Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order - Establish Quorum
2. Board Work Session - 5:30 PM/Conference Room 125
2.A. Superintendent Reports
2.B. School Budget
3. Opening Ceremonies - 6:30 PM / Board of Trustees Room
3.A. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Hearing - 2015 Final School First Rating
5. Superintendent Reports
5.A. Enrollment
5.B. Attendance
5.C. ADA Report
5.D. Child Nutrition
5.E. Property Tax Collection
5.F. Monthly and Year to Date Budget Status
5.G. Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance
5.H. Capital Projects Fund Summary
5.I. Check Register
5.J. School Resource Officer (SRO) and Absent Student Attendance Program (ASAP) Report
5.K. JISD Calendar of Events
5.L. Campus Presentations - Plum Creek Elementary
6. Recognitions
7. Public Forum - Opportunity for the General Public or Audience to address the Board regarding topics not listed on the Agenda. Persons attending the meeting must complete a Sign-Up Form (located on the podium at each entrance) and submit to the Board President prior to the meeting being convened.
This Open Forum allows individuals to address the Board on any subject except personnel. (Any personnel concern should be brought directly to the attention of the Superintendent.)
8. Subjects
8.A. Consider Consent Agenda Items
8.A.1. Minutes - October 19, 2015
8.A.2. Budget Amendments
8.A.3. Accounts Payable - Refer to Item 5-I
8.A.4. Purchases Over $50,000
8.B. Consider Resolution Regarding Review of Investment Policy and Strategy
8.C. Consider List of Qualified Brokers Authorized to Engage in Investment Transactions with the District
8.D. Consider Resolution Regarding Approval of Independent Sources of Investment Training
8.E. Consider Vendor for Pole Vault Pits
8.F. Consider Class Size Waiver
8.G. Consider Low Attendance Waiver Request for October 8, 2015 at Joshua High School, Joshua Ninth Grade Campus, and New Horizon High School
8.H. Consider Resolution Affirming the Casting of Votes in the 2016-2017 Election of the Board of Directors for the Central Appraisal District of Johnson County
8.I. Consider Sewer Agreement with the City of Burleson
8.J. Consider Authorizing an Evaluation Committee Consisting of the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Chief Financial Officer, and Director of Operations To Evaluate and Recommend a Contractor for the Construction of the New Middle School and Renovation to the Loflin Middle School Practice Field
8.K. Consider TASB Update 103-A (LEGAL)-Basic District Foundations, AF (LEGAL)-Innovation Districts, AIC (LEGAL)-Accountability Investigations and Sanctions, BAA (LEGAL)-Board Legal Status Powers and Duties, BBA (LEGAL)-Board Members Eligibility/Qualifications, BBB (LEGAL)-Board Members Elections, BBC (LEGAL)-Board Members Vacancies and Removal From Office, BBFA (LEGAL)-Ethics Conflict of Interest Disclosures, BBFA (EXHIBIT)-Ethics Conflict of Interest Disclosures, BDF (LEGAL)-Board Internal Organization Citizen Advisory Committees, BE (LEGAL)-Board Meetings, BF (LOCAL)-Board Policies, BJA (LEGAL)-Superintendent Qualifications and Duties, BQ (LEGAL)-Planning and Decision-Making
