Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
III. Comments from the Public
IV. Presentations to the Board
IV.1. New Beginnings Behavioral Health Services, Inc.
IV.2. 2013 State Assessment Results 
V. Discussion and Possible Action
V.1. Consideration and Approval of Final Completion, Betterment Fund Credit, and Final Payment for the Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Ag Department Project
V.2. Consideration and Approval of Substantial Completion for the Waitz Elementary Roofing Project
V.3. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #9 for One (1) Additional Day for the Mims and O’Grady Elementary School Ramp Enclosures
V.4. Consideration and Approval to Grant Administration Authority to Approve of Substantial Completion for the Mims and O’Grady Elementary Ramp Enclosures
V.5. Consideration and Approval to Advertise for Request for Qualifications (RFQ’s) for an Architect/MEP Engineer for an Independent Assessment for the Mission High School (MHS) Phase III HVAC
V.6. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #15 for Additional Rain Days for the VMHS Field House Project
V.7. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #19 for Additional Days due to HVAC Controls delay for VMHS Field House Project
V.8. Consideration and Approval of Proposal and Enter Into Contract with PBK Architect for the Expansion Project at the Child Nutrition Program (CNP) Facility
V.9. Consideration and Approval of Procurement Method, Selection, Criteria, Review and Ranking Committee, Wage Rate and Authorization to Seek Proposals for the Professional Development Center (PDC) HVAC Project
V.10. Consideration and Approval of Proposal and Enter Into Contract for MEP Engineering and Administration with Halff Associates, Inc. for the PDC HVAC Project
V.11. Consideration and Approval to Advertise for Request for Qualifications (RFQ’s) for an Architect for Construction/Renovation at the Mission Junior High School Kitchen and Dining Area

V.12. Consideration and Approval to Advertise for Request for Qualifications (RFQ’s) for an Architect/Engineer for Construction of Canopies at Mission Junior High School
V.13. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
V.13.a. Mission High School Assistant Principal/Dean of Instruction
V.13.b. Veterans Memorial High School At-Risk Counselor
VI. Items to Consider: The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA. Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VI.1. Approval of Second Reading and Adoption of TASB-Initiated Changes to LOCAL Board Policies, as a Part of Policy Update 97 and Locally-Initiated Changes as Follows:
VI.1.a. CNA(LOCAL): Transportation Management - Student Transportation (Updating)
VI.1.b. CRF(LOCAL): Insurance and Annuities Management - Unemployment Insurance (Updating)
VI.1.c. DBAA(LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Criminal History and Credit Reports (New)
VI.1.d. DC(LOCAL): Employment Practices (Updating)
VI.1.e. DPB(LOCAL): Personnel Positions - Substitute, Temporary, and Part-Time Positions (Deleting)
VI.1.f. GBBA(LOCAL): School Communications Program - News Media Relations (Updating)
VI.1.g. BE(LOCAL):  Board Meetings (Local Update)
VI.1.h. DCA(LOCAL): Employment Practices - Term Contracts (Local Update)
VI.1.i. DCB(LOCAL): Employment Practices - Term Contracts (Local Update)
VI.1.j. CDA(LOCAL): Other Revenues - Investments (Local Update)
VI.1.k. DIA(LOCAL): Employee Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (Local Update)
VI.1.l. FB(LOCAL): Equal Educational Opportunity (Local Update)
VI.1.m. FFC(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Student Support Services (Local Update)
VI.1.n. FFH(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (Local Update)
VI.2. Pre-Approval of Out-of-State Trips for Special Recognition /National Competition for CTE Students
VI.3. Approval of 2013-2014 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers
VI.4. Approval of Interlocal Agreement between City of Mission (Boys & Girls Club) and Mission C.I.S.D. providing for Youth Programs at Leal Elementary
VI.5. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
VI.6. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of July 2013

VI.7. Approval of Recommendations for Bids and Proposals
VI.7.a. Renewal of Award for School and Office Supplies Catalog Contract for FY2014 RFP# 16000-14
VI.8. Approval of Minutes
VI.8.a. August 7, 2013
VI.8.b. August 14, 2013
VI.8.c. August 28, 2013
VII. Executive Session
VII.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
VII.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)
VII.3. Deliberation a Complaint or Charge Brought Against an Employee of the School District by Another Employee (TEX.Gov't Code §551.082)
VII.4. Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (Texas Gov’t Code § 551.072)
VIII. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
IX. Board Information Items
IX.1. Cash Disbursements for the Month of July and August 2013
IX.2. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes
X. Important Dates to Remember
X.1. September 18, 2013  Team Building for the Team of Eight at 6:00 p.m.
X.2. October 02, 2013   Board of Trustees Committee Meetings Times to be Announced
X.3. October 09, 2013    Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
XI. Adjournment

Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: September 11, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
III. Comments from the Public
IV. Presentations to the Board
IV.1. New Beginnings Behavioral Health Services, Inc.
IV.2. 2013 State Assessment Results 
V. Discussion and Possible Action
V.1. Consideration and Approval of Final Completion, Betterment Fund Credit, and Final Payment for the Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Ag Department Project
V.2. Consideration and Approval of Substantial Completion for the Waitz Elementary Roofing Project
V.3. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #9 for One (1) Additional Day for the Mims and O’Grady Elementary School Ramp Enclosures
V.4. Consideration and Approval to Grant Administration Authority to Approve of Substantial Completion for the Mims and O’Grady Elementary Ramp Enclosures
V.5. Consideration and Approval to Advertise for Request for Qualifications (RFQ’s) for an Architect/MEP Engineer for an Independent Assessment for the Mission High School (MHS) Phase III HVAC
V.6. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #15 for Additional Rain Days for the VMHS Field House Project
V.7. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #19 for Additional Days due to HVAC Controls delay for VMHS Field House Project
V.8. Consideration and Approval of Proposal and Enter Into Contract with PBK Architect for the Expansion Project at the Child Nutrition Program (CNP) Facility
V.9. Consideration and Approval of Procurement Method, Selection, Criteria, Review and Ranking Committee, Wage Rate and Authorization to Seek Proposals for the Professional Development Center (PDC) HVAC Project
V.10. Consideration and Approval of Proposal and Enter Into Contract for MEP Engineering and Administration with Halff Associates, Inc. for the PDC HVAC Project
V.11. Consideration and Approval to Advertise for Request for Qualifications (RFQ’s) for an Architect for Construction/Renovation at the Mission Junior High School Kitchen and Dining Area

V.12. Consideration and Approval to Advertise for Request for Qualifications (RFQ’s) for an Architect/Engineer for Construction of Canopies at Mission Junior High School
V.13. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
V.13.a. Mission High School Assistant Principal/Dean of Instruction
V.13.b. Veterans Memorial High School At-Risk Counselor
VI. Items to Consider: The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA. Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VI.1. Approval of Second Reading and Adoption of TASB-Initiated Changes to LOCAL Board Policies, as a Part of Policy Update 97 and Locally-Initiated Changes as Follows:
VI.1.a. CNA(LOCAL): Transportation Management - Student Transportation (Updating)
VI.1.b. CRF(LOCAL): Insurance and Annuities Management - Unemployment Insurance (Updating)
VI.1.c. DBAA(LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Criminal History and Credit Reports (New)
VI.1.d. DC(LOCAL): Employment Practices (Updating)
VI.1.e. DPB(LOCAL): Personnel Positions - Substitute, Temporary, and Part-Time Positions (Deleting)
VI.1.f. GBBA(LOCAL): School Communications Program - News Media Relations (Updating)
VI.1.g. BE(LOCAL):  Board Meetings (Local Update)
VI.1.h. DCA(LOCAL): Employment Practices - Term Contracts (Local Update)
VI.1.i. DCB(LOCAL): Employment Practices - Term Contracts (Local Update)
VI.1.j. CDA(LOCAL): Other Revenues - Investments (Local Update)
VI.1.k. DIA(LOCAL): Employee Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (Local Update)
VI.1.l. FB(LOCAL): Equal Educational Opportunity (Local Update)
VI.1.m. FFC(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Student Support Services (Local Update)
VI.1.n. FFH(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (Local Update)
VI.2. Pre-Approval of Out-of-State Trips for Special Recognition /National Competition for CTE Students
VI.3. Approval of 2013-2014 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers
VI.4. Approval of Interlocal Agreement between City of Mission (Boys & Girls Club) and Mission C.I.S.D. providing for Youth Programs at Leal Elementary
VI.5. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
VI.6. Approval of Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of July 2013

VI.7. Approval of Recommendations for Bids and Proposals
VI.7.a. Renewal of Award for School and Office Supplies Catalog Contract for FY2014 RFP# 16000-14
VI.8. Approval of Minutes
VI.8.a. August 7, 2013
VI.8.b. August 14, 2013
VI.8.c. August 28, 2013
VII. Executive Session
VII.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
VII.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)
VII.3. Deliberation a Complaint or Charge Brought Against an Employee of the School District by Another Employee (TEX.Gov't Code §551.082)
VII.4. Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (Texas Gov’t Code § 551.072)
VIII. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
IX. Board Information Items
IX.1. Cash Disbursements for the Month of July and August 2013
IX.2. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes
X. Important Dates to Remember
X.1. September 18, 2013  Team Building for the Team of Eight at 6:00 p.m.
X.2. October 02, 2013   Board of Trustees Committee Meetings Times to be Announced
X.3. October 09, 2013    Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
XI. Adjournment

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