Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
III. Presentations to the Board
III.1. Presentation of Internal Auditor's Quarterly Report
IV. Comments from the Public
V. Discussion and Possible Action
V.1. Consideration and Possible Action on Request to Disclaim Interest in Real Property
V.2. Recommendation and Approval to Renew District Annual License for CSCOPE CORE
V.3. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #2 for Forty Five (45) Additional Days Due to Modifying and Reinstalling Aluminum Canopies for the Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Ag Department Project
V.4. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #1 to Replace Corroded “Z” Bar for the Cantu Elementary Re-Roofing Project
V.5. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #2 to Apply Roofing to Existing Canopies for the Cantu Elementary Re-Roofing Project
V.6. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #3 for Sixty-one (61) Additional Days for the District-Wide Re-Roofing Project (Bid Package #2)
V.7. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #4 for Sixteen (16) Additional Days for the District-Wide Re-Roofing Project (Bid Package #1)
V.8. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #1 for Fire Extinguishers and Four (4) Additional Days  for the Cantu Elementary Ramp Enclosures/HVAC Project   
V.9. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #1 for Additional Concrete Work at the Door Landing for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary School Ramp Enclosures
V.10. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #2 “Credit” for Door Hardware for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary Ramp Enclosures
V.11. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #3 to Demolish/Pour New Concrete for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary School Ramp Enclosures
V.12. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #4 for Two (2) Additional Day for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary School Ramp Enclosures
V.13. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request # 5 for Electrical Outlets for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary School Ramp Enclosures
V.14. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request # 6 for (7) Seven Additional Days for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary Ramp School Enclosures
V.15. Consideration and Approval of Substantial/Final Completion and Final Payment for the Drainage Project at VMHS Courtyard Drainage Project
V.16. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #2 “Credit” for Reconciliation of Quantities for the Drainage Project at VMHS Courtyard Drainage Project
V.17. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #1 for Eight (8) Additional Days for the Mission High School (MHS) Field House Project
V.18. Consideration and Approval to Grant Administration Authority to Proceed with Mechanical Sub-Grade Stabilization Due to the Unstable Conditions of the Soil for the MHS Field House Project
V.19. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #10, #11 and #18 to Relocate/Add TV’s, Relocate Electrical Conduit and Repair Electrical Equipment for the VMHS Field House Project
V.20. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #3 for One (1) Rain Delay Day for the VMHS Field House Project
V.21. Consideration and Approval for the Schematic Design for the MHS Girls Softball Parking Lot Area
V.22. Consideration and Approval for Schematic Design for the MHS Tom Landry Visitors Parking Lot and Leo Najo Baseball Parking Lot   
V.23. Discussion and Approval of Final Recommendations Presented in TASB Comprehensive Plan Review
V.24. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
V.24.a. Coordinator for Language Arts (Elementary)
V.24.b. Coordinator for Migrant Services
V.24.c. Coordinator for Testing and Evaluation
V.24.d. Occupational Therapist
V.24.e. Mission High School Assistant Principal/Master Scheduler
V.24.f. Mission High School Assistant Principal
V.24.g. Veterans Memorial High School At-Risk Counselor
V.24.h. Mission Junior High School Principal
V.24.i. Leal Elementary School Assistant Principal
V.25. Recommendation and Approval of Nomination of Candidate from Region One Educational Service Center Area to the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
VI. Items to Consider: The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA. Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VI.1. Approval of First Reading for TASB-Initiated Changes to LOCAL Board Policies, as a Part of Policy Update 97 and Locally-Initiated Changes as Follows:
VI.1.a. CNA(LOCAL): Transportation Management - Student Transportation (Updating)
VI.1.b. CRF(LOCAL): Insurance and Annuities Management - Unemployment Insurance (Updating)
VI.1.c. DBAA(LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Criminal History and Credit Reports (New)
VI.1.d. DC(LOCAL): Employment Practices (Updating)
VI.1.e. DPB(LOCAL): Personnel Positions - Substitute, Temporary, and Part-Time Positions (Deleting)
VI.1.f. GBBA(LOCAL): School Communications Program - News Media Relations (Updating)
VI.1.g. BE(LOCAL):  Board Meetings (Local Update)
VI.1.h. DCA(LOCAL): Employment Practices - Term Contracts (Local Update)
VI.1.i. DCB(LOCAL): Employment Practices - Term Contracts (Local Update)
VI.1.j. CDA(LOCAL): Other Revenues - Investments (Local Update)
VI.1.k. DIA(LOCAL): Employee Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (Local Update)
VI.1.l. FB(LOCAL): Equal Educational Opportunity (Local Update)
VI.1.m. FFC(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Student Support Services (Local Update)
VI.1.n. FFH(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (Local Update)
VI.2. Recommendation and Approval of College and Career Readiness Program for English Language Arts and Math for Grades 6-12 - RPF#24000.01.14
VI.3. Approval of Optional Flexible School Day Program
VI.4. Approval of the 2013-2014 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisal Timeline
VI.5. Approval of 2013-2014 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers
VI.6. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) with the Hidalgo County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (J.J.A.E.P.) for Discretionary Expulsions for the 2013-2014 School Year
VI.7. Approval of the Appointment of the 2013-2014 School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Members, Chair, and Co-Chair
VI.8. Consideration and Approval of Tax Resale Properties
VI.8.a. T-440-96-F: D4800-00-000-0003-00 located: 608 Mayberry Avenue
VI.8.b. T-510-96-F: S5550-00-000-0013-00 located: 2013 Cummings Avenue
VI.8.c. T-843-97-C: W0100-00-00-016-0003-18 located: Mile 1 South and Edrma Street
VI.8.d. T-829-02-A: M3300-00-000-0020-10 located: Melba Carter Lot 20
VI.8.e. T-387-04-I: M5200-00-183-0001-00 located: Corner of 12th Street and Canal Street
VI.8.f. T-623-04-B: O0900-00-003-000-00 located: 405 and Cottonwood
VI.8.g. T-223-05-G: S6200-00-000-004-00 located: 504 La Ponte Blvd.
