Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
II.1. U. S. Flag and Texas Flag -  Castro Elementary School Student:  
                                                Joaquin Gael Ruiz, Second Grade
II.2. The Mission Vision Statement -  Cantu Elementary School Student:   
                                                        Aleah Tovar, Fifth Grade
III. Comments from the Public
IV. Presentation to the Board
IV.1. Workers’ Compensation Solutions Board of Trustees Annual Report
V. Superintendent's Updates and Recognitions
VI. Discussion and Possible Action
VI.1. Consider and Approve an Order authorizing the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of Mission Consolidated Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 pursuant to the Provisions of Texas Government Code, Sections 1207.007 and 1207.008; levying a continuing Direct Annual Ad Valorem Tax; authorizing the Refunding of certain outstanding Bonds; authorizing the Execution of a Bond Purchase Contract; approving an Official Statement, Execution of an Escrow and Trust Agreement, and making other provisions regarding such Bonds and Matters Incident Thereto
VI.2. Approval of Bids, Proposals and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
VI.2.a. Award Contract for Student Drug Testing Services 4620-1
VI.2.b. Award Contract for Drug and Alcohol Counseling Services 4622-1
VI.2.c. Award Contract for High-Quality Pre-Kindergarten Grant-Parental Engagement Program 2111-1
VI.2.d. Award Contract for High -Quality Pre-Kindergarten Grant-Language Arts
Program 2121-1
VI.3. Consideration and Approval to Accept the Best and Final Offer (BAFO) and to Enter Into Contract for the Central Office Administration Project
VI.4. Consideration and Approval of CPR #09 to Relocate Roof Drain for the Mission High School (MHS) Phase III Renovations Project

VI.5. Consideration and Approval of CPR #10 to “Credit” Tack Boards for the MHS Phase III Renovations Project
VI.6. Consideration and Approval of CPR #12 to Relocate Existing Mainline and Landscape Valve for the MHS Phase III Renovations Project
VI.7. Consideration and Approval of CPR #13 to Increase CMU Chase Walls at the Cafeteria and Beam Depth due to Electrical Conduits for the MHS Phase III Renovations Project
VI.8. Consideration and Approval of CPR #14 to Remove Existing Score Board from Baseball Field for the MHS Phase III Renovations Project
VI.9. Consideration and Approval for Final Completion, Less Betterment Fund Allowance and Final Payment, Less Liquidated Damages for the New Agricultural Science Facilities Project
VI.10. Consideration and Approval of an Extended Warranty Agreement with Celso Gonzalez Construction for the Concrete Installation at the Parking Lot for the CNP Addition Project
VI.11. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #01 for Additional Timber and Mulch and Three (3) Delay Days for the Escobar/Rios Playground Equipment Project
VI.12. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #02 for Twelve (12) Weather Days for the Escobar/Rios Playground Equipment Project
VI.13. Consideration and Approval for Substantial Completion for the Escobar/Rios Playground Equipment Project
VI.14. Consideration and Approval to Grant Administrative Authority to Approve Final Completion , Less Betterment Fund Allowance and Final Payment, Less Liquidated Damages for the Escobar/Rios Playground Equipment Project
VI.15. Consideration and Approval of Contract for Halff Associates for the Mission Junior High School (MJHS) Science Building Chiller Project
VI.16. Consideration and Approval of Contract for Chanin Engineering for the Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Tennis Court Lights and Canopy Project
VI.17. Discussion and Possible Action for a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)  with Alliance Real Estate Group for a New Student Drop Off and Pick Up Lane at Leal Elementary School
VI.18. Consideration and Approval of Contracting Engineering Services for a  New Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Lane at Leal Elementary School
VI.19. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
VI.20. Consideration and Approval to Re-advertise for Competitive-Sealed Proposal and Delegate Full Authority to Superintendent to Approve Rankings and Best and Final Offer (BAFO) for the MHS and VMHS Scoreboard Installation Project
VI.21. Consideration and Possible Approval of Modification of Board Policy FNF(LOCAL) Relating to Extracurricular Random Drug Testing Policy

