Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
U. S. Flag:  Nathaly Ramirez, Fourth Grade Student at Cavazos Elementary
Texas Flag:  Ryann Ramirez, Fifth Grade Student at Bryan Elementary
III. Board Awards and Recognitions
III.1. Recognition/Thanks to City of Mission of New Sidewalk at Mission Junior High School
III.2. Recognition of Veterans Memorial High School Boys Cross Country Team for Advancing to State Competition
IV. Comments from the Public
V. Superintendent's Updates and Recognitions
V.1. Approval of Donation by H. E. B. Grocery Company
VI. Presentations to the Board
VI.1. Internal Auditor's Quarterly Presentation Report for July 1, 2013 through
September 30, 2013
VI.2. Annual Tax Collection Presentation Report from Hidalgo County Tax Assessor Collector
VI.3. Annual Delinquent Presentation Tax Report from Linebarger Goggan Blair &
Sampson, LLP
VII. Discussion and Possible Action
VII.1. Discussion and Approval of Resolution Casting Mission C.I.S.D. Votes for the Posting of the Directors of the Hidalgo County Appraisal Board 2013-2014
VII.2. Consideration and Approval of Allowance Expenditure #1 for Test and Balance for the R. Cantu Junior High (RCJH) MEP Project          
VII.3. Consideration and Approval of Final Completion, Betterment Fund Credit, and Final Payment for the Waitz Elementary Kitchen Renovation Project
VII.4. Consideration and Approval of Substantial Completion for the Cantu Elementary School Roofing Project (Bid Package #1)
VII.5. Consideration and Approval of Final Completion, Betterment Fund Credit, and Final Payment for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary Ramp Enclosures
VII.6. Consideration and Approval of Final Completion, Betterment Fund Credit, and Final Payment for the Cantu Elementary Ramp Enclosures
VII.7. Consideration and Approval of CPR #22 to Replace the Entrance Doors for the Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Field House Project
VII.8. Consideration and Approval of CPR #23 to Add Window Film for the VMHS
Field House Project
VII.9. Consideration and Approval of CPR #24 for Graphics for the VMHS Field House Project
VII.10. Consideration and Approval of Substantial Completion for the VMHS Field House Project
VII.11. Discussion and Possible Action on the Ranking of Proposals and Approval to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firms in the Order of Selection for the Mission High School (MHS) Girls Softball Parking Lot
VII.12. Consideration and Approval of Final Contract with Javier Hinojosa Civil Engineering for the MHS Tom Landry Stadium and VMHS Stadium Turf and Re-surfacing of  the Tracks
VII.13. Discussion and Approval of the Patriot Sculpture Services for Tom Landry Stadium
VII.14. Consider and Approve Procurement Method, Selection Criteria, Review and Ranking Committee, Wage Rate and Authorization to Seek Proposals for Patriot Sculpture Pedestal at Tom Landry Stadium
VII.15. Consider Selection of Architect/Engineer for Patriot Sculpture Pedestal at Tom Landry Stadium
VII.16. Consideration and Possible Action regarding the Establishment of an Educational Foundation
VII.17. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
VII.17.a. Director for Finance
VII.17.b. E-Rate/Network Manager
VII.17.c. Special Education LSSP
VII.17.d. Castro Elementary School Principal
VII.18. Discussion and Approval of Reclassification of the Position of Coordinator for Fine Arts
VII.19. Recommendation and Approval of New Employment Positions:
VII.19.a. Reading Coaches (9)
VII.19.b. Math Coaches (9)
VII.19.c. Purchasing Specialist
VII.19.d. Child Nutrition Program Field Supervisors (2)
VIII. Items to Consider: The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA. Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VIII.1. Approval of Mission High School Improvement Plan
VIII.2. Approval of District and Campus Improvement Plans
VIII.3. Approval of Financial Report as of October 31, 2013
VIII.4. Approval of the 2013 Tax Roll
VIII.5. Approval of the Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of September 2013
VIII.6. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
VIII.7. Approval of Budget Amendments
VIII.8. Approval of Purchases of $50,000 and Over
VIII.8.a. Approval of Professional Development Services with Writing Academy
VIII.8.b. Approval of Contract Addendum with Hope Family Health Center