VI.8.h. T-888-05--F: P1000-02-000-0223-00 located: Bryan Road and Juarez
VI.8.i. T-780-06-F: M5200-00-157-0010-00 located: West Ninth Street
VI.8.j. T-780-06-F: M5200-00157-0001-00 located: West Ninth Street
VI.8.k. T-1539-07: W0100-00-0040-0010-44 located: Bryan Road and South of Mile 5N
VI.9. Approval of Renew Inter-Local Cooperative Agreement with McAllen Regional Day School Program for the Deaf
VI.10. Approval of Financial Report for the Months of June 30 and July 31, 2013
VI.11. Approval of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Hidalgo County Project Stop Truancy of Patrol (S.T.O.P.) for 2013-2014 School Year
VI.12. Approval of 2013-2014 Region One Eduction Center - Computer Services Commitment Forms
VI.13. Approval of 2013-2014 Region One Education Center District and Charter Commitment for Library Services and Media Cooperative
VI.14. Approval of 2012-2013 Internal Auditor's Charter
VI.15. Approval of Property and Casualty Insurance Contract for FY2014 RFP#40010-14
VI.16. Approval of Bids and Proposals
VI.16.a. Award of Pest Control Contract for FY2014 RFP#14010.14
VI.16.b. Award of AC Filter and Media Services Contract for FY2014 RFP# 14040-14
VI.16.c. Award of Fuel and Oil Contract for FY2014 RFP#27020-14
VI.17. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
VI.18. Approval of Tax Levy for the Month of June 2013
VI.19. Approval of Minutes
VI.19.a. May 8, 2013
VI.19.b. June 4, 2013
VI.19.c. June 12, 2013
VI.19.d. June 18, 2013
VI.19.e. July 1, 2013
VI.19.f. July 8, 2013
VI.19.g. July 9, 2013
VI.19.h. July 16, 2013
VI.19.i. July 30, 2013
VII. Executive Session
VII.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
VII.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)
VII.3. Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (Texas Gov’t Code § 551.072)
VIII. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
IX. Board Information Items
IX.1. Annual Internal Audit Plan for 2013-2014
IX.2. Cash Disbursements for the Month of June 2013

X. Important Dates to Remember
X.1. August 20, 2013    Mission Chamber of Commerce Hosts a Community Meet and Greet for the Superintendent at 5:30 p.m.
X.2. August 22, 2013    District Wide Inservice at 8:30 a.m. in the Neuhaus Gym
X.3. August 26, 2013    First Day of School
X.4. August 28, 2013 
2013-2014 Public Hearing on Budget and Proposed Tax Rate at  6:00 p.m.          
