Meeting Agenda
I. Presentations to the Board
I.1. Internal Auditor's Quarterly Report
I.2. United Way Presentation
I.3. Presentation - Active Shooter Awareness Program (ASAP) - Hidalgo County Sherriff's Office
II. Discussion Items
II.1. Discussion and Approval of the Student Athletic Accident Insurance Renewal for the 2018-2019 School Year
II.2. Approval of Bids, Proposals and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
II.2.a. Award Line Item Contract for FY2019 Custodial Supplies #1310-9
II.2.b. Award Line Item Contract for FY2019 School and Office Supplies
Stock #1620-9
II.2.c. Award Line Item Contract for FY2019 STAAR Preparation
Material #2101-9
II.2.d. Award Renewal for FY2019 AC Filter and Media Service #1440-9
II.2.e. Award Contract for FY2019 Turf Maintenance #1250-9
II.2.f. Award Contract for FY2019 Pest Control Services #1410-9
II.2.g. Award Contract for FY2019 Fire Suppression and Extinguisher
Services #1430-9
II.2.h. Award Contract for FY2019 Charter Bus Services #3170-9
II.2.i. Award Contract for FY2019 Day Care Services #6020-9
II.2.j. Award Contract for FY2019 Fuel and Oil #7050-9
II.2.k. Award Purchase of Football Field Game Communication System
II.3. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations

II.4. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of March 2018
II.5. Approval of Innovative Career & Technical Education Courses
II.6. Consider Interim superintendent's Recommendations Regarding Employment and Contract Status of Classroom Teachers and Other Non-Administrative Professional Personnel
II.6.a. Re-Employ Probationary Contract Employees
II.6.b. Terminate Probationary Contract Employees
II.7. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
II.7.a. Director for Staffing - Secondary
II.8. Recommendation and Approval of Reclassification of Employment Position
II.8.a. Operations and Routing Specialist
II.9. Consideration of Level III Grievances Pursuant to DGBA(LOCAL)
III. Executive Session
III.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
III.2. Deliberation Regarding Real Property--Closed Meeting: A Governmental Body may Conduct a Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property if Deliberation in an Open Meeting would have a Detrimental Effect on the Position of Governmental Body in Negotiations with the Third Person (Texas Gov't Code §551.072)
III.3. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee
(Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)
III.4. Deliberation of a Complaint or Charge Brought Against an Employee of the School District by Another Employee (Tex. Gov't Code § 551.082)
IV. Board Information Items
IV.1. Update for Veterans Memorial High School Baseball and Football Fields Sound Systems
IV.2. Update for Mission High School Baseball Field Sound System
IV.3. Financial Reports for the Month of March 2018
IV.4. Cash Disbursements of the Month of March 2018
IV.5. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and
Compensation Changes
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: May 2, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Finance Committee
I. Presentations to the Board
I.1. Internal Auditor's Quarterly Report
I.2. United Way Presentation
I.3. Presentation - Active Shooter Awareness Program (ASAP) - Hidalgo County Sherriff's Office
II. Discussion Items
II.1. Discussion and Approval of the Student Athletic Accident Insurance Renewal for the 2018-2019 School Year
II.2. Approval of Bids, Proposals and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
II.2.a. Award Line Item Contract for FY2019 Custodial Supplies #1310-9
II.2.b. Award Line Item Contract for FY2019 School and Office Supplies
Stock #1620-9
II.2.c. Award Line Item Contract for FY2019 STAAR Preparation
Material #2101-9
II.2.d. Award Renewal for FY2019 AC Filter and Media Service #1440-9
II.2.e. Award Contract for FY2019 Turf Maintenance #1250-9
II.2.f. Award Contract for FY2019 Pest Control Services #1410-9
II.2.g. Award Contract for FY2019 Fire Suppression and Extinguisher
Services #1430-9
II.2.h. Award Contract for FY2019 Charter Bus Services #3170-9
II.2.i. Award Contract for FY2019 Day Care Services #6020-9
II.2.j. Award Contract for FY2019 Fuel and Oil #7050-9
II.2.k. Award Purchase of Football Field Game Communication System
II.3. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations

II.4. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of March 2018
II.5. Approval of Innovative Career & Technical Education Courses
II.6. Consider Interim superintendent's Recommendations Regarding Employment and Contract Status of Classroom Teachers and Other Non-Administrative Professional Personnel
II.6.a. Re-Employ Probationary Contract Employees
II.6.b. Terminate Probationary Contract Employees
II.7. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
II.7.a. Director for Staffing - Secondary
II.8. Recommendation and Approval of Reclassification of Employment Position
II.8.a. Operations and Routing Specialist
II.9. Consideration of Level III Grievances Pursuant to DGBA(LOCAL)
III. Executive Session
III.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
III.2. Deliberation Regarding Real Property--Closed Meeting: A Governmental Body may Conduct a Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property if Deliberation in an Open Meeting would have a Detrimental Effect on the Position of Governmental Body in Negotiations with the Third Person (Texas Gov't Code §551.072)
III.3. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee
(Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)
III.4. Deliberation of a Complaint or Charge Brought Against an Employee of the School District by Another Employee (Tex. Gov't Code § 551.082)
IV. Board Information Items
IV.1. Update for Veterans Memorial High School Baseball and Football Fields Sound Systems
IV.2. Update for Mission High School Baseball Field Sound System
IV.3. Financial Reports for the Month of March 2018
IV.4. Cash Disbursements of the Month of March 2018
IV.5. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and
Compensation Changes

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