Process, CAA (LOCAL)-Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives Financial Ethics, CB (LOCAL)-State and Federal Revenue Sources, CBB (LEGAL)-State and Federal Revenue Sources Federal, CCA (LEGAL)-Local Revenue Sources Bond Issues, CCG (LEGAL)-Local Revenue Sources Ad Valorem Taxes, CDA (LEGAL)-Other Revenues Investments, CE (LEGAL)-Annual Operating Budget, CFC (LEGAL)-Accounting Audits, CH (LEGAL)-Purchasing and Acquisition, CHE (LEGAL)-Purchasing and Acquisition Vendor Relations, CHG (LEGAL)-Purchasing and Acquisition Real Property and Improvements, CI (LEGAL)-School Properties Disposal, CKE (LEGAL)- Safety Program/Risk Management Security Personnel, CKE (LOCAL)- Safety Program/Risk Management Security Personnel, CMD (LEGAL)-Equipment and Supplies Management Instructional Materials Care and Accounting, CO (LEGAL)-Food Services Management, CO (LOCAL)-Food Services Management, COB (LEGAL)-Food Services Management Free and Reduced-Price Food Program, CQA (LEGAL)-Technology Resources District, Campus, and Classroom Websites, CR (LEGAL)-Insurance and Annuities Management, CV (LEGAL)-Facilities Construction, CVD (LEGAL)-Facilities Construction Manager-At-Risk, CX (LEGAL)-Renting or Leasing Facilities From Others, D (LEGAL)-Personnel, DBA (LEGAL)- Employment Requirements and Restrictions Credentials and Records, DBAA (LEGAL)-Employment Requirements and Restrictions Criminal History and Credit Reports, DBB (LEGAL)-Employment Requirements and Restrictions Medical Examinations and Communicable Diseases, DBD (LEGAL)- Employment Requirements and Restrictions Conflict of Interest, DBD (LOCAL)-Employment Requirements and Restrictions Conflict of Interest, DBD (EXHIBIT)-Employment Requirements and Restrictions Conflict of Interest, DEA (LEGAL)-Compensation and Benefits Compensation Plan, DEAA (LEGAL)-Compensation Plan Incentives and Stipends, DEAB (LEGAL)-Compensation Plan Wage and Hour Laws, DEC (LEGAL)-Compensation and Benefits Leaves and Absences, DECA (LEGAL)- Leaves and Absences Family and Medical Leave, DECB (LEGAL)- Leaves and Absences Military Leave, DF (LEGAL)-Termination of Employment, DFE (LEGAL)-Termination of Employment Resignation, DG (LEGAL)-Employee Rights and Privileges, DH (LEGAL)-Employee Standards of Conduct, DH (LOCAL)-Employee Standards of Conduct, DHB (LEGAL)- Employee Standards of Conduct Reports to State Board for Educator Certification, DIA (LEGAL)-Employee Welfare Freedom From Discrimination,Harassment, and Retaliation, DIA (LOCAL)- Employee Welfare Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation, DIA (EXHIBIT)-Employee Welfare Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation, DMA (LEGAL)-Professional Development Required Staff Development, DNB (LEGAL)-Performance Appraisal Evaluation of Other Professional Employees, EB (LEGAL)-School Year, EC (LEGAL)-School Day, EEB (LEGAL)-Instructional Arrangements Class Size, EFAA (LOCAL)-Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption, EHAC (LEGAL)-Basic Instructional Program Required Instruction (Secondary), EHAD (LEGAL)-Basic Instructional Program Elective Instruction, EHBAB (LEGAL)-Special Education ARD Committee and Individualized Education Program, EHBC (LEGAL)-Special Programs Compensatory/Accelerated Services, EHBE (LEGAL)-Special Programs Bilingual Education/ESL, EHBG (LEGAL)-Special Programs Prekindergarten, EHBK (LEGAL)- Special Programs Other Instructional Initiatives, EHBL (LEGAL)-Special Programs High School Equivalency, EHDC (LEGAL)-Alternative Methods For Earning Credit Credit By Examination Without Prior Instruction, EHDD (LEGAL)-Alternative Methods For Earning Credit College Course Work/Dual Credit, EHDE (LEGAL)-Alternative Methods for Earning Credit Distance Learning, EI (LEGAL)-Academic Achievement, EIA (LEGAL)-Academic Achievement Grading/Progress