VI.22. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
VI.22.a. Coordinator for Safety and Security
VI.22.b. Public Relations Specialist
VI.23. Consideration and Possible Action regarding Purchase of Real Property
VI.24. Consideration and Possible Action regarding Lease of Real Property
VII. Items to Consider: The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA. Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VII.1. Consideration and Approval of a Financing Plan Concerning the Mission CISD Public Facility Corporation Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2016 for the Administration Facility Project and Directive to District Administration, and Consultants, First Southwest, a Division of Hilltop Securities Inc. and Escamilla & Poneck, LLP to Proceed with the Financing
VII.2. Approval of Second Reading and Adoption of TASB-Initiated localized Updates: Policy Update 105 and Policy Update 106, affecting Local Policies:
VII.2.a. BJCF(LOCAL): Superintendent – Nonrenewal (revising)
VII.2.b. BQ(LOCAL): Planning and Decision-Making Process (revising)
VII.2.c. CLB(LOCAL): Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management – Maintenance (revising)
VII.2.d. CLE(LOCAL): Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management - Flag Displays (adding)
VII.2.e. CPC(LOCAL): Office Management- Records Management (revising)
VII.2.f. DBA(LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Credentials and Records (revising)
VII.2.g. DFBB(LOCAL): Term Contracts - Nonrenewal
VII.2.h. DFFA(LOCAL): Reduction-In-Force - Financial Exigency
VII.2.i. DFFB(LOCAL): Reduction-In-Force - Program Change (revising)
VII.2.j. EHBAF(LOCAL): Special Education - Video/Audio Monitoring (adding)
VII.2.k. EHBD(LOCAL): Special Programs - Federal TITLE I (revising)
VII.2.l. FDC(LOCAL): Admissions - Homeless Students (revising)
VII.3. Approval of Bids, Proposals and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
VII.3.a. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for A/C Equipment and Supplies 1545-7
VII.3.b. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Awards, Plaques and Trophies 3015-7
VII.3.c. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Flooring Equipment and
Supplies 1565-7
VII.3.d. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Health Medical Equipment and
Supplies 2445-7
VII.3.e. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Imprinted and Embroidered Apparel Items 3035-7
VII.3.f. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Instructional Material 2415-7
VII.3.g. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Library Books 2615-7
VII.3.h. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Plumbing Equipment and
Supplies 1535-7
VII.3.i. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Welding Supplies and
Equipment 1585-7
VII.4. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
VII.5. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month July 2016 and August 2016
VII.6. Approval of Budget Amendments
VII.7. Approval of Additional 2016-2017 Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System
(T-TESS) Appraisers
VII.8. Approval of Minutes
VII.8.a. September 14, 2016
VIII. Executive Session
VIII.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
VIII.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)
VIII.3. Superintendent's Formative Evaluation and Contract Review (Gov’t Code §551.074)
VIII.4. Deliberation Regarding Real Property--Closed Meeting: A Governmental Body may Conduct a Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property if Deliberation in an Open Meeting would have a Detrimental Effect on the Position of Governmental Body in Negotiations with the Third Person (Texas Gov't Code §551.072)
IX. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
X. Board Information Items
X.1. Cash Disbursements for the Month of August 2016
X.2. Financial Reports for:
X.2.a. July 2016
X.2.b. August 2016
X.3. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes
XI. Important Dates to Remember
XI.1. Saturday, October 22, 2016   8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.   United In Safety Parent
                                      Conference at Rafael Cantu Junior High School Cafeteria
XI.2. November 3, 2016    Board of Trustees Committee Meetings   Times to be Announced
XI.3. November 9, 2016  Regular Board of Trustees Meeting  at 7:00 p.m.
XI.4. November 21 through 25, 2016  THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS  All Campuses and 
                                                                           District Departments will be Closed

