Meeting Agenda
I. Items for Discussion
I.1. Consideration and Approval for the Selection of Annuity Provider for Superintendent's Contract
I.2. Recommendation and Approval of Bids, Proposals, and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
I.2.a. Award of Welding Equipment  and Supplies RFP #15082-14
I.2.b. Approve Purchase of Google Chromebooks
I.2.c. Approve Purchase of Instructional Technology Classroom Equipment for Elementary Campuses
I.2.d. Renew Istation Program Contract
I.2.e. Renew Renaissance Learning License Contract
I.2.f. Renew Awards, Incentive and Printed Material Catalog Contract for FY2015 #3000-15
I.2.g. Renew Teaching and Instructional Supplies Catalog Contract for FY2015 #24000-15
I.2.h. Renew School and Office Furniture Catalog Contract for
FY2015 #9000-15
I.2.i. Renew Music and Theater Equipment and Supplies Catalog Contract for FY2015 #70000-15

I.2.j. Renew Building Materials, Hardware and Lumber Catalog Contract for FY2015 #15035-15
I.2.k. Renew Athletic Equipment and Supplies Catalog Contract for FY2015 #20000-15
I.2.l. Renew Audio Visual Equipment and Supplies Catalog Contract for FY2015 #25010-15
I.2.m. Renew Automotive and Bus Parts and Supplies Catalog Contract for FY2015 #29040-15
I.3. Approval to Set Date for Public Meeting to Discuss 2014-2015 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate and Approval of Proposed Tax Rate 2014
I.4. Approval of City of Palmhurst Interlocal Agreement for Police Services for 2014-2015 School Year
I.5. Approval of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Hidalgo County Project Stop Truancy on Patrol (S.T.O.P.) for 2014-2015 School Year
I.6. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between City of Mission (Shary Golf Course) and Mission C.I.S.D. and Golf Storage Agreement
I.7. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
I.8. Approval of Donation Request from Mission Boys and Girls Club for Surplus Equipment
I.9. Approval of Donation Request from Escuela Primaria Nueva Creacion Turno Matutino, Reynosa Tamps., Mexico
I.10. Approval of Donation Request from Ashley Learning Center for Surplus Equipment
I.11. Approval of Resolution stating Annual Review of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies CDA(LOCAL)
I.12. Approval of Statement of IDEA Public Schools
I.13. Approval of Budget Amendments
I.14. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
I.15. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of April 2014
I.16. Recommendation and Approval of New Employment Position:
I.16.a. PEIMS Data Controller (Information Systems)
I.17. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes

II. Items for Information
II.1. 2014-2015 Budget Update
II.2. Financial Report as of May 31, 2014
II.3. Cash Disbursements for the Month of May 2014
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: June 4, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Finance Committee
I. Items for Discussion
I.1. Consideration and Approval for the Selection of Annuity Provider for Superintendent's Contract
I.2. Recommendation and Approval of Bids, Proposals, and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
I.2.a. Award of Welding Equipment  and Supplies RFP #15082-14
I.2.b. Approve Purchase of Google Chromebooks
I.2.c. Approve Purchase of Instructional Technology Classroom Equipment for Elementary Campuses
I.2.d. Renew Istation Program Contract
I.2.e. Renew Renaissance Learning License Contract
I.2.f. Renew Awards, Incentive and Printed Material Catalog Contract for FY2015 #3000-15
I.2.g. Renew Teaching and Instructional Supplies Catalog Contract for FY2015 #24000-15
I.2.h. Renew School and Office Furniture Catalog Contract for
FY2015 #9000-15
I.2.i. Renew Music and Theater Equipment and Supplies Catalog Contract for FY2015 #70000-15

I.2.j. Renew Building Materials, Hardware and Lumber Catalog Contract for FY2015 #15035-15
I.2.k. Renew Athletic Equipment and Supplies Catalog Contract for FY2015 #20000-15
I.2.l. Renew Audio Visual Equipment and Supplies Catalog Contract for FY2015 #25010-15
I.2.m. Renew Automotive and Bus Parts and Supplies Catalog Contract for FY2015 #29040-15
I.3. Approval to Set Date for Public Meeting to Discuss 2014-2015 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate and Approval of Proposed Tax Rate 2014
I.4. Approval of City of Palmhurst Interlocal Agreement for Police Services for 2014-2015 School Year
I.5. Approval of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Hidalgo County Project Stop Truancy on Patrol (S.T.O.P.) for 2014-2015 School Year
I.6. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between City of Mission (Shary Golf Course) and Mission C.I.S.D. and Golf Storage Agreement
I.7. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
I.8. Approval of Donation Request from Mission Boys and Girls Club for Surplus Equipment
I.9. Approval of Donation Request from Escuela Primaria Nueva Creacion Turno Matutino, Reynosa Tamps., Mexico
I.10. Approval of Donation Request from Ashley Learning Center for Surplus Equipment
I.11. Approval of Resolution stating Annual Review of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies CDA(LOCAL)
I.12. Approval of Statement of IDEA Public Schools
I.13. Approval of Budget Amendments
I.14. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
I.15. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of April 2014
I.16. Recommendation and Approval of New Employment Position:
I.16.a. PEIMS Data Controller (Information Systems)
I.17. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes

II. Items for Information
II.1. 2014-2015 Budget Update
II.2. Financial Report as of May 31, 2014
II.3. Cash Disbursements for the Month of May 2014

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