Meeting Agenda
1. Roll Call; Establishment of Quorum; Call to Order
2. Announcement by the Board President calling this meeting of the San Felipe Del Rio Consolidated Independent School District to order. Let the record show that a quorum of the Board Members is present, that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.
3. Opening Ceremonies
4. Public Comments
5. Information Items
5.A. Recognition of the Ruben Chavira Elementary Student Council
5.B. Facilities and Operations Update
5.B.1. The Bank and Trust RAM Field Construction Update
5.B.2. Ruben Chavira Elementary Construction Update
5.B.3. Update on the Status of AVANCE
5.C. Information on Delinquent Tax Collections from Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson, LLP
5.D. Information on Notice of Grant Awards for Carl D. Perkins Basic Grant
5.E. Report of Expenditure for the New Mexico Football Game held on September 7, 2012, as requested by Board Member.
5.F. Attendance Rates to Date by School
5.G. Discipline Report to Date by School
6. Consent A
6.A. Consideration to approve minutes of the following meetings:
6.A.1. September 10, 2012 - Special Called Board Meeting
6.A.2. September 17, 2012 - Regular Board Meeting
7. Consent B
7.A. Consideration to approve Monthly Financials for August 31, 2012
7.B. Consideration to approve Amendment for all Funds as of September 30, 2012. Monthly Financial status reports for all Funds of September 30, 2012 are included for information purposes only.
7.C. Consideration to approve additional Bids and/or RFPs for the 2012-2013 school year, since those approved at the last board meeting.
7.D. Consideration to approve Quarterly Investment Reports as of August 31, 2012
7.E. Consideration to approve Tax Collection Refunds as requested by Bea Munoz, Val Verde County Tax Assessor/Collector.
7.F. Consideration to approve Donation to the Del Rio High School Athletic Trainers from Amistad Medical Professionals in the amount of $960.00, to be used for t-shirts, uniforms and sweaters.
7.G. Consideration to approve Donation to the Lamar Elementary campus from Target in the amount of $47.06, to be used for student incentives (ice cream, soft drinks, gift cards, student/staff t-shirts, fees, meals, and popcorn).
7.H. Consideration to approve payment of Emergency Purchase Order over $25,000.00, not to exceed $41,000.00 to pay for back-up unit for the network operations center.
8.A. Consideration to approve Disposal of Surplus Personal Property during the 2012-2013 fiscal year.
8.B. Consideration to approve contract for services with Susie Jechow from Southwest Texas EMS Training for the CTE Health Science program.
8.C. Consideration to approve contract for services with Monica Sandoval for the Del Rio High School and Del Rio Middle School Color Guard program.
8.D. Consideration to approve contract for services with Dr. Nancy Amodei to provide mental health assessment and evaluation services in accordance with Head Start Program Performance standards.
8.E. Consideration to approve contract for services with Ismael S. Cantu to assist with District Improvement Campuses.
8.F. Consideration to approve the revised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Race to the Top Grant with San Felipe Del Rio CISD, Eagle Pass ISD, United ISD, and Laredo ISD.
8.G. Consideration to approve the Food Allergy Manual as per Board Policy FFAF (Local).
8.H. Consideration to approve the implementation of the Teachscape Pilot PDAS Teacher Appraisal System for Del Rio Middle School staff.
8.I. Consideration to approve the following custodial positions due to increase square footage of new construction at each elementary school, Funding Source - 199 (Local):
*Custodian - Ruben Chavira Elementary School *Custodian - Lamar Elementary School |
8.J. Consideration to approve the revised stipend listings for the 2012-2013 school year.
8.K. Consideration to approve contract for services with the Education Service Center Region XV to assist with School Improvement Campuses for the 2012-2013 school year.
8.L. Consideration to approve Resolution concerning High Stakes Standardized Testing of Texas Public School Students.
8.M. Discussion and Consideration of an Employee Opinion or Climate Survey.
8.N. Consideration to approve submission of application for the "Student Success Initiative Grants to Schools" to the appropriate headquarter authority.
9. CLOSED SESSION: The Board may adjourn into Closed Session on any item listed above or below as appropriate to that item pursuant to, including, but not limited to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act:
9.A. 551.071 Private Consultation with the Board’s Attorney/Report on Pending Legal issues and Report on Settlement Status; Professional Employee Service Credit Placement
9.B. 551.072 Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property
9.C. 551.073 Discussing Negotiated Contracts for Prospective Gifts or Donations
9.D. 551.074 Discussion of Personnel or to Hear Complaints Against Personnel
9.D.1. Consideration to approve New Hires, New Assignments, District Vacancies, and Reassignments
9.D.2. Consideration to approve the following:
*Director of Bilingual/ESL *Director of CTE *Senior Systems Administrator |
9.D.3. Consideration to reactivate the following position for Del Rio High School:
*Dean of Instruction ( Funded: 199) |
9.E. 551.076 Regarding Security
9.F. 551.082 To deliberate discipline for a student or hearing on employee complaint against another employee
9.G. 551.084 Exclusion of a witness from a hearing
10.A. The Board may vote upon, and/or take action as to, any or all of the items considered under "Closed Session".
11.A. Consideration to approve New Hires, New Assignments, District Vacancies, and Reassignments.
