Meeting Agenda
I. Board Presentations
I.1. Internal Auditor's Quarterly Report
I.2. Workers' Compensation Solutions Wellness Member of the Year Award
II. Discussion and Possible Action
II.1. Consideration and Approval of Request for Mission C.I.S.D.'s Food Service to provide Catered Meals to Students at Agape Christian School
II.2. Consideration and Approval of Request to participate in Mission C.I.S.D.'s Child Nutrition Program by Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School
II.3. Recommendation and Approval of Bids, Proposals and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
II.3.a. Approve Purchase of Classroom Furniture for Mission Collegiate High School RFQ #90005-15
II.3.b. Approve Purchase of Office Furniture for Mission Collegiate High School RFQ #90006-15
II.3.c. Approve Purchase of Child Nutrition Program (CNP) Fleet Box Trucks RFQ #70301-15
II.3.d. Approve Purchase of CNP Kitchen Equipment RFQ #802515
II.3.e. Approve Purchase of CNP Dinning Furniture
II.3.f. Approve Purchase of Technology Equipment for Career and Technical Education (CTE) Department

II.3.g. Approve Purchase of Google Chromebooks for Expanded 1 to 1 Initiative
II.3.h. Award Bank Depository Services Contract RFP #45300-15
II.3.i. Approve Purchase of Textbooks
III. Items to Consider (Consent Items)
III.1. Approval of Central Office Summer Schedule 2015
III.2. Approval of Contract Renewal with Hidalgo County Tax Office for the 2015-2016
III.3. Approval of Statement of Impact from Harmony Science Academy San Antonio
III.4. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
III.5. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
III.6. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of March 2015
III.7. Approval of Budget Amendments
IV. Information Items
IV.1. Financial Report as of April 30, 2015
IV.2. Cash Disbursement for the Month of April 2015
IV.3. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes
V. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: May 6, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Finance Committee
I. Board Presentations
I.1. Internal Auditor's Quarterly Report
I.2. Workers' Compensation Solutions Wellness Member of the Year Award
II. Discussion and Possible Action
II.1. Consideration and Approval of Request for Mission C.I.S.D.'s Food Service to provide Catered Meals to Students at Agape Christian School
II.2. Consideration and Approval of Request to participate in Mission C.I.S.D.'s Child Nutrition Program by Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School
II.3. Recommendation and Approval of Bids, Proposals and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
II.3.a. Approve Purchase of Classroom Furniture for Mission Collegiate High School RFQ #90005-15
II.3.b. Approve Purchase of Office Furniture for Mission Collegiate High School RFQ #90006-15
II.3.c. Approve Purchase of Child Nutrition Program (CNP) Fleet Box Trucks RFQ #70301-15
II.3.d. Approve Purchase of CNP Kitchen Equipment RFQ #802515
II.3.e. Approve Purchase of CNP Dinning Furniture
II.3.f. Approve Purchase of Technology Equipment for Career and Technical Education (CTE) Department

II.3.g. Approve Purchase of Google Chromebooks for Expanded 1 to 1 Initiative
II.3.h. Award Bank Depository Services Contract RFP #45300-15
II.3.i. Approve Purchase of Textbooks
III. Items to Consider (Consent Items)
III.1. Approval of Central Office Summer Schedule 2015
III.2. Approval of Contract Renewal with Hidalgo County Tax Office for the 2015-2016
III.3. Approval of Statement of Impact from Harmony Science Academy San Antonio
III.4. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
III.5. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
III.6. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of March 2015
III.7. Approval of Budget Amendments
IV. Information Items
IV.1. Financial Report as of April 30, 2015
IV.2. Cash Disbursement for the Month of April 2015
IV.3. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes
V. Adjournment

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