Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
II.1. U. S. Flag and Texas Flag - Esteban Davis, 3rd Grade Student at Pearson Elementary School
II.2. The Mission Vision Statement - Cesar Cantu, 5th Grade Student at Waitz Elementary School
III. Board Awards and Recognitions
III.1. Recognition of Alton Memorial Junior High School (AMJHS)Science Bowl Team for Advancing to the National Science Bowl Competition
III.2. Recognition of High School Students Who earned Places in a Texas Music Educators Association All-State Band or Choir
III.3. Recognition of High School Band and Choir Students Who are Advancing to the State UIL Solo and Ensemble Competitions
III.4. Recognition of Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Girls Basketball Team for Bi-District Championship and Advancing to Area Round of Playoffs
III.5. Recognition of VMHS Boys Basketball Team for Bi-District Championship and Advancing to Area Round of Playoffs
III.6. Recognition of High School Career Technology Education Organization Students Who qualified for State Competitions
IV. Comments from the Public
V. Superintendent's Updates and Recognitions
VI. Discussion and Possible Action
VI.1. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #01 for Seven (7) Additional Weather Days for the Elementary Track Projects
VI.2. Consideration and Approval of Construction Change Directive #2 for the Mission Collegiate High School Project
VI.3. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #15 for Installation of a Pressure Pump for the Fire Sprinkler System for the Mission Collegiate High School Project
VI.4. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #01 to Replace/Repair Damaged CMU Block for the Alton Memorial Junior High School (AMJHS) Canopies Project
VI.5. Consideration and Approval of Schematic Design for the Mission Junior High School (MJHS) Kitchen/Dining Addition/Renovations Project
VI.6. Consideration and Approval to Request a Variance from the City of Mission for the Construction of New Restroom Facilities at Tom Landry Stadium
VI.7. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #01 for Adding a Beam to the CMU Wall for the Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Cosmetology Lab Project
VI.8. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #03 for Repairing Electrical Conduit for the VMHS Cosmetology Lab Project
VI.9. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #04 for Adding a Hot Water Heater for the VMHS Cosmetology Lab Project
VI.10. Consideration and Approval of  Final Design for the New AG Barn Facilities Project
VI.11. Consideration and Approval of Fee Proposal and Budget with Javier Hinojosa Civil Engineering for  Drainage and Civil Engineering for the Mission High School Phase III Renovation Project
VI.12. Consideration and Approval to Expand the Mission High School Phase III Renovation Project Scope of Work and Budget
VI.13. Consideration and Approval for On-Call Environmental Services and Material Testing for Construction Projects
VI.14. Consideration and Approval for a Construction Change Directive #4 to Reduce the Scope of Work for the Mission Collegiate High School Project
VI.15. Discussion and Possible Action of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of the Education Foundation of Mission CISD, Inc. and the Mission Consolidated Independent SchooL District
VI.16. Approval of Proposed 2015-2016 Academic School Calendar
VI.17. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
VI.17.a. Accountant
VI.18. Recommendation and Approval of Contracts and Employment Agreements for Campus Principals, Newcomers Administrator, Options Administrator and Central Office Administrators
VII. Items to Consider: The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA. Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VII.1. Approval of First Reading for TASB-Initiated Localized Updates: Policy Update 101, affecting Local Policies:
VII.1.a. BE(LOCAL): Board  Meetings (editing)
VII.1.b. CH(LOCAL):  Purchasing and Acquisition (editing)
VII.1.c. DGBA(LOCAL): Personnel-Management Relations - Employee Complaints/Grievances (editing)
VII.1.d. EB(LOCAL): School Year (adding policy)
VII.1.e. FFG(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Child Abuse and Neglect (adding policy)
VII.1.f. FMG(LOCAL):  Student Activities – Travel (editing)