11.B. Consideration to approve the following:
*Director of Bilingual/ESL *Director of CTE *Senior Systems Administrator |
11.C. Consideration to reactivate the following position for Del Rio High School:
*Dean of Instruction (Funded: 199) |
12. Adjourn meeting
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 15, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Roll Call; Establishment of Quorum; Call to Order
Subject: |
Announcement by the Board President calling this meeting of the San Felipe Del Rio Consolidated Independent School District to order. Let the record show that a quorum of the Board Members is present, that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.
Subject: |
Opening Ceremonies
Subject: |
Public Comments
Subject: |
Information Items
Subject: |
Recognition of the Ruben Chavira Elementary Student Council
Subject: |
Facilities and Operations Update
Subject: |
The Bank and Trust RAM Field Construction Update
Subject: |
Ruben Chavira Elementary Construction Update
Subject: |
Update on the Status of AVANCE
Subject: |
Information on Delinquent Tax Collections from Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson, LLP
Subject: |
Information on Notice of Grant Awards for Carl D. Perkins Basic Grant
Subject: |
Report of Expenditure for the New Mexico Football Game held on September 7, 2012, as requested by Board Member.
Subject: |
Attendance Rates to Date by School
Subject: |
Discipline Report to Date by School
Subject: |
Consent A
Subject: |
Consideration to approve minutes of the following meetings:
Subject: |
September 10, 2012 - Special Called Board Meeting
Subject: |
September 17, 2012 - Regular Board Meeting
Subject: |
Consent B
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Monthly Financials for August 31, 2012
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Amendment for all Funds as of September 30, 2012. Monthly Financial status reports for all Funds of September 30, 2012 are included for information purposes only.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve additional Bids and/or RFPs for the 2012-2013 school year, since those approved at the last board meeting.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Quarterly Investment Reports as of August 31, 2012
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Tax Collection Refunds as requested by Bea Munoz, Val Verde County Tax Assessor/Collector.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Donation to the Del Rio High School Athletic Trainers from Amistad Medical Professionals in the amount of $960.00, to be used for t-shirts, uniforms and sweaters.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Donation to the Lamar Elementary campus from Target in the amount of $47.06, to be used for student incentives (ice cream, soft drinks, gift cards, student/staff t-shirts, fees, meals, and popcorn).
Subject: |
Consideration to approve payment of Emergency Purchase Order over $25,000.00, not to exceed $41,000.00 to pay for back-up unit for the network operations center.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Disposal of Surplus Personal Property during the 2012-2013 fiscal year.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve contract for services with Susie Jechow from Southwest Texas EMS Training for the CTE Health Science program.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve contract for services with Monica Sandoval for the Del Rio High School and Del Rio Middle School Color Guard program.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve contract for services with Dr. Nancy Amodei to provide mental health assessment and evaluation services in accordance with Head Start Program Performance standards.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve contract for services with Ismael S. Cantu to assist with District Improvement Campuses.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the revised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Race to the Top Grant with San Felipe Del Rio CISD, Eagle Pass ISD, United ISD, and Laredo ISD.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the Food Allergy Manual as per Board Policy FFAF (Local).
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the implementation of the Teachscape Pilot PDAS Teacher Appraisal System for Del Rio Middle School staff.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the following custodial positions due to increase square footage of new construction at each elementary school, Funding Source - 199 (Local):
*Custodian - Ruben Chavira Elementary School *Custodian - Lamar Elementary School |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the revised stipend listings for the 2012-2013 school year.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve contract for services with the Education Service Center Region XV to assist with School Improvement Campuses for the 2012-2013 school year.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve Resolution concerning High Stakes Standardized Testing of Texas Public School Students.
Subject: |
Discussion and Consideration of an Employee Opinion or Climate Survey.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve submission of application for the "Student Success Initiative Grants to Schools" to the appropriate headquarter authority.
Subject: |
CLOSED SESSION: The Board may adjourn into Closed Session on any item listed above or below as appropriate to that item pursuant to, including, but not limited to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act:
Subject: |
551.071 Private Consultation with the Board’s Attorney/Report on Pending Legal issues and Report on Settlement Status; Professional Employee Service Credit Placement
Subject: |
551.072 Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property
Subject: |
551.073 Discussing Negotiated Contracts for Prospective Gifts or Donations
Subject: |
551.074 Discussion of Personnel or to Hear Complaints Against Personnel
Subject: |
Consideration to approve New Hires, New Assignments, District Vacancies, and Reassignments
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the following:
*Director of Bilingual/ESL *Director of CTE *Senior Systems Administrator |
Subject: |
Consideration to reactivate the following position for Del Rio High School:
*Dean of Instruction ( Funded: 199) |
Subject: |
551.076 Regarding Security
Subject: |
551.082 To deliberate discipline for a student or hearing on employee complaint against another employee
Subject: |
551.084 Exclusion of a witness from a hearing
Subject: |
Subject: |
The Board may vote upon, and/or take action as to, any or all of the items considered under "Closed Session".
Subject: |
Subject: |
Consideration to approve New Hires, New Assignments, District Vacancies, and Reassignments.
Subject: |
Consideration to approve the following:
*Director of Bilingual/ESL *Director of CTE *Senior Systems Administrator |
Subject: |
Consideration to reactivate the following position for Del Rio High School:
*Dean of Instruction (Funded: 199) |
Subject: |
Adjourn meeting