Meeting Agenda
1. Roll Call; Establishment of Quorum; Call Meeting To Order
2. Opening Ceremonies
3. Open Meeting
4. Recognitions
4.A. School Board Recognition
Presentations by Irene C. Cardwell Elementary, Buena Vista Elementary, Dr. Fermin Calderon Elementary, Ruben Chavira Elementary, Dr. Lonnie Green Elementary, Lamar Elementary, Garfield Elementary, North Heights Elementary, San Felipe Memorial Middle School, Del Rio Middle School, Del Rio Freshman School and Early College High School, Del Rio High School, and the Blended Learning Academy. |
5. Citizens to Be Heard
Citizens wishing to address the Board will be heard at this time. |
6. Public Hearings
6.A. Public Hearing on the 2014-2015 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) in accordance with TEC 39.306.
(Dr. Jorge Garza) |
6.B. Public Comments on the Report
7. Board Members' Report
7.A. Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) 2014-2016 Advocacy Agenda.
(Raymond Meza) |
8. Reports
8.A. Bilingual Annual Report
(Dr. Oscar M. Garcia and Aida Gomez) |
8.B. Facilities and Construction Report
(Israel Carrera) |
8.C. Transportation Department Improvements Update
(Rick Maldonado) |
8.D. Salary Adjustments for Hourly Waged Employees Update
(Yanakany Valdez) |
9. Consent Agenda
9.A. Minutes from the Meetings
Recommended Action: Approval |
9.A.1. December 14, 2015 - Regular School Board Meeting
9.B. Financial Statements
9.B.1. Consideration to approve Amendment for all Funds as of December 31, 2015. Monthly financial status reports for all funds as of December 31, 2015 are included for information purposes only.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
9.C. Awarding of Bid/RFP/RFQ Items - There are no items for this meeting.
9.D. Tax Refunds - There are no items for this meeting.
9.E. Donations
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
9.E.1. Chick-Fil-A Del Rio - $259.81 - Buena Vista Elementary
9.E.2. Chick-Fil-A Del Rio - $96.01 - Garfield Elementary
9.E.3. Chick-Fil-A Del Rio - $326.60 - Ruben Chavira Elementary
9.E.4. Chick-Fil-A Del Rio - $208.51 - Ruben Chavira Elementary
9.E.5. Del Rio Ford Lincoln - $100.00 - Del Rio High School
9.E.6. Lifetouch National School Studios - $2,111.64 - Buena Vista Elementary
9.E.7. Lifetouch National School Studios - $1,112.31 - Dr. Fermin Calderon Elementary
9.E.8. Lifetouch National School Studios - $1,653.53 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
9.E.9. Lifetouch National School Studios - $965.91 - San Felipe Memorial Middle School
9.E.10. Pat Collins Auto Sales - $100.00 - San Felipe Del Rio CISD Transportation Department
9.E.11. Erica Pfister - $50.00 - Buena Vista Elementary
9.E.12. Tamara Barlette - $50.00 - Dr. Lonnie Green Elementary
9.E.13. The Spot & Pro Shop - $204.00 - Lamar Elementary
9.E.14. The Spot & Pro Shop - $300.00 - Buena Vista Elementary
9.E.15. Al's Body Shop - Two turkeys valued at $30.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
9.E.16. Border Federal Credit Union - Gift cards for Adopt A Family valued at $200.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
9.E.17. Boy Scouts Troop 255 - Turkey basket valued at $100.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
9.E.18. Del Rio High School Student Council - Non-perishable goods valued at $125.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
9.E.19. Del Rio Pride Leo Club - Four Thanksgiving Baskets valued at $200.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
9.E.20. Brianna Guadiana-Lopez - Turkey valued at $20.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
9.E.21. JV Tennis Team - Thanksgiving basket valued at $75.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
9.E.22. Policy Council Member - Turkey valued at $25.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
9.E.23. San Felipe Lions Club - 16 Turkeys valued at $250.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
9.E.24. Wesley Nurses - Non-perishable items valued at $60.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
9.F. Purchase Order over $25,000.00
9.F.1. Consideration to approve Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Weaver Technologies in the amount of $29,797.05 for blade server enclosure.
(Leslie Hayenga) Recommended Action: Approval |
9.F.2. Consideration to approve Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Sequel Data Systems in the amount of $58,204.86 for network switches.
(Leslie Hayenga) Recommended Action: Approval |
9.F.3. Consideration to approve Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Weaver Technologies in the amount not to exceed $50,995.90 for VDI Maintenance and license renewal.
(Leslie Hayenga) Recommended Action: Approval |
9.G. Contracts over $5,000.00
9.G.1. Consideration to approve Contract over $5,000.00 with the Dana Center in the amount not to exceed $7,000.00 for providing professional development to math and science teachers at Del Rio Middle School.