XII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: October 11, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
II.1. U. S. Flag and Texas Flag -  Castro Elementary School Student:  
                                                Joaquin Gael Ruiz, Second Grade
II.2. The Mission Vision Statement -  Cantu Elementary School Student:   
                                                        Aleah Tovar, Fifth Grade
III. Comments from the Public
IV. Presentation to the Board
IV.1. Workers’ Compensation Solutions Board of Trustees Annual Report
V. Superintendent's Updates and Recognitions
VI. Discussion and Possible Action
VI.1. Consider and Approve an Order authorizing the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of Mission Consolidated Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 pursuant to the Provisions of Texas Government Code, Sections 1207.007 and 1207.008; levying a continuing Direct Annual Ad Valorem Tax; authorizing the Refunding of certain outstanding Bonds; authorizing the Execution of a Bond Purchase Contract; approving an Official Statement, Execution of an Escrow and Trust Agreement, and making other provisions regarding such Bonds and Matters Incident Thereto
VI.2. Approval of Bids, Proposals and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
VI.2.a. Award Contract for Student Drug Testing Services 4620-1
VI.2.b. Award Contract for Drug and Alcohol Counseling Services 4622-1
VI.2.c. Award Contract for High-Quality Pre-Kindergarten Grant-Parental Engagement Program 2111-1
VI.2.d. Award Contract for High -Quality Pre-Kindergarten Grant-Language Arts
Program 2121-1
VI.3. Consideration and Approval to Accept the Best and Final Offer (BAFO) and to Enter Into Contract for the Central Office Administration Project
VI.4. Consideration and Approval of CPR #09 to Relocate Roof Drain for the Mission High School (MHS) Phase III Renovations Project

VI.5. Consideration and Approval of CPR #10 to “Credit” Tack Boards for the MHS Phase III Renovations Project
VI.6. Consideration and Approval of CPR #12 to Relocate Existing Mainline and Landscape Valve for the MHS Phase III Renovations Project
VI.7. Consideration and Approval of CPR #13 to Increase CMU Chase Walls at the Cafeteria and Beam Depth due to Electrical Conduits for the MHS Phase III Renovations Project
VI.8. Consideration and Approval of CPR #14 to Remove Existing Score Board from Baseball Field for the MHS Phase III Renovations Project
VI.9. Consideration and Approval for Final Completion, Less Betterment Fund Allowance and Final Payment, Less Liquidated Damages for the New Agricultural Science Facilities Project
VI.10. Consideration and Approval of an Extended Warranty Agreement with Celso Gonzalez Construction for the Concrete Installation at the Parking Lot for the CNP Addition Project
VI.11. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #01 for Additional Timber and Mulch and Three (3) Delay Days for the Escobar/Rios Playground Equipment Project
VI.12. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #02 for Twelve (12) Weather Days for the Escobar/Rios Playground Equipment Project
VI.13. Consideration and Approval for Substantial Completion for the Escobar/Rios Playground Equipment Project
VI.14. Consideration and Approval to Grant Administrative Authority to Approve Final Completion , Less Betterment Fund Allowance and Final Payment, Less Liquidated Damages for the Escobar/Rios Playground Equipment Project
VI.15. Consideration and Approval of Contract for Halff Associates for the Mission Junior High School (MJHS) Science Building Chiller Project
VI.16. Consideration and Approval of Contract for Chanin Engineering for the Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Tennis Court Lights and Canopy Project
VI.17. Discussion and Possible Action for a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)  with Alliance Real Estate Group for a New Student Drop Off and Pick Up Lane at Leal Elementary School
VI.18. Consideration and Approval of Contracting Engineering Services for a  New Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Lane at Leal Elementary School
VI.19. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
VI.20. Consideration and Approval to Re-advertise for Competitive-Sealed Proposal and Delegate Full Authority to Superintendent to Approve Rankings and Best and Final Offer (BAFO) for the MHS and VMHS Scoreboard Installation Project
VI.21. Consideration and Possible Approval of Modification of Board Policy FNF(LOCAL) Relating to Extracurricular Random Drug Testing Policy

