Meeting Agenda
I. Call the Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Items for Discussion
II.1. Approval of Bids, Proposals, and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
II.1.a. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Farm and Ranch Equipment and Supplies #2490-8
II.1.b. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Cosmetology Instruction
Supplies #2494-8
II.1.c. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Classroom Supplies #2405-8
II.1.d. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Instructional Material #2415-8
II.1.e. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Arts and Crafts Supplies #2465-8
II.1.f. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Library Books #2615-8
II.1.g. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Musical Instruments and
Supplies #2715-8
II.1.h. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Awards, Plaques and
Trophies #3015-8
II.1.i. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Promotional Items #3025-8
II.1.j. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Imprinted and Embroidered Apparel Items #3035-8
II.1.k. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Vehicle Repair Equipment and Supplies #7045-8
II.1.l. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for School and Office Furniture #9015-8
II.1.m. Award Annual Contract for Modular Buildings Relocation
Services #5600-8
II.1.n. Rescind Board Award for Mission High School (MHS) Furniture Commons Area Purchase #9000-1
II.1.o. Award Purchase of MHS Furniture Commons Area 9000-1
II.1.p. Award Renewal of Tyler Software Maintenance
II.1.q. Award Purchase of Time Clocks #3466-1
II.2. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of September 2017
II.3. Approval of Budget Amendments
III. Executive Session
III.1. Deliberation Regarding Real Property--Closed Meeting: A Governmental Body may Conduct a Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property if Deliberation in an Open Meeting would have a Detrimental Effect on the Position of Governmental Body in Negotiations with the Third Person (Texas Gov't Code §551.072)
IV. Informational Items
IV.1. Annual Financial Audit Update Fiscal Year 2016-2017
IV.2. 2016-2017 Schools Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST)
IV.3. Financial Report for the Month of September 2017
IV.4. First Quarterly Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2017-2018
IV.5. Cash Disbursements for the Month of September 2017
IV.6. 403(b) and 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Update
V. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: November 1, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Finance Committee
I. Call the Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Items for Discussion
II.1. Approval of Bids, Proposals, and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
II.1.a. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Farm and Ranch Equipment and Supplies #2490-8
II.1.b. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Cosmetology Instruction
Supplies #2494-8
II.1.c. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Classroom Supplies #2405-8
II.1.d. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Instructional Material #2415-8
II.1.e. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Arts and Crafts Supplies #2465-8
II.1.f. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Library Books #2615-8
II.1.g. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Musical Instruments and
Supplies #2715-8
II.1.h. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Awards, Plaques and
Trophies #3015-8
II.1.i. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Promotional Items #3025-8
II.1.j. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Imprinted and Embroidered Apparel Items #3035-8
II.1.k. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for Vehicle Repair Equipment and Supplies #7045-8
II.1.l. Award FY2018 Catalog Contract for School and Office Furniture #9015-8
II.1.m. Award Annual Contract for Modular Buildings Relocation
Services #5600-8
II.1.n. Rescind Board Award for Mission High School (MHS) Furniture Commons Area Purchase #9000-1
II.1.o. Award Purchase of MHS Furniture Commons Area 9000-1
II.1.p. Award Renewal of Tyler Software Maintenance
II.1.q. Award Purchase of Time Clocks #3466-1
II.2. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of September 2017
II.3. Approval of Budget Amendments
III. Executive Session
III.1. Deliberation Regarding Real Property--Closed Meeting: A Governmental Body may Conduct a Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property if Deliberation in an Open Meeting would have a Detrimental Effect on the Position of Governmental Body in Negotiations with the Third Person (Texas Gov't Code §551.072)
IV. Informational Items
IV.1. Annual Financial Audit Update Fiscal Year 2016-2017
IV.2. 2016-2017 Schools Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST)
IV.3. Financial Report for the Month of September 2017
IV.4. First Quarterly Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2017-2018
IV.5. Cash Disbursements for the Month of September 2017
IV.6. 403(b) and 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Update
V. Adjournment

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