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Meeting Agenda
1. Declare a Quorum and Call to Order
2. Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag
3. Budget Workshop 
3.A. Discussion regarding the 2024-2025 budget and proposed tax rate.
4. Open Forum
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings
5.B. Payment of Bills/Financials
6. Reports/Discussion and Information Items:
6.A. 2024 STAAR Results
7. Business Action Items:
7.A. Discuss and possible action regarding community surveys. 
7.B. Discuss and take possible action regarding ballot language and propositions.
7.C. Discussion and potential action on whether Counties or RLISD should oversee and conduct the entire bond election.
7.D. Discuss and take possible action regarding a Service Agreement with Friends Consulting Group (FCG) regarding Pre-Bond and Program Management Services.
7.E. Consider the approval and adoption of a resolution declaring the official intent of the District to reimburse costs, in accordance with § 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations, incurred in connection with the District’s planned capital expenditures from the proceeds of the tax-exempt bonds which will finance said projects.
7.F. Consider approval of a Memorandum of Understanding and Authorization for Project Development between Centrix Energy Partners LLC and RLISD.
8. Superintendent's Comments:
9. Closed Session:
9.A. Texas Gov’t Code § 551.071 and 551.129. —Consult with legal counsel, as necessary, to address legal concerns, implications, and questions regarding the posted agenda items.
10. Consider and take possible action relative to items discussed in the closed session.
11. Requests for Next Board Meeting Agenda Items
12. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: August 19, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Budget Workshop and Regular School Board Meeting
1. Declare a Quorum and Call to Order
2. Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag
3. Budget Workshop 
3.A. Discussion regarding the 2024-2025 budget and proposed tax rate.
4. Open Forum
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings
5.B. Payment of Bills/Financials
6. Reports/Discussion and Information Items:
6.A. 2024 STAAR Results
7. Business Action Items:
7.A. Discuss and possible action regarding community surveys. 
7.B. Discuss and take possible action regarding ballot language and propositions.
7.C. Discussion and potential action on whether Counties or RLISD should oversee and conduct the entire bond election.
7.D. Discuss and take possible action regarding a Service Agreement with Friends Consulting Group (FCG) regarding Pre-Bond and Program Management Services.
7.E. Consider the approval and adoption of a resolution declaring the official intent of the District to reimburse costs, in accordance with § 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations, incurred in connection with the District’s planned capital expenditures from the proceeds of the tax-exempt bonds which will finance said projects.
7.F. Consider approval of a Memorandum of Understanding and Authorization for Project Development between Centrix Energy Partners LLC and RLISD.
8. Superintendent's Comments:
9. Closed Session:
9.A. Texas Gov’t Code § 551.071 and 551.129. —Consult with legal counsel, as necessary, to address legal concerns, implications, and questions regarding the posted agenda items.
10. Consider and take possible action relative to items discussed in the closed session.
11. Requests for Next Board Meeting Agenda Items
12. Adjournment

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