VIII.8.c. Award of Professional Development for Second Language Acquisition Approach RFP#23201-14
VIII.9. Approval of Bids and Proposals
VIII.9.a. Award of Custodial Supplies Line Item Contract for FY2014 RFP#15000-14
VIII.9.b. Award of School and Office Supplies Warehouse Line Item Contract for FY2014 RFP#16010-14
VIII.9.c. Award of Award and Incentive Supplies Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP#30000-14
VIII.9.d. Award of Teaching and Instructional Supplies Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP#24000-14
VIII.9.e. Award of Building Material, Hardware and Lumber Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP#15035-14
VIII.9.f. Award of Automotive and Bus Parts and Supplies Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP#29040-14
VIII.9.g. Award of Athletic Equipment and Supplies Catalog Contracts for FY2014
VIII.9.h. Award of School and Office Furniture Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP #90000-14
VIII.9.i. Award of Music and Theater Equipment and Supplies Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP#70000-14
VIII.9.j. Award of Audio Visual Equipment and Supplies Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP#25010-14
VIII.10. Approval of Minutes
VIII.10.a. October 9 , 2013
IX. Executive Session
IX.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
IX.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)
IX.3. Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (Texas Gov’t Code § 551.072)
X. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
XI. Board Information Items
XI.1. Apply E-Rate 17 Discounts for Proposed Network Infrastructure Internet and Cellular Services for Identified District Needs
XI.2. Fourth Quarterly Investment Report
XI.3. Cash Disbursements for the Month of October 2013
XI.4. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes

XII. Important Dates to Remember
XII.1. November 27-29, 2013    Thanksgiving Holidays
XII.2. December 4, 2013    Board Committee Meetings  Times to be Announced
XII.3. December 11, 2013  Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
XIII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: November 13, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
U. S. Flag:  Nathaly Ramirez, Fourth Grade Student at Cavazos Elementary
Texas Flag:  Ryann Ramirez, Fifth Grade Student at Bryan Elementary
III. Board Awards and Recognitions
III.1. Recognition/Thanks to City of Mission of New Sidewalk at Mission Junior High School
III.2. Recognition of Veterans Memorial High School Boys Cross Country Team for Advancing to State Competition
IV. Comments from the Public
V. Superintendent's Updates and Recognitions
V.1. Approval of Donation by H. E. B. Grocery Company
VI. Presentations to the Board
VI.1. Internal Auditor's Quarterly Presentation Report for July 1, 2013 through
September 30, 2013
VI.2. Annual Tax Collection Presentation Report from Hidalgo County Tax Assessor Collector
VI.3. Annual Delinquent Presentation Tax Report from Linebarger Goggan Blair &
Sampson, LLP
VII. Discussion and Possible Action
VII.1. Discussion and Approval of Resolution Casting Mission C.I.S.D. Votes for the Posting of the Directors of the Hidalgo County Appraisal Board 2013-2014
VII.2. Consideration and Approval of Allowance Expenditure #1 for Test and Balance for the R. Cantu Junior High (RCJH) MEP Project          
VII.3. Consideration and Approval of Final Completion, Betterment Fund Credit, and Final Payment for the Waitz Elementary Kitchen Renovation Project
VII.4. Consideration and Approval of Substantial Completion for the Cantu Elementary School Roofing Project (Bid Package #1)
VII.5. Consideration and Approval of Final Completion, Betterment Fund Credit, and Final Payment for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary Ramp Enclosures
VII.6. Consideration and Approval of Final Completion, Betterment Fund Credit, and Final Payment for the Cantu Elementary Ramp Enclosures
VII.7. Consideration and Approval of CPR #22 to Replace the Entrance Doors for the Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Field House Project
VII.8. Consideration and Approval of CPR #23 to Add Window Film for the VMHS
Field House Project
VII.9. Consideration and Approval of CPR #24 for Graphics for the VMHS Field House Project
