Meeting Agenda
I. Presentation Items
I.1. Internal Auditor's Quarterly Presentation Report for July 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014
I.2. Annual Tax Collection Presentation Report from Hidalgo County Tax Assessor Collector
I.3. Annual Delinquent Presentation Tax Report from Linebarger Googan Blair & Sampson, LLP
II. Items for Discussion
II.1. Consider and Approve an Order authorizing the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of Mission Consolidated Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2014A; Levying a Continuing Direct Annual Ad Valorem Tax; Authorizing the Refunding of Certain Outstanding Bonds; Authorizing the Execution of a Bond Purchase Contract; Approving an Official Statement, Execution of an Escrow and Trust Agreement, and Making other Provisions Regarding such Bonds and Matters Incident thereto.
II.2. Discussion and Approval to Rescind Previous Board Action approving to Lease Real Estate Property from Sparks Enterprise
II.3. Discussion and Approval to Lease Real Estate Property
II.4. Approval of Purchases of $50,000 and Over
II.4.a. Elementary Music Instrument RPQ # 27101-15
II.4.b. PrintShop Copier Fleet RFQ # 19102-15
II.4.c. Instructional STAAR Materials RFP # 21011-15
II.5. Approval of the 2014 Tax Roll

II.6. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of September 2014
II.7. Discussion and Approval of Revisions to Mission C.I.S.D. Child Nutrition Policy Recommended by the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
II.8. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through the Donation Request from Jardín  de Niños  "Niños  Heroes" de la Zona Escolar No. 58 del Sector 6 de Educación Preescolar en Reynosa, Tamaulípas, México  
II.9. Approval of Request of Surplus Items as Donations from Jardín  de Niños  "Niños  Heroes" de la Zona Escolar No. 58 del Sector 6 de Educación Preescolar en Reynosa, Tamaulípas, México  
II.10. Discussion and Approval of Reclassification of the Position of PEIMS Specialist
III. Items to Consider (Consent Agenda)
III.1. Approval of Additional 2014-2015 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers
IV. Executive Session
IV.1. Sec. 551.072. Deliberation Regarding Real Property; Closed Meeting.  A Governmental Body Conduct a Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property if Deliberation in an Open Meeting would have a Detrimental Effect on the Position of the Governmental Body in Negotiations with the Third Person
V. Informational Items
V.1. Safety and Security Phase III
V.2. Financial Report for the Month of September 30, 2014
V.3. Cash Disbursements for the Month of September 2014
V.4. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: November 5, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Finance Committee
I. Presentation Items
I.1. Internal Auditor's Quarterly Presentation Report for July 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014
I.2. Annual Tax Collection Presentation Report from Hidalgo County Tax Assessor Collector
I.3. Annual Delinquent Presentation Tax Report from Linebarger Googan Blair & Sampson, LLP
II. Items for Discussion
II.1. Consider and Approve an Order authorizing the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of Mission Consolidated Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2014A; Levying a Continuing Direct Annual Ad Valorem Tax; Authorizing the Refunding of Certain Outstanding Bonds; Authorizing the Execution of a Bond Purchase Contract; Approving an Official Statement, Execution of an Escrow and Trust Agreement, and Making other Provisions Regarding such Bonds and Matters Incident thereto.
II.2. Discussion and Approval to Rescind Previous Board Action approving to Lease Real Estate Property from Sparks Enterprise
II.3. Discussion and Approval to Lease Real Estate Property
II.4. Approval of Purchases of $50,000 and Over
II.4.a. Elementary Music Instrument RPQ # 27101-15
II.4.b. PrintShop Copier Fleet RFQ # 19102-15
II.4.c. Instructional STAAR Materials RFP # 21011-15
II.5. Approval of the 2014 Tax Roll

II.6. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of September 2014
II.7. Discussion and Approval of Revisions to Mission C.I.S.D. Child Nutrition Policy Recommended by the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
II.8. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through the Donation Request from Jardín  de Niños  "Niños  Heroes" de la Zona Escolar No. 58 del Sector 6 de Educación Preescolar en Reynosa, Tamaulípas, México  
II.9. Approval of Request of Surplus Items as Donations from Jardín  de Niños  "Niños  Heroes" de la Zona Escolar No. 58 del Sector 6 de Educación Preescolar en Reynosa, Tamaulípas, México  
II.10. Discussion and Approval of Reclassification of the Position of PEIMS Specialist
III. Items to Consider (Consent Agenda)
III.1. Approval of Additional 2014-2015 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers
IV. Executive Session
IV.1. Sec. 551.072. Deliberation Regarding Real Property; Closed Meeting.  A Governmental Body Conduct a Closed Meeting to Deliberate the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property if Deliberation in an Open Meeting would have a Detrimental Effect on the Position of the Governmental Body in Negotiations with the Third Person
V. Informational Items
V.1. Safety and Security Phase III
V.2. Financial Report for the Month of September 30, 2014
V.3. Cash Disbursements for the Month of September 2014
V.4. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes

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