Reports To Parents, EIF (LEGAL)- Academic Achievement Graduation, EK (LEGAL)-Testing Programs, EKB (LEGAL)-Testing Programs State Assessment, FD (LEGAL)-Admissions, FDC (LEGAL)- Admissions Homeless Students, FEA (LEGAL)- Attendance Compulsory Attendance, FEA (LOCAL)-Attendance Compulsory Attendance, FEB (LEGAL)-Attendance Attendance Accounting, FEC (LOCAL)-Attendance Attendance for Credit, FED (LEGAL)-Attendance Attendance Enforcement, FFAC (LEGAL)-Wellness and Health Services Medical Treatment, FFAF (LEGAL)-Wellness and Health Services Care Plans, FFD (LEGAL)-Student Welfare Student Insurance, FFG (LEGAL)-Student Welfare Child Abuse and Neglect, FNCD (LEGAL)-Student Conduct Tobacco Use and Possession, FNCG (LEGAL)- Student Conduct Weapons, FNF (LEGAL)- Student Rights and Responsibilities Interrogations and Searches, FO (LEGAL)-Student Discipline, FOA (LEGAL)-Student Discipline Removal By Teacher or Bus Driver, FOC (LEGAL)-Student Discipline Placement In A Disciplinary Alternative Education Setting, FOD (LEGAL)-Student Discipline Expulsion, GA (LEGAL)-Access To Programs, Services, and Activities, GBA (LEGAL)-Public Information Program Access To Public Information, GBAA (LEGAL)-Information Access Requests For Information, GKA (LEGAL)-Community Relations Conduct On School Premises, GKA (LOCAL)-Community Relations Conduct on School Premises, GNC (LEGAL)-Relations With Educational Entities Colleges and Universities, GRA (LOCAL)-Relations With Governmental Entities State and Local Governmental Authorities, GRC (LEGAL)-Relations With Governmental Entities Emergency Management |
9. Closed Meeting - Executive Session - The open session of the meeting will adjourn. The Board will convene in a closed session to discuss items authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Sections 551.
10. Open Session - The Board reconvenes into open session to consider action on items discussed in Executive Session
11. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 16, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order - Establish Quorum
Subject: |
2. Board Work Session - 5:30 PM/Conference Room 125
Subject: |
2.A. Superintendent Reports
Subject: |
2.B. School Budget
Subject: |
3. Opening Ceremonies - 6:30 PM / Board of Trustees Room
Subject: |
3.A. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
4. Public Hearing - 2015 Final School First Rating
Subject: |
5. Superintendent Reports
Subject: |
5.A. Enrollment
Subject: |
5.B. Attendance
Subject: |
5.C. ADA Report
Subject: |
5.D. Child Nutrition
Subject: |
5.E. Property Tax Collection
Subject: |
5.F. Monthly and Year to Date Budget Status
Subject: |
5.G. Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance
Subject: |
5.H. Capital Projects Fund Summary
Subject: |
5.I. Check Register
Subject: |
5.J. School Resource Officer (SRO) and Absent Student Attendance Program (ASAP) Report
Subject: |
5.K. JISD Calendar of Events
Subject: |
5.L. Campus Presentations - Plum Creek Elementary
Subject: |
6. Recognitions
Subject: |
7. Public Forum - Opportunity for the General Public or Audience to address the Board regarding topics not listed on the Agenda. Persons attending the meeting must complete a Sign-Up Form (located on the podium at each entrance) and submit to the Board President prior to the meeting being convened.
This Open Forum allows individuals to address the Board on any subject except personnel. (Any personnel concern should be brought directly to the attention of the Superintendent.)