VII.10. Consideration and Approval of Substantial Completion for the VMHS Field House Project
VII.11. Discussion and Possible Action on the Ranking of Proposals and Approval to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firms in the Order of Selection for the Mission High School (MHS) Girls Softball Parking Lot
VII.12. Consideration and Approval of Final Contract with Javier Hinojosa Civil Engineering for the MHS Tom Landry Stadium and VMHS Stadium Turf and Re-surfacing of  the Tracks
VII.13. Discussion and Approval of the Patriot Sculpture Services for Tom Landry Stadium
VII.14. Consider and Approve Procurement Method, Selection Criteria, Review and Ranking Committee, Wage Rate and Authorization to Seek Proposals for Patriot Sculpture Pedestal at Tom Landry Stadium
VII.15. Consider Selection of Architect/Engineer for Patriot Sculpture Pedestal at Tom Landry Stadium
VII.16. Consideration and Possible Action regarding the Establishment of an Educational Foundation
VII.17. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
VII.17.a. Director for Finance
VII.17.b. E-Rate/Network Manager
VII.17.c. Special Education LSSP
VII.17.d. Castro Elementary School Principal
VII.18. Discussion and Approval of Reclassification of the Position of Coordinator for Fine Arts
VII.19. Recommendation and Approval of New Employment Positions:
VII.19.a. Reading Coaches (9)
VII.19.b. Math Coaches (9)
VII.19.c. Purchasing Specialist
VII.19.d. Child Nutrition Program Field Supervisors (2)
VIII. Items to Consider: The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA. Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VIII.1. Approval of Mission High School Improvement Plan
VIII.2. Approval of District and Campus Improvement Plans
VIII.3. Approval of Financial Report as of October 31, 2013
VIII.4. Approval of the 2013 Tax Roll
VIII.5. Approval of the Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of September 2013
VIII.6. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
VIII.7. Approval of Budget Amendments
VIII.8. Approval of Purchases of $50,000 and Over
VIII.8.a. Approval of Professional Development Services with Writing Academy
VIII.8.b. Approval of Contract Addendum with Hope Family Health Center
VIII.8.c. Award of Professional Development for Second Language Acquisition Approach RFP#23201-14
VIII.9. Approval of Bids and Proposals
VIII.9.a. Award of Custodial Supplies Line Item Contract for FY2014 RFP#15000-14
VIII.9.b. Award of School and Office Supplies Warehouse Line Item Contract for FY2014 RFP#16010-14
VIII.9.c. Award of Award and Incentive Supplies Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP#30000-14
VIII.9.d. Award of Teaching and Instructional Supplies Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP#24000-14
VIII.9.e. Award of Building Material, Hardware and Lumber Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP#15035-14
VIII.9.f. Award of Automotive and Bus Parts and Supplies Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP#29040-14
VIII.9.g. Award of Athletic Equipment and Supplies Catalog Contracts for FY2014
VIII.9.h. Award of School and Office Furniture Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP #90000-14
VIII.9.i. Award of Music and Theater Equipment and Supplies Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP#70000-14
VIII.9.j. Award of Audio Visual Equipment and Supplies Catalog Contracts for FY2014 RFP#25010-14
VIII.10. Approval of Minutes
VIII.10.a. October 9 , 2013
IX. Executive Session
IX.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
IX.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)
IX.3. Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (Texas Gov’t Code § 551.072)
X. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
XI. Board Information Items
XI.1. Apply E-Rate 17 Discounts for Proposed Network Infrastructure Internet and Cellular Services for Identified District Needs
XI.2. Fourth Quarterly Investment Report
XI.3. Cash Disbursements for the Month of October 2013
XI.4. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes

XII. Important Dates to Remember
XII.1. November 27-29, 2013    Thanksgiving Holidays
XII.2. December 4, 2013    Board Committee Meetings  Times to be Announced
XII.3. December 11, 2013  Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
XIII. Adjournment

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