Meeting Agenda
1. Call Meeting to order, roll call, establishment of quorum, Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
2. Comments from the public. Citizen communications:(Open Forum-limit of 5 minutes per speaker)
3. Informational Items Only
3.A. Enrollment Report
3.B. Campus Reports
3.B.1. U.I.L. High School Results
3.C. Region One School Board Association - ROSBA Conference - May 17 & 18, 2013 (South Padre)
3.D. 2012 Summer Leadership Institute - June 6-8 (San Antonio)
3.E. Superintendents' Summer Academy June 10-12 (South Padre)
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approval of Minutes of previous meetings:
4.A.1. Special Board Meeting - March 25, 2013
4.A.2. Regular Board Meeting - March 26, 2013
4.A.3. Construction Committee - April 4, 2013
4.B. Approval of monthly tax collections for the month of March 2013
4.C. Accounts Payable
4.D. Discussion and possible action to approve summer work schedule for administrative office personnel
5. Action Items
5.A. Discussion and approval of Instructional Materials Allotment and TEA Certification, 2013-2014 for State Adopted Annual Consumables and Textbooks for the 2013-2014 school year
5.B. Discussion and Possible Action to seek proposals for Bank Depository
5.C. Discussion and possible approval of intent to continue 21st Century Application, Year 5
5.D. Discussion and possible approval of 2013 Migrant University Summer Experience (MUSE) Interlocal Cooperation Agreement
5.E. Discussion and possible action to approve the purchase of Instructional Materials from the American Reading Company
5.F. Discussion and possible action of renovation for two portable buildings
5.G. Discussion and possible action of construction of Concession/Restroom Building
5.H. Discussion and possible action regarding 8th grade promotion.
5.I. Discussion and action regarding 8th grade/Senior trip and or fieldtrips
5.J. Discussion and action on out of district field trips
5.K. Discussion and action to approve GEAR-UP fieldtrip to Texas A&M University of Kingsville Campus Tour - May 3, 2013
5.L. Discussion and possible action on coaches stipends for 2013-2014 school year
6. Business and Finance
6.A. Financial Report
7. Executive Session: Board of Trustees may go into Closed Session pursuant to Section(s) 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074, Texas Government Code, to discuss the following:
7.A. 551.074 for the purpose of discussing superintendent, personnel, considering appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
7.A.1. Discussion and action regarding Superintendent's Evaluation
7.A.2. Discussion and action regarding Junior High Principal
7.A.3. Discussion and possible action regarding position of an Assistant Principal in the Junior High
7.B. Review and discuss recommendations to renew, nonrenew, or terminate employment contracts with all contractual employees including, but not limited to, all teachers, librarians, nurses, and counselors
7.C. Discuss employment of personnel
8. Reconvene In Open Session
8.A. Action if any on items discussed in executive session.
9. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 30, 2013 at 7:02 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call Meeting to order, roll call, establishment of quorum, Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Subject: |
2. Comments from the public. Citizen communications:(Open Forum-limit of 5 minutes per speaker)
Subject: |
3. Informational Items Only
Subject: |
3.A. Enrollment Report
Subject: |
3.B. Campus Reports
Subject: |
3.B.1. U.I.L. High School Results
Subject: |
3.C. Region One School Board Association - ROSBA Conference - May 17 & 18, 2013 (South Padre)
Subject: |
3.D. 2012 Summer Leadership Institute - June 6-8 (San Antonio)
Subject: |
3.E. Superintendents' Summer Academy June 10-12 (South Padre)
Subject: |
4. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
4.A. Approval of Minutes of previous meetings:
Subject: |
4.A.1. Special Board Meeting - March 25, 2013
Subject: |
4.A.2. Regular Board Meeting - March 26, 2013
Subject: |
4.A.3. Construction Committee - April 4, 2013
Subject: |
4.B. Approval of monthly tax collections for the month of March 2013
Subject: |
4.C. Accounts Payable
Subject: |
4.D. Discussion and possible action to approve summer work schedule for administrative office personnel
Subject: |
5. Action Items
Subject: |
5.A. Discussion and approval of Instructional Materials Allotment and TEA Certification, 2013-2014 for State Adopted Annual Consumables and Textbooks for the 2013-2014 school year
Subject: |
5.B. Discussion and Possible Action to seek proposals for Bank Depository
Subject: |
5.C. Discussion and possible approval of intent to continue 21st Century Application, Year 5
Subject: |
5.D. Discussion and possible approval of 2013 Migrant University Summer Experience (MUSE) Interlocal Cooperation Agreement
Subject: |
5.E. Discussion and possible action to approve the purchase of Instructional Materials from the American Reading Company
Subject: |
5.F. Discussion and possible action of renovation for two portable buildings
Subject: |
5.G. Discussion and possible action of construction of Concession/Restroom Building
Subject: |
5.H. Discussion and possible action regarding 8th grade promotion.
Subject: |
5.I. Discussion and action regarding 8th grade/Senior trip and or fieldtrips
Subject: |
5.J. Discussion and action on out of district field trips
Subject: |
5.K. Discussion and action to approve GEAR-UP fieldtrip to Texas A&M University of Kingsville Campus Tour - May 3, 2013
Subject: |
5.L. Discussion and possible action on coaches stipends for 2013-2014 school year
Subject: |
6. Business and Finance
Subject: |
6.A. Financial Report
Subject: |
7. Executive Session: Board of Trustees may go into Closed Session pursuant to Section(s) 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074, Texas Government Code, to discuss the following:
Subject: |
7.A. 551.074 for the purpose of discussing superintendent, personnel, considering appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
Subject: |
7.A.1. Discussion and action regarding Superintendent's Evaluation
Subject: |
7.A.2. Discussion and action regarding Junior High Principal
Subject: |
7.A.3. Discussion and possible action regarding position of an Assistant Principal in the Junior High
Subject: |
7.B. Review and discuss recommendations to renew, nonrenew, or terminate employment contracts with all contractual employees including, but not limited to, all teachers, librarians, nurses, and counselors
Subject: |
7.C. Discuss employment of personnel
Subject: |
8. Reconvene In Open Session
Subject: |
8.A. Action if any on items discussed in executive session.
Subject: |
9. Adjourn