VII.1.g. FNG(LOCAL): Student Rights And Responsibilities - Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances (editing)
VII.1.h. GF(LOCAL): Public Complaints (editing) 
VII.2. Consideration and Approval of Interlocal Agreement with Hidalgo County for the Broadcasting of Hidalgo County Commission Meetings on the District Cable Channel
VII.3. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
VII.4. Approval of Statement of Impact from IDEA Charter Schools
VII.5. Approval of Bids, Proposals and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
VII.5.a. Approve Purchase of Passenger SUV Fleet Vehicles RFP 70301-15
VII.5.b. Approval of TSTC Migrant Academic Achievement Residency Summer Experience (MAARS)
VII.5.c. Approval of UTPA Migrant University Summer Experience (MUSE)
VII.6. Approval of Budget Amendments
VII.7. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
VII.8. Approval of Tax Collections and Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of January 2015
VII.9. Approval of Additional 2014-2015 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers
VII.10. Approval of Summer School Programs for 2015
VII.11. Approval of Textbook Recommendations for Social Studies (K-12th), Fine Arts (K-12th), Math (9th-12th) and Principles and Elements of Floral Design in Career and Technical Education (9th-12th)
VII.12. Approval of Summer Curriculum Timeline/Pacing Chart Revisions
VII.13. Approval for Out-of-State Trip for AMJHSScience Team Advancing to Nationals
VII.14. Approval of Minutes
VII.14.a. February 11, 2015
VIII. Executive Session
VIII.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
VIII.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)
IX. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
X. Board Information Items
X.1. Financial Reports as of February 28, 2015
X.2. Cash Disbursements for the Month of February 2015
X.3. School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) 2014-2015 Annual Activities Report and 2014-2015 MCISD Wellness Policy Report
X.4. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes

XI. Important Dates to Remember
XI.1. March 16-20, 2015 Spring Break All Campuses and Administration Offices will be Closed
XI.2. March 26, 2015   Mission Excellence Award Banquet at 7:00 p.m. at The Club at Cimarron
XI.3. Apri  1, 2015     Board of Trustees Committee Meetings
XI.4. April 8, 2015   Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
XII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: March 11, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
II.1. U. S. Flag and Texas Flag - Esteban Davis, 3rd Grade Student at Pearson Elementary School
II.2. The Mission Vision Statement - Cesar Cantu, 5th Grade Student at Waitz Elementary School
III. Board Awards and Recognitions
III.1. Recognition of Alton Memorial Junior High School (AMJHS)Science Bowl Team for Advancing to the National Science Bowl Competition
III.2. Recognition of High School Students Who earned Places in a Texas Music Educators Association All-State Band or Choir
III.3. Recognition of High School Band and Choir Students Who are Advancing to the State UIL Solo and Ensemble Competitions
III.4. Recognition of Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Girls Basketball Team for Bi-District Championship and Advancing to Area Round of Playoffs
III.5. Recognition of VMHS Boys Basketball Team for Bi-District Championship and Advancing to Area Round of Playoffs
III.6. Recognition of High School Career Technology Education Organization Students Who qualified for State Competitions
IV. Comments from the Public
V. Superintendent's Updates and Recognitions
VI. Discussion and Possible Action
VI.1. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #01 for Seven (7) Additional Weather Days for the Elementary Track Projects
VI.2. Consideration and Approval of Construction Change Directive #2 for the Mission Collegiate High School Project
VI.3. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #15 for Installation of a Pressure Pump for the Fire Sprinkler System for the Mission Collegiate High School Project
VI.4. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #01 to Replace/Repair Damaged CMU Block for the Alton Memorial Junior High School (AMJHS) Canopies Project
VI.5. Consideration and Approval of Schematic Design for the Mission Junior High School (MJHS) Kitchen/Dining Addition/Renovations Project
VI.6. Consideration and Approval to Request a Variance from the City of Mission for the Construction of New Restroom Facilities at Tom Landry Stadium
VI.7. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #01 for Adding a Beam to the CMU Wall for the Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Cosmetology Lab Project
VI.8. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #03 for Repairing Electrical Conduit for the VMHS Cosmetology Lab Project
VI.9. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #04 for Adding a Hot Water Heater for the VMHS Cosmetology Lab Project
VI.10. Consideration and Approval of  Final Design for the New AG Barn Facilities Project
VI.11. Consideration and Approval of Fee Proposal and Budget with Javier Hinojosa Civil Engineering for  Drainage and Civil Engineering for the Mission High School Phase III Renovation Project
VI.12. Consideration and Approval to Expand the Mission High School Phase III Renovation Project Scope of Work and Budget
VI.13. Consideration and Approval for On-Call Environmental Services and Material Testing for Construction Projects
VI.14. Consideration and Approval for a Construction Change Directive #4 to Reduce the Scope of Work for the Mission Collegiate High School Project
VI.15. Discussion and Possible Action of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of the Education Foundation of Mission CISD, Inc. and the Mission Consolidated Independent SchooL District
VI.16. Approval of Proposed 2015-2016 Academic School Calendar
VI.17. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
VI.17.a. Accountant
VI.18. Recommendation and Approval of Contracts and Employment Agreements for Campus Principals, Newcomers Administrator, Options Administrator and Central Office Administrators
VII. Items to Consider: The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA. Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VII.1. Approval of First Reading for TASB-Initiated Localized Updates: Policy Update 101, affecting Local Policies:
VII.1.a. BE(LOCAL): Board  Meetings (editing)
VII.1.b. CH(LOCAL):  Purchasing and Acquisition (editing)
VII.1.c. DGBA(LOCAL): Personnel-Management Relations - Employee Complaints/Grievances (editing)
VII.1.d. EB(LOCAL): School Year (adding policy)
VII.1.e. FFG(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Child Abuse and Neglect (adding policy)
VII.1.f. FMG(LOCAL):  Student Activities – Travel (editing)