Subject: |
8. Subjects
Subject: |
8.A. Consider Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
8.A.1. Minutes - October 19, 2015
Subject: |
8.A.2. Budget Amendments
Subject: |
8.A.3. Accounts Payable - Refer to Item 5-I
Subject: |
8.A.4. Purchases Over $50,000
Subject: |
8.B. Consider Resolution Regarding Review of Investment Policy and Strategy
Subject: |
8.C. Consider List of Qualified Brokers Authorized to Engage in Investment Transactions with the District
Subject: |
8.D. Consider Resolution Regarding Approval of Independent Sources of Investment Training
Subject: |
8.E. Consider Vendor for Pole Vault Pits
Subject: |
8.F. Consider Class Size Waiver
Subject: |
8.G. Consider Low Attendance Waiver Request for October 8, 2015 at Joshua High School, Joshua Ninth Grade Campus, and New Horizon High School
Subject: |
8.H. Consider Resolution Affirming the Casting of Votes in the 2016-2017 Election of the Board of Directors for the Central Appraisal District of Johnson County
Subject: |
8.I. Consider Sewer Agreement with the City of Burleson
Subject: |
8.J. Consider Authorizing an Evaluation Committee Consisting of the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Chief Financial Officer, and Director of Operations To Evaluate and Recommend a Contractor for the Construction of the New Middle School and Renovation to the Loflin Middle School Practice Field
Subject: |
8.K. Consider TASB Update 103-A (LEGAL)-Basic District Foundations, AF (LEGAL)-Innovation Districts, AIC (LEGAL)-Accountability Investigations and Sanctions, BAA (LEGAL)-Board Legal Status Powers and Duties, BBA (LEGAL)-Board Members Eligibility/Qualifications, BBB (LEGAL)-Board Members Elections, BBC (LEGAL)-Board Members Vacancies and Removal From Office, BBFA (LEGAL)-Ethics Conflict of Interest Disclosures, BBFA (EXHIBIT)-Ethics Conflict of Interest Disclosures, BDF (LEGAL)-Board Internal Organization Citizen Advisory Committees, BE (LEGAL)-Board Meetings, BF (LOCAL)-Board Policies, BJA (LEGAL)-Superintendent Qualifications and Duties, BQ (LEGAL)-Planning and Decision-Making
Process, CAA (LOCAL)-Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives Financial Ethics, CB (LOCAL)-State and Federal Revenue Sources, CBB (LEGAL)-State and Federal Revenue Sources Federal, CCA (LEGAL)-Local Revenue Sources Bond Issues, CCG (LEGAL)-Local Revenue Sources Ad Valorem Taxes, CDA (LEGAL)-Other Revenues Investments, CE (LEGAL)-Annual Operating Budget, CFC (LEGAL)-Accounting Audits, CH (LEGAL)-Purchasing and Acquisition, CHE (LEGAL)-Purchasing and Acquisition Vendor Relations, CHG (LEGAL)-Purchasing and Acquisition Real Property and Improvements, CI (LEGAL)-School Properties Disposal, CKE (LEGAL)- Safety Program/Risk Management Security Personnel, CKE (LOCAL)- Safety Program/Risk Management Security Personnel, CMD (LEGAL)-Equipment and Supplies Management Instructional Materials Care and Accounting, CO (LEGAL)-Food Services Management, CO (LOCAL)-Food Services Management, COB (LEGAL)-Food Services Management Free and Reduced-Price Food Program, CQA (LEGAL)-Technology Resources District, Campus, and Classroom Websites, CR (LEGAL)-Insurance and Annuities Management, CV (LEGAL)-Facilities Construction, CVD (LEGAL)-Facilities Construction Manager-At-Risk, CX (LEGAL)-Renting or Leasing Facilities From Others, D (LEGAL)-Personnel, DBA (LEGAL)- Employment Requirements and Restrictions Credentials and Records, DBAA (LEGAL)-Employment Requirements and Restrictions Criminal History and Credit Reports, DBB (LEGAL)-Employment Requirements and Restrictions Medical Examinations and Communicable Diseases, DBD (LEGAL)- Employment Requirements and Restrictions Conflict of Interest, DBD (LOCAL)-Employment Requirements and Restrictions Conflict of Interest, DBD (EXHIBIT)-Employment Requirements and Restrictions Conflict of Interest, DEA (LEGAL)-Compensation and Benefits Compensation Plan, DEAA (LEGAL)-Compensation Plan Incentives