Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Public Hearing
II.1. Public Hearing on District of Innovation to Consider Flexibility with the School Calendar and Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certifications
III. Presentation(s) to the Board
III.1. Presentation of Internal Auditor's Quarterly Report
III.2. Report Regarding Employee Staffing Review Conducted by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
IV. Items for Discussion
IV.1. Approval of Proclamation 2019 Textbook Recommendations for K-8 Language Arts and Reading Textbooks and Personal Financial
Literacy Textbooks
IV.2. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Reimbursement Related to Funding Child Nutrition Programs
IV.3. Approval of Statement of Impact from IDEA Public Schools
IV.4. Approval of Bids, Proposals, and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
IV.4.a. Consideration of District's Property Tax Appeals Contract
IV.4.b. Consideration of Contract Renewal for Independent Financial
Audit Services
IV.4.c. Consideration of District's Legal Services Contract
IV.4.d. Approval to Extend Depository Contract between Mission CISD and BBVA Compass Bank for the 2020-2021 Biennium
IV.4.e. Award Term Contract for Copy Paper #1621-9
IV.4.f. Award E-rate Round 22 Internet Access and Internal
Connections #3450-20
IV.4.g. Award Renewal Catalog and Line Item Contract for Flooring Equipment and Supplies #1560-20
IV.4.h. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for Building Material and
Lumber #1510-20
IV.4.i. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for Electrical Equipment and
Supplies #1520-20
IV.4.j. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for Plumbing Equipment and
Supplies #1530-20
IV.4.k. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for AC Equipment and
Supplies #1540-20
IV.4.l. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for Painting Equipment and
Supplies #1550-20
IV.4.m. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for Welding Equipment and
Supplies #1580-20
IV.4.n. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for Tools, Power Tools, Supplies, and Equipment #1590-20
IV.4.o. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Instructional
Material #2415-9
IV.4.p. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Science Equipment and Supplies #2445-9
IV.4.q. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Awards, Plaques, and Trophies #3015-9
IV.4.r. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Promotional Items #3025-9
IV.5. Approval of Interlocal Agreement with South Texas College for Tuition
IV.6. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of December 2018
IV.7. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
IV.8. Approval of Budget Amendment
IV.9. Discussion and Consideration to Approve Staffing Recommendations from the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
IV.10. Discussion and Consideration to Approve a Resolution to Consider Designation as a District of Innovation for Flexibility with the School Calendar and CTE Certifications
IV.11. Recommendation and Approval of Contracts and Employment Agreements for Campus Principals, Options Administrator, and Central Office Administrators
V. Executive Session
V.1. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)

VI. Information Items
VI.1. Cash Disbursements for the Month of December 2018
VI.2. Financial Report as of December 2018
VI.3. Second Quarterly Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2018-2019
VI.4. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers,  and
Compensation Changes
VII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: February 6, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Finance Committee
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Public Hearing
II.1. Public Hearing on District of Innovation to Consider Flexibility with the School Calendar and Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certifications
III. Presentation(s) to the Board
III.1. Presentation of Internal Auditor's Quarterly Report
III.2. Report Regarding Employee Staffing Review Conducted by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
IV. Items for Discussion
IV.1. Approval of Proclamation 2019 Textbook Recommendations for K-8 Language Arts and Reading Textbooks and Personal Financial
Literacy Textbooks
IV.2. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Reimbursement Related to Funding Child Nutrition Programs
IV.3. Approval of Statement of Impact from IDEA Public Schools
IV.4. Approval of Bids, Proposals, and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
IV.4.a. Consideration of District's Property Tax Appeals Contract
IV.4.b. Consideration of Contract Renewal for Independent Financial
Audit Services
IV.4.c. Consideration of District's Legal Services Contract
IV.4.d. Approval to Extend Depository Contract between Mission CISD and BBVA Compass Bank for the 2020-2021 Biennium
IV.4.e. Award Term Contract for Copy Paper #1621-9
IV.4.f. Award E-rate Round 22 Internet Access and Internal
Connections #3450-20
IV.4.g. Award Renewal Catalog and Line Item Contract for Flooring Equipment and Supplies #1560-20
IV.4.h. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for Building Material and
Lumber #1510-20
IV.4.i. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for Electrical Equipment and
Supplies #1520-20
IV.4.j. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for Plumbing Equipment and
Supplies #1530-20
IV.4.k. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for AC Equipment and
Supplies #1540-20
IV.4.l. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for Painting Equipment and
Supplies #1550-20
IV.4.m. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for Welding Equipment and
Supplies #1580-20
IV.4.n. Award Renewal Catalog Contract for Tools, Power Tools, Supplies, and Equipment #1590-20
IV.4.o. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Instructional
Material #2415-9
IV.4.p. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Science Equipment and Supplies #2445-9
IV.4.q. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Awards, Plaques, and Trophies #3015-9
IV.4.r. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Promotional Items #3025-9
IV.5. Approval of Interlocal Agreement with South Texas College for Tuition
IV.6. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of December 2018
IV.7. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
IV.8. Approval of Budget Amendment
IV.9. Discussion and Consideration to Approve Staffing Recommendations from the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
IV.10. Discussion and Consideration to Approve a Resolution to Consider Designation as a District of Innovation for Flexibility with the School Calendar and CTE Certifications
IV.11. Recommendation and Approval of Contracts and Employment Agreements for Campus Principals, Options Administrator, and Central Office Administrators
V. Executive Session
V.1. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)

VI. Information Items
VI.1. Cash Disbursements for the Month of December 2018
VI.2. Financial Report as of December 2018
VI.3. Second Quarterly Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2018-2019
VI.4. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers,  and
Compensation Changes
VII. Adjournment

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