(Jorge Limon) Recommended Action: Approval |
9.G.2. Consideration to approve Contract over $5,000.00 with Amistad Consulting Services, INC. Engineering Consultants in the amount not to exceed $6,150.00 for professional engineering services.
(Israel Carrera) Recommended Action: Approval |
9.G.3. Consideration to approve Contract over $5,000.00 with Jorge Pena Architects in the amount not to exceed $20,000.00 for master planning services.
(Israel Carrera) Recommended Action: Approval |
9.H. Second Reading and Adoption of Policy Revisions - There are no items for this meeting.
9.I. Quarterly Investment Report
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
9.I.1. Consideration to approve Quarterly Investment Reports as of November 30, 2015.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
10. Administration
10.A. Consideration to appoint or call special election to fill vacancy on the board.
(Cecilia Martinez-Lozano) Recommended Action: Discussion |
10.B. Consideration to approve First Reading of localized policy CW (LOCAL).
(Sandra T. Hernandez) Recommended Action: Approval |
10.C. Consideration to approve Order of Election.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
11. Curriculum and Instruction
11.A. Consideration of approval of the Memorandum of Understanding of the Board of Trustees of San Felipe Del Rio CISD and Southwest Texas Junior College in regards to Early College High School.
(Dr. Jorge Garza) Recommended Action: Approval |
11.B. Consideration to approve submittal of Written Plans and Procedures.
(Linda Guanajuato-Webb) Recommended Action: Approval |
11.C. Consideration to approve submittal of By-Laws.
(Linda Guanajuato-Webb) Recommended Action: Approval |
11.D. Consideration to approve the Memorandum of Understanding of the Board of Trustees of San Felipe Del Rio CISD and the City of Del Rio in regards to Del Rio High School/Middle School Boys or Girls Golf Program.
(Rick Smith) Recommended Action: Approval |
12. Facilities and Operations
12.A. Consideration and take action to approve sale of surplus property to abutting property owner pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 272.001.
(Israel Carrera) Recommended Action: Approval |
13. Business and Finance
13.A. Consideration to approve contract extension with Belt Harris Pechacek, LLLP.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
13.B. Consideration to approve the submittal of application for Impact Aid.
(Laura English) Recommended Action: Approval |
13.C. Consideration to approve Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
13.D. Consideration to approve the 2016-2017 Budget Parameters and Development Calendar.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
13.E. Consideration to approve modification of the 2015-2016 General Fund balance commitments.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
13.F. Consideration to approve revision to District Wide Stipend schedule.
(Dr. Jorge Garza) Recommended Action: Approval |
13.G. Agreement for Collection of Taxes with Val Verde County.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
14. Human Resources and Student Services
14.A. Consideration to approve the following contracts:
• Continuing Contract - Certified Professional Personnel • One-Year Probationary Contract (Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
14.B. Consideration to approve nine Food Service Worker positions and Job Description/Evaluation Forms.
(Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
14.C. Consideration to approve the Elementary Principal - Laughlin AFB Magnet position, the revised Administrative Job Classification Listing and Job Description/Evaluation Forms.
(Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
14.D. Consideration to approve the revised Paraprofessional Job Classification Listing.
(Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
14.E. Consideration to approve the revised 2015-2016 School Calendar.
(Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
15. Technology Services - There are no items for this meeting.
16. Closed Session
If, during the course of any duly posted meeting, the Board of Trustees determines that a closed or executive session is required regarding an item posted on the Agenda, that session will be held on any or all subjects and purposes permitted by Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, 551.084, 551.087 of the Government Code (the Texas Open Meetings Act). If a final vote is required on any matter considered in the closed or executive session, it shall be taken either upon the reconvening of the public session covered by this notice or at a subsequent, duly posted, public meeting as the Board shall determine. |
16.A. Pursuant to 551.074: Discussion of Personnel or to Hear Complaints Against Personnel and 551.071 Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney
16.A.1. Level III Hearing - Arthur Thomas
16.A.2. Discussion of Personnel Report to include the following:
• New Hires • District Vacancies: Retirements/Resignations/Reassignments |
16.A.3. Discussion of Salary Adjustments to include, but not limited to the following justifications:
• Service Credit • Master's Degree • Stipends |
16.A.4. Discussion of Human Resources/Finance Coordinator
16.A.5. Formative Evaluation of the Superintendent
16.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071 and 551.074: Consultation with Attorney and Appointment of Officials
16.B.1. Consideration to appoint or call special election to fill vacancy on the board
17. Reconvene to Open Session
The Board may vote upon, and/or take action as to, any or all of the items considered under "Closed Session". |
17.A. Level III Hearing - Arthur Thomas
(Cecilia Martinez-Lozano) Recommended Action: To be determined |
17.B. Consideration to appoint or call special election to fill vacancy on the board.
