Meeting Agenda
1. Call Meeting to order, roll call, establishment of quorum, Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
2. Comments from the public. Citizen communications:(Open Forum-limit of 5 minutes per speaker)
3. Superintendent's Report
3.A. Enrollment Report
3.B. Construction Report
3.C. Elementary Campus Report
3.D. JB Middle School/High School Report
3.E. Grants Report
3.E.1. Discussion and possible action to approve District UIL overnight trip for Monte Alto High School Students
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approval of Minutes of meetings:
4.A.1. Regular Board Meeting - August 31, 2010
4.A.2. Policy Committee Meeting -September 13, 2010
4.A.3. Special Board Meeting - September 13, 2010
4.A.4. Finance Committee Meeting - September 21, 2010
4.B. Approval of monthly tax collections for the month of August 2010
4.C. Accounts Payable
4.D. Review updated (LEGAL) policies and conduct first reading on (LOCAL) policies according to TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 88
4.E. Approval of 2010-2011 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Calendar and Certified Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers
5. Business and Finance
5.A. Discussion and possible action to approve an order authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of Monte Alto Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2010, and approving other matters incident thereto
5.B. Discussion and possible action to adopt Maintenance & Operations tax rate and Interest and Sinking Fund tax rate for 2010 tax year (2010-2011 school year)
5.C. Discussion and Adoption of the Resolution approving tax rates for 2010 tax year
5.D. Financial Report
5.E. Discuss student and campus activity accounts
5.F. Discussion and possible action to approve payment to ROFA
6. Executive Session: Board of Trustees may go into Closed Session pursuant to Section(s) 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074, Texas Government Code, to discuss the following:
6.A. Discussion and possible action to approve resignation, and employment of professional and at-will personnel
7. Reconvene In Open Session
7.A. Discussion and possible action to approve resignation, and employment of professional and at -will personnel
8. Adjourn
9.A. Notice was posted in the Monte Alto Bulletin Board at 25149 1st Street in Monte Alto, Texas on Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. signed by Mr. Gabriel Farias Jr. Superintendent of Schools
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 28, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call Meeting to order, roll call, establishment of quorum, Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Subject: |
2. Comments from the public. Citizen communications:(Open Forum-limit of 5 minutes per speaker)
Subject: |
3. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
3.A. Enrollment Report
Subject: |
3.B. Construction Report
Subject: |
3.C. Elementary Campus Report
Subject: |
3.D. JB Middle School/High School Report
Subject: |
3.E. Grants Report
Subject: |
3.E.1. Discussion and possible action to approve District UIL overnight trip for Monte Alto High School Students
Subject: |
4. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
4.A. Approval of Minutes of meetings:
Subject: |
4.A.1. Regular Board Meeting - August 31, 2010
Subject: |
4.A.2. Policy Committee Meeting -September 13, 2010
Subject: |
4.A.3. Special Board Meeting - September 13, 2010
Subject: |
4.A.4. Finance Committee Meeting - September 21, 2010
Subject: |
4.B. Approval of monthly tax collections for the month of August 2010
Subject: |
4.C. Accounts Payable
Subject: |
4.D. Review updated (LEGAL) policies and conduct first reading on (LOCAL) policies according to TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 88
Subject: |
4.E. Approval of 2010-2011 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Calendar and Certified Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers
Subject: |
5. Business and Finance
Subject: |
5.A. Discussion and possible action to approve an order authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of Monte Alto Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2010, and approving other matters incident thereto
Subject: |
5.B. Discussion and possible action to adopt Maintenance & Operations tax rate and Interest and Sinking Fund tax rate for 2010 tax year (2010-2011 school year)
Subject: |
5.C. Discussion and Adoption of the Resolution approving tax rates for 2010 tax year
Subject: |
5.D. Financial Report
Subject: |
5.E. Discuss student and campus activity accounts
Subject: |
5.F. Discussion and possible action to approve payment to ROFA
Subject: |
6. Executive Session: Board of Trustees may go into Closed Session pursuant to Section(s) 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074, Texas Government Code, to discuss the following:
Subject: |
6.A. Discussion and possible action to approve resignation, and employment of professional and at-will personnel
Subject: |
7. Reconvene In Open Session
Subject: |
7.A. Discussion and possible action to approve resignation, and employment of professional and at -will personnel
Subject: |
8. Adjourn
Subject: |
Subject: |
9.A. Notice was posted in the Monte Alto Bulletin Board at 25149 1st Street in Monte Alto, Texas on Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. signed by Mr. Gabriel Farias Jr. Superintendent of Schools