VI.22. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
VI.22.a. Coordinator for Safety and Security
VI.22.b. Public Relations Specialist
VI.23. Consideration and Possible Action regarding Purchase of Real Property
VI.24. Consideration and Possible Action regarding Lease of Real Property
VII. Items to Consider: The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA. Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VII.1. Consideration and Approval of a Financing Plan Concerning the Mission CISD Public Facility Corporation Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2016 for the Administration Facility Project and Directive to District Administration, and Consultants, First Southwest, a Division of Hilltop Securities Inc. and Escamilla & Poneck, LLP to Proceed with the Financing
VII.2. Approval of Second Reading and Adoption of TASB-Initiated localized Updates: Policy Update 105 and Policy Update 106, affecting Local Policies:
VII.2.a. BJCF(LOCAL): Superintendent – Nonrenewal (revising)
VII.2.b. BQ(LOCAL): Planning and Decision-Making Process (revising)
VII.2.c. CLB(LOCAL): Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management – Maintenance (revising)
VII.2.d. CLE(LOCAL): Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management - Flag Displays (adding)
VII.2.e. CPC(LOCAL): Office Management- Records Management (revising)
VII.2.f. DBA(LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Credentials and Records (revising)
VII.2.g. DFBB(LOCAL): Term Contracts - Nonrenewal
VII.2.h. DFFA(LOCAL): Reduction-In-Force - Financial Exigency
VII.2.i. DFFB(LOCAL): Reduction-In-Force - Program Change (revising)
VII.2.j. EHBAF(LOCAL): Special Education - Video/Audio Monitoring (adding)
VII.2.k. EHBD(LOCAL): Special Programs - Federal TITLE I (revising)
VII.2.l. FDC(LOCAL): Admissions - Homeless Students (revising)
VII.3. Approval of Bids, Proposals and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
VII.3.a. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for A/C Equipment and Supplies 1545-7
VII.3.b. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Awards, Plaques and Trophies 3015-7
VII.3.c. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Flooring Equipment and
Supplies 1565-7
VII.3.d. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Health Medical Equipment and
Supplies 2445-7
VII.3.e. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Imprinted and Embroidered Apparel Items 3035-7
VII.3.f. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Instructional Material 2415-7
VII.3.g. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Library Books 2615-7
VII.3.h. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Plumbing Equipment and
Supplies 1535-7
VII.3.i. Award Supplemental Catalog Contracts for Welding Supplies and
Equipment 1585-7
VII.4. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
VII.5. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month July 2016 and August 2016
VII.6. Approval of Budget Amendments
VII.7. Approval of Additional 2016-2017 Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System
(T-TESS) Appraisers
VII.8. Approval of Minutes
VII.8.a. September 14, 2016
VIII. Executive Session
VIII.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
VIII.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)
VIII.3. Superintendent's Formative Evaluation and Contract Review (Gov’t Code §551.074)
VIII.4. Deliberation Regarding Real Property--Closed Meeting: A Governmental Body may Conduct a Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property if Deliberation in an Open Meeting would have a Detrimental Effect on the Position of Governmental Body in Negotiations with the Third Person (Texas Gov't Code §551.072)
IX. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
X. Board Information Items
X.1. Cash Disbursements for the Month of August 2016
X.2. Financial Reports for:
X.2.a. July 2016
X.2.b. August 2016
X.3. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes
XI. Important Dates to Remember
XI.1. Saturday, October 22, 2016   8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.   United In Safety Parent
                                      Conference at Rafael Cantu Junior High School Cafeteria
XI.2. November 3, 2016    Board of Trustees Committee Meetings   Times to be Announced
XI.3. November 9, 2016  Regular Board of Trustees Meeting  at 7:00 p.m.
XI.4. November 21 through 25, 2016  THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS  All Campuses and 
                                                                           District Departments will be Closed

XII. Adjournment

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