VII.1.g. FNG(LOCAL): Student Rights And Responsibilities - Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances (editing)
VII.1.h. GF(LOCAL): Public Complaints (editing) 
VII.2. Consideration and Approval of Interlocal Agreement with Hidalgo County for the Broadcasting of Hidalgo County Commission Meetings on the District Cable Channel
VII.3. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
VII.4. Approval of Statement of Impact from IDEA Charter Schools
VII.5. Approval of Bids, Proposals and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
VII.5.a. Approve Purchase of Passenger SUV Fleet Vehicles RFP 70301-15
VII.5.b. Approval of TSTC Migrant Academic Achievement Residency Summer Experience (MAARS)
VII.5.c. Approval of UTPA Migrant University Summer Experience (MUSE)
VII.6. Approval of Budget Amendments
VII.7. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
VII.8. Approval of Tax Collections and Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of January 2015
VII.9. Approval of Additional 2014-2015 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers
VII.10. Approval of Summer School Programs for 2015
VII.11. Approval of Textbook Recommendations for Social Studies (K-12th), Fine Arts (K-12th), Math (9th-12th) and Principles and Elements of Floral Design in Career and Technical Education (9th-12th)
VII.12. Approval of Summer Curriculum Timeline/Pacing Chart Revisions
VII.13. Approval for Out-of-State Trip for AMJHSScience Team Advancing to Nationals
VII.14. Approval of Minutes
VII.14.a. February 11, 2015
VIII. Executive Session
VIII.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
VIII.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)
IX. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
X. Board Information Items
X.1. Financial Reports as of February 28, 2015
X.2. Cash Disbursements for the Month of February 2015
X.3. School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) 2014-2015 Annual Activities Report and 2014-2015 MCISD Wellness Policy Report
X.4. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes

XI. Important Dates to Remember
XI.1. March 16-20, 2015 Spring Break All Campuses and Administration Offices will be Closed
XI.2. March 26, 2015   Mission Excellence Award Banquet at 7:00 p.m. at The Club at Cimarron
XI.3. Apri  1, 2015     Board of Trustees Committee Meetings
XI.4. April 8, 2015   Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
XII. Adjournment

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