D. Dec. 20, 2013 (Friday) - Madrona Pride Day Assemblies - KG, 1st & 2nd at 9:30 / 3rd, 4th & 5th at 10:30
Subject: |
14. Future Meeting Dates and Suggested Agenda Items:
Subject: |
14.A. Board Work Session - Tuesday, January 7, 2014 - 5:00 PM at District Office
Subject: |
14.B. Board Meeting - Tuesday, January 21, 2014 - 6:00 PM at District Office
Subject: |
15. Other
Subject: |
16. Adjournment