(Cecilia Martinez-Lozano) Recommended Action: To be determined |
17.C. Consideration to approve the Personnel Report to include the following:
•New Hires •District Vacancies: Retirements/Resignations (Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
17.D. Consideration to approve Salary Adjustments to include the following justifications:
• Service Credit • Master's Degree • Stipends (Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
17.E. Consideration to approve the Human Resources/Finance Coordinator.
(Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
18. Superintendent's Report
18.A. TASB workshop on board handbook.
18.B. Strategic Development Planning workshop by ESC Region 13.
19. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 18, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Public Hearing/Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
Roll Call; Establishment of Quorum; Call Meeting To Order
Subject: |
Opening Ceremonies
Subject: |
Open Meeting
Subject: |
Subject: |
School Board Recognition
Presentations by Irene C. Cardwell Elementary, Buena Vista Elementary, Dr. Fermin Calderon Elementary, Ruben Chavira Elementary, Dr. Lonnie Green Elementary, Lamar Elementary, Garfield Elementary, North Heights Elementary, San Felipe Memorial Middle School, Del Rio Middle School, Del Rio Freshman School and Early College High School, Del Rio High School, and the Blended Learning Academy. |
Subject: |
Citizens to Be Heard
Citizens wishing to address the Board will be heard at this time. |
Subject: |
Public Hearings
Subject: |
Public Hearing on the 2014-2015 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) in accordance with TEC 39.306.
(Dr. Jorge Garza) |
Subject: |
Public Comments on the Report
Subject: |
Board Members' Report
Subject: |
Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) 2014-2016 Advocacy Agenda.
(Raymond Meza) |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Bilingual Annual Report
(Dr. Oscar M. Garcia and Aida Gomez) |
Subject: |
Facilities and Construction Report
(Israel Carrera) |
Subject: |
Transportation Department Improvements Update
(Rick Maldonado) |
Subject: |
Salary Adjustments for Hourly Waged Employees Update
(Yanakany Valdez) |
Subject: |
Consent Agenda
Subject: |
Minutes from the Meetings
Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
December 14, 2015 - Regular School Board Meeting
Subject: |
Financial Statements
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Amendment for all Funds as of December 31, 2015. Monthly financial status reports for all funds as of December 31, 2015 are included for information purposes only.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Awarding of Bid/RFP/RFQ Items - There are no items for this meeting.
Subject: |
Tax Refunds - There are no items for this meeting.
Subject: |
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Chick-Fil-A Del Rio - $259.81 - Buena Vista Elementary
Subject: |
Chick-Fil-A Del Rio - $96.01 - Garfield Elementary
Subject: |
Chick-Fil-A Del Rio - $326.60 - Ruben Chavira Elementary
Subject: |
Chick-Fil-A Del Rio - $208.51 - Ruben Chavira Elementary
Subject: |
Del Rio Ford Lincoln - $100.00 - Del Rio High School
Subject: |
Lifetouch National School Studios - $2,111.64 - Buena Vista Elementary
Subject: |
Lifetouch National School Studios - $1,112.31 - Dr. Fermin Calderon Elementary
Subject: |
Lifetouch National School Studios - $1,653.53 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
Subject: |
Lifetouch National School Studios - $965.91 - San Felipe Memorial Middle School
Subject: |
Pat Collins Auto Sales - $100.00 - San Felipe Del Rio CISD Transportation Department
Subject: |
Erica Pfister - $50.00 - Buena Vista Elementary
Subject: |
Tamara Barlette - $50.00 - Dr. Lonnie Green Elementary
Subject: |
The Spot & Pro Shop - $204.00 - Lamar Elementary
Subject: |
The Spot & Pro Shop - $300.00 - Buena Vista Elementary
Subject: |
Al's Body Shop - Two turkeys valued at $30.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
Subject: |
Border Federal Credit Union - Gift cards for Adopt A Family valued at $200.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
Subject: |
Boy Scouts Troop 255 - Turkey basket valued at $100.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
Subject: |
Del Rio High School Student Council - Non-perishable goods valued at $125.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
Subject: |
Del Rio Pride Leo Club - Four Thanksgiving Baskets valued at $200.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
Subject: |
Brianna Guadiana-Lopez - Turkey valued at $20.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
Subject: |
JV Tennis Team - Thanksgiving basket valued at $75.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
Subject: |
Policy Council Member - Turkey valued at $25.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
Subject: |
San Felipe Lions Club - 16 Turkeys valued at $250.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
Subject: |
Wesley Nurses - Non-perishable items valued at $60.00 - Irene C. Cardwell Elementary
Subject: |
Purchase Order over $25,000.00
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Weaver Technologies in the amount of $29,797.05 for blade server enclosure.
(Leslie Hayenga) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Sequel Data Systems in the amount of $58,204.86 for network switches.