and Stipends, DEAB (LEGAL)-Compensation Plan Wage and Hour Laws, DEC (LEGAL)-Compensation and Benefits Leaves and Absences, DECA (LEGAL)- Leaves and Absences Family and Medical Leave, DECB (LEGAL)- Leaves and Absences Military Leave, DF (LEGAL)-Termination of Employment, DFE (LEGAL)-Termination of Employment Resignation, DG (LEGAL)-Employee Rights and Privileges, DH (LEGAL)-Employee Standards of Conduct, DH (LOCAL)-Employee Standards of Conduct, DHB (LEGAL)- Employee Standards of Conduct Reports to State Board for Educator Certification, DIA (LEGAL)-Employee Welfare Freedom From Discrimination,Harassment, and Retaliation, DIA (LOCAL)- Employee Welfare Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation, DIA (EXHIBIT)-Employee Welfare Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation, DMA (LEGAL)-Professional Development Required Staff Development, DNB (LEGAL)-Performance Appraisal Evaluation of Other Professional Employees, EB (LEGAL)-School Year, EC (LEGAL)-School Day, EEB (LEGAL)-Instructional Arrangements Class Size, EFAA (LOCAL)-Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption, EHAC (LEGAL)-Basic Instructional Program Required Instruction (Secondary), EHAD (LEGAL)-Basic Instructional Program Elective Instruction, EHBAB (LEGAL)-Special Education ARD Committee and Individualized Education Program, EHBC (LEGAL)-Special Programs Compensatory/Accelerated Services, EHBE (LEGAL)-Special Programs Bilingual Education/ESL, EHBG (LEGAL)-Special Programs Prekindergarten, EHBK (LEGAL)- Special Programs Other Instructional Initiatives, EHBL (LEGAL)-Special Programs High School Equivalency, EHDC (LEGAL)-Alternative Methods For Earning Credit Credit By Examination Without Prior Instruction, EHDD (LEGAL)-Alternative Methods For Earning Credit College Course Work/Dual Credit, EHDE (LEGAL)-Alternative Methods for Earning Credit Distance Learning, EI (LEGAL)-Academic Achievement, EIA (LEGAL)-Academic Achievement Grading/Progress Reports To Parents, EIF (LEGAL)- Academic Achievement Graduation, EK (LEGAL)-Testing Programs, EKB (LEGAL)-Testing Programs State Assessment, FD (LEGAL)-Admissions, FDC (LEGAL)- Admissions Homeless Students, FEA (LEGAL)- Attendance Compulsory Attendance, FEA (LOCAL)-Attendance Compulsory Attendance, FEB (LEGAL)-Attendance Attendance Accounting, FEC (LOCAL)-Attendance Attendance for Credit, FED (LEGAL)-Attendance Attendance Enforcement, FFAC (LEGAL)-Wellness and Health Services Medical Treatment, FFAF (LEGAL)-Wellness and Health Services Care Plans, FFD (LEGAL)-Student Welfare Student Insurance, FFG (LEGAL)-Student Welfare Child Abuse and Neglect, FNCD (LEGAL)-Student Conduct Tobacco Use and Possession, FNCG (LEGAL)- Student Conduct Weapons, FNF (LEGAL)- Student Rights and Responsibilities Interrogations and Searches, FO (LEGAL)-Student Discipline, FOA (LEGAL)-Student Discipline Removal By Teacher or Bus Driver, FOC (LEGAL)-Student Discipline Placement In A Disciplinary Alternative Education Setting, FOD (LEGAL)-Student Discipline Expulsion, GA (LEGAL)-Access To Programs, Services, and Activities, GBA (LEGAL)-Public Information Program Access To Public Information, GBAA (LEGAL)-Information Access Requests For Information, GKA (LEGAL)-Community Relations Conduct On School Premises, GKA (LOCAL)-Community Relations Conduct on School Premises, GNC (LEGAL)-Relations With Educational Entities Colleges and Universities, GRA (LOCAL)-Relations With Governmental Entities State and Local Governmental Authorities, GRC (LEGAL)-Relations With Governmental Entities Emergency Management |
Subject: |
9. Closed Meeting - Executive Session - The open session of the meeting will adjourn. The Board will convene in a closed session to discuss items authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Sections 551.
Subject: |
10. Open Session - The Board reconvenes into open session to consider action on items discussed in Executive Session
Subject: |
11. Adjourn