Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Items for Presentation
II.1. Presentation of the 2018-2019 Dental and Stop-Loss Insurance Program Analysis - Zach Gingrich, Insurance Consultant
II.2. Annual Tax Collection Report from Hidalgo County Tax Assessor Collector
III. Items for Discussion
III.1. Approval of Adoption of the Ordinance for the 2018 School Tax Rate
III.2. Consideration and Approval of Facility Rental Fee Schedule
III.3. Consideration and Approval of Student Out-of-State Travel:
III.3.a. Mission High School (MHS) May 26-31, 2019, Orlando Florida
III.3.b. Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS), June 3-7, 2019, Washington, DC and New York City, New York
III.3.c. VMHS, March 8-16, 2019,  Italy and France
III.3.d. Mission Collegiate High School (MCHS) July 2019, France
III.3.e. MCHS, June 17-28, 2019, Italy, France, and Spain
III.3.f. Mission Junior High School (MJHS), June 2-5, 2019,
Boston, Massachusetts
III.3.g. MJHS, June 17-21, 2019, Washington, DC and New York City, New York
III.4. Approval of Addendum to the City of Palmhurst Interlocal Agreement for Police Services for the 2018-2019 School Year - Surveillance Cameras
III.5. Approval of Addendum to the City of Alton Interlocal Agreement for Police Services for the 2018-2019 School Year - Surveillance Cameras

III.6. Consideration and Approval of Region One Education Service Center Interlocal Agreement
III.7. Approval of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Dropout Prevention Intervention Services for Fiscal Year 2018-2019
III.8. Approval of Agreement for Boys and Girls Club Mission Sports Program
III.9. Approval of Renewal of Mission CISD's Worker Compensation Insurance with Texas Worker's Compensation Solutions for 2018-2019
III.10. Approval of Renewal for Administrative Services of the Mission CISD's Self-Funded Group Health Insurance Plan with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas for the 2018-2019 Plan Year
III.11. Approval of Bids, Proposals, and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
III.11.a. Award Contract Renewal of Community-Wide Literacy Initiative
Services #2111-2
III.11.b. Award Purchase of College Readiness and Success Programs
III.11.c. Award Renewal of Unemployment Compensation Program with Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
III.11.d. Award Dental Insurance #4050-9
III.11.e. Award Stop-Loss Insurance #4055-9
III.12. Consideration of Delinquent Tax Attorney Contract
III.13. Budget Amendment
III.14. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of July 2018
III.15. Approval of Campus Attendance Incentive Program
III.16. Approval of the 2018-2019 Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisers
III.17. Possible Involvement of Texas Department of Public Safety Troopers with Mission CISD Schools
III.18. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
III.18.a. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
III.18.b. Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Student Services
III.18.c. Special Education LSSP
III.18.d. Special Education Educational Diagnostician
IV. Executive Session
IV.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
IV.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to a Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t
Code §551.074)
IV.3. Deliberation Regarding Real Property--Closed Meeting: A Governmental Body may Conduct a Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property if Deliberation in an Open Meeting would have a Detrimental Effect on the Position of Governmental Body in Negotiations with the Third Person (Texas Gov't Code §551.072)
V. Information Items
V.1. Update on SB788 Kari's Law
V.2. Financial Reports for the Month of July 2018
V.3. Cash Disbursements for the Month of July 2018
V.4. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and
Compensation Changes
VI. Important Dates to Remember
VI.1. September 12, 2018  Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
VI.2. October 3, 2018   Board of Trustees Committee Meetings  Times to
be Announced
VI.3. October 10, 2018  Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
VII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: September 5, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Finance Committee
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Items for Presentation
II.1. Presentation of the 2018-2019 Dental and Stop-Loss Insurance Program Analysis - Zach Gingrich, Insurance Consultant
II.2. Annual Tax Collection Report from Hidalgo County Tax Assessor Collector
III. Items for Discussion
III.1. Approval of Adoption of the Ordinance for the 2018 School Tax Rate
III.2. Consideration and Approval of Facility Rental Fee Schedule
III.3. Consideration and Approval of Student Out-of-State Travel:
III.3.a. Mission High School (MHS) May 26-31, 2019, Orlando Florida
III.3.b. Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS), June 3-7, 2019, Washington, DC and New York City, New York
III.3.c. VMHS, March 8-16, 2019,  Italy and France
III.3.d. Mission Collegiate High School (MCHS) July 2019, France
III.3.e. MCHS, June 17-28, 2019, Italy, France, and Spain
III.3.f. Mission Junior High School (MJHS), June 2-5, 2019,
Boston, Massachusetts
III.3.g. MJHS, June 17-21, 2019, Washington, DC and New York City, New York
III.4. Approval of Addendum to the City of Palmhurst Interlocal Agreement for Police Services for the 2018-2019 School Year - Surveillance Cameras
III.5. Approval of Addendum to the City of Alton Interlocal Agreement for Police Services for the 2018-2019 School Year - Surveillance Cameras

III.6. Consideration and Approval of Region One Education Service Center Interlocal Agreement
III.7. Approval of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Dropout Prevention Intervention Services for Fiscal Year 2018-2019
III.8. Approval of Agreement for Boys and Girls Club Mission Sports Program
III.9. Approval of Renewal of Mission CISD's Worker Compensation Insurance with Texas Worker's Compensation Solutions for 2018-2019
III.10. Approval of Renewal for Administrative Services of the Mission CISD's Self-Funded Group Health Insurance Plan with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas for the 2018-2019 Plan Year
III.11. Approval of Bids, Proposals, and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
III.11.a. Award Contract Renewal of Community-Wide Literacy Initiative
Services #2111-2
III.11.b. Award Purchase of College Readiness and Success Programs
III.11.c. Award Renewal of Unemployment Compensation Program with Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
III.11.d. Award Dental Insurance #4050-9
III.11.e. Award Stop-Loss Insurance #4055-9
III.12. Consideration of Delinquent Tax Attorney Contract
III.13. Budget Amendment
III.14. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of July 2018
III.15. Approval of Campus Attendance Incentive Program
III.16. Approval of the 2018-2019 Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisers
III.17. Possible Involvement of Texas Department of Public Safety Troopers with Mission CISD Schools
III.18. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
III.18.a. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
III.18.b. Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Student Services
III.18.c. Special Education LSSP
III.18.d. Special Education Educational Diagnostician
IV. Executive Session
IV.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
IV.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to a Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t
Code §551.074)
IV.3. Deliberation Regarding Real Property--Closed Meeting: A Governmental Body may Conduct a Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property if Deliberation in an Open Meeting would have a Detrimental Effect on the Position of Governmental Body in Negotiations with the Third Person (Texas Gov't Code §551.072)
V. Information Items
V.1. Update on SB788 Kari's Law
V.2. Financial Reports for the Month of July 2018
V.3. Cash Disbursements for the Month of July 2018
V.4. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and
Compensation Changes
VI. Important Dates to Remember
VI.1. September 12, 2018  Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
VI.2. October 3, 2018   Board of Trustees Committee Meetings  Times to
be Announced
VI.3. October 10, 2018  Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
VII. Adjournment

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