(Leslie Hayenga) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Weaver Technologies in the amount not to exceed $50,995.90 for VDI Maintenance and license renewal.
(Leslie Hayenga) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Contracts over $5,000.00
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Contract over $5,000.00 with the Dana Center in the amount not to exceed $7,000.00 for providing professional development to math and science teachers at Del Rio Middle School.
(Jorge Limon) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Contract over $5,000.00 with Amistad Consulting Services, INC. Engineering Consultants in the amount not to exceed $6,150.00 for professional engineering services.
(Israel Carrera) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Contract over $5,000.00 with Jorge Pena Architects in the amount not to exceed $20,000.00 for master planning services.
(Israel Carrera) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Second Reading and Adoption of Policy Revisions - There are no items for this meeting.
Subject: |
Quarterly Investment Report
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Quarterly Investment Reports as of November 30, 2015.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Consideration to appoint or call special election to fill vacancy on the board.
(Cecilia Martinez-Lozano) Recommended Action: Discussion |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve First Reading of localized policy CW (LOCAL).
(Sandra T. Hernandez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Order of Election.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Curriculum and Instruction
Subject: |
Consideration of approval of the Memorandum of Understanding of the Board of Trustees of San Felipe Del Rio CISD and Southwest Texas Junior College in regards to Early College High School.
(Dr. Jorge Garza) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve submittal of Written Plans and Procedures.
(Linda Guanajuato-Webb) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve submittal of By-Laws.
(Linda Guanajuato-Webb) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the Memorandum of Understanding of the Board of Trustees of San Felipe Del Rio CISD and the City of Del Rio in regards to Del Rio High School/Middle School Boys or Girls Golf Program.
(Rick Smith) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Facilities and Operations
Subject: |
Consideration and take action to approve sale of surplus property to abutting property owner pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 272.001.
(Israel Carrera) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Business and Finance
Subject: |
Consideration to approve contract extension with Belt Harris Pechacek, LLLP.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the submittal of application for Impact Aid.
(Laura English) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the 2016-2017 Budget Parameters and Development Calendar.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve modification of the 2015-2016 General Fund balance commitments.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve revision to District Wide Stipend schedule.
(Dr. Jorge Garza) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Agreement for Collection of Taxes with Val Verde County.
(Yanakany Valdez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Human Resources and Student Services
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the following contracts:
• Continuing Contract - Certified Professional Personnel • One-Year Probationary Contract (Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve nine Food Service Worker positions and Job Description/Evaluation Forms.
(Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the Elementary Principal - Laughlin AFB Magnet position, the revised Administrative Job Classification Listing and Job Description/Evaluation Forms.
(Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the revised Paraprofessional Job Classification Listing.
(Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the revised 2015-2016 School Calendar.
(Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Technology Services - There are no items for this meeting.
Subject: |
Closed Session
If, during the course of any duly posted meeting, the Board of Trustees determines that a closed or executive session is required regarding an item posted on the Agenda, that session will be held on any or all subjects and purposes permitted by Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, 551.084, 551.087 of the Government Code (the Texas Open Meetings Act). If a final vote is required on any matter considered in the closed or executive session, it shall be taken either upon the reconvening of the public session covered by this notice or at a subsequent, duly posted, public meeting as the Board shall determine. |
Subject: |
Pursuant to 551.074: Discussion of Personnel or to Hear Complaints Against Personnel and 551.071 Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney
Subject: |
Level III Hearing - Arthur Thomas
Subject: |
Discussion of Personnel Report to include the following:
• New Hires • District Vacancies: Retirements/Resignations/Reassignments |
Subject: |
Discussion of Salary Adjustments to include, but not limited to the following justifications:
• Service Credit • Master's Degree • Stipends |
Subject: |
Discussion of Human Resources/Finance Coordinator
Subject: |
Formative Evaluation of the Superintendent
Subject: |
Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071 and 551.074: Consultation with Attorney and Appointment of Officials
Subject: |
Consideration to appoint or call special election to fill vacancy on the board
Subject: |
Reconvene to Open Session
The Board may vote upon, and/or take action as to, any or all of the items considered under "Closed Session". |
Subject: |
Level III Hearing - Arthur Thomas
(Cecilia Martinez-Lozano) Recommended Action: To be determined |
Subject: |
Consideration to appoint or call special election to fill vacancy on the board.
(Cecilia Martinez-Lozano) Recommended Action: To be determined |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the Personnel Report to include the following:
•New Hires •District Vacancies: Retirements/Resignations (Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Salary Adjustments to include the following justifications:
• Service Credit • Master's Degree • Stipends (Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the Human Resources/Finance Coordinator.
(Dr. Patricia McNamara) Recommended Action: Approval |
Subject: |
Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
TASB workshop on board handbook.
Subject: |
Strategic Development Planning workshop by ESC Region 13.
Subject: |