Special Board of Trustees Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
X.5. September 4, 2013  Board of Trustees Committee Meetings Times to be Announced
X.6. September 11, 2013    Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
XI. Adjournment

Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: August 14, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
III. Presentations to the Board
III.1. Presentation of Internal Auditor's Quarterly Report
IV. Comments from the Public
V. Discussion and Possible Action
V.1. Consideration and Possible Action on Request to Disclaim Interest in Real Property
V.2. Recommendation and Approval to Renew District Annual License for CSCOPE CORE
V.3. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #2 for Forty Five (45) Additional Days Due to Modifying and Reinstalling Aluminum Canopies for the Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Ag Department Project
V.4. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #1 to Replace Corroded “Z” Bar for the Cantu Elementary Re-Roofing Project
V.5. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #2 to Apply Roofing to Existing Canopies for the Cantu Elementary Re-Roofing Project
V.6. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #3 for Sixty-one (61) Additional Days for the District-Wide Re-Roofing Project (Bid Package #2)
V.7. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #4 for Sixteen (16) Additional Days for the District-Wide Re-Roofing Project (Bid Package #1)
V.8. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #1 for Fire Extinguishers and Four (4) Additional Days  for the Cantu Elementary Ramp Enclosures/HVAC Project   
V.9. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #1 for Additional Concrete Work at the Door Landing for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary School Ramp Enclosures
V.10. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #2 “Credit” for Door Hardware for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary Ramp Enclosures
V.11. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #3 to Demolish/Pour New Concrete for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary School Ramp Enclosures
V.12. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #4 for Two (2) Additional Day for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary School Ramp Enclosures
V.13. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request # 5 for Electrical Outlets for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary School Ramp Enclosures
V.14. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request # 6 for (7) Seven Additional Days for the Mims/O’Grady Elementary Ramp School Enclosures
V.15. Consideration and Approval of Substantial/Final Completion and Final Payment for the Drainage Project at VMHS Courtyard Drainage Project
V.16. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #2 “Credit” for Reconciliation of Quantities for the Drainage Project at VMHS Courtyard Drainage Project
V.17. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #1 for Eight (8) Additional Days for the Mission High School (MHS) Field House Project
V.18. Consideration and Approval to Grant Administration Authority to Proceed with Mechanical Sub-Grade Stabilization Due to the Unstable Conditions of the Soil for the MHS Field House Project
V.19. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposal Request #10, #11 and #18 to Relocate/Add TV’s, Relocate Electrical Conduit and Repair Electrical Equipment for the VMHS Field House Project
V.20. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #3 for One (1) Rain Delay Day for the VMHS Field House Project
V.21. Consideration and Approval for the Schematic Design for the MHS Girls Softball Parking Lot Area
V.22. Consideration and Approval for Schematic Design for the MHS Tom Landry Visitors Parking Lot and Leo Najo Baseball Parking Lot   
V.23. Discussion and Approval of Final Recommendations Presented in TASB Comprehensive Plan Review
V.24. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
V.24.a. Coordinator for Language Arts (Elementary)
V.24.b. Coordinator for Migrant Services
V.24.c. Coordinator for Testing and Evaluation
V.24.d. Occupational Therapist
V.24.e. Mission High School Assistant Principal/Master Scheduler
V.24.f. Mission High School Assistant Principal
V.24.g. Veterans Memorial High School At-Risk Counselor
V.24.h. Mission Junior High School Principal
V.24.i. Leal Elementary School Assistant Principal
V.25. Recommendation and Approval of Nomination of Candidate from Region One Educational Service Center Area to the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
VI. Items to Consider: The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA. Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VI.1. Approval of First Reading for TASB-Initiated Changes to LOCAL Board Policies, as a Part of Policy Update 97 and Locally-Initiated Changes as Follows:
VI.1.a. CNA(LOCAL): Transportation Management - Student Transportation (Updating)
VI.1.b. CRF(LOCAL): Insurance and Annuities Management - Unemployment Insurance (Updating)
VI.1.c. DBAA(LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Criminal History and Credit Reports (New)
VI.1.d. DC(LOCAL): Employment Practices (Updating)
VI.1.e. DPB(LOCAL): Personnel Positions - Substitute, Temporary, and Part-Time Positions (Deleting)
VI.1.f. GBBA(LOCAL): School Communications Program - News Media Relations (Updating)
VI.1.g. BE(LOCAL):  Board Meetings (Local Update)
VI.1.h. DCA(LOCAL): Employment Practices - Term Contracts (Local Update)
VI.1.i. DCB(LOCAL): Employment Practices - Term Contracts (Local Update)
VI.1.j. CDA(LOCAL): Other Revenues - Investments (Local Update)
VI.1.k. DIA(LOCAL): Employee Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (Local Update)
VI.1.l. FB(LOCAL): Equal Educational Opportunity (Local Update)
VI.1.m. FFC(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Student Support Services (Local Update)
VI.1.n. FFH(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (Local Update)
VI.2. Recommendation and Approval of College and Career Readiness Program for English Language Arts and Math for Grades 6-12 - RPF#24000.01.14
VI.3. Approval of Optional Flexible School Day Program
VI.4. Approval of the 2013-2014 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisal Timeline
VI.5. Approval of 2013-2014 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers
VI.6. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) with the Hidalgo County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (J.J.A.E.P.) for Discretionary Expulsions for the 2013-2014 School Year
VI.7. Approval of the Appointment of the 2013-2014 School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Members, Chair, and Co-Chair
VI.8. Consideration and Approval of Tax Resale Properties
VI.8.a. T-440-96-F: D4800-00-000-0003-00 located: 608 Mayberry Avenue
VI.8.b. T-510-96-F: S5550-00-000-0013-00 located: 2013 Cummings Avenue
VI.8.c. T-843-97-C: W0100-00-00-016-0003-18 located: Mile 1 South and Edrma Street
VI.8.d. T-829-02-A: M3300-00-000-0020-10 located: Melba Carter Lot 20
VI.8.e. T-387-04-I: M5200-00-183-0001-00 located: Corner of 12th Street and Canal Street
VI.8.f. T-623-04-B: O0900-00-003-000-00 located: 405 and Cottonwood
VI.8.g. T-223-05-G: S6200-00-000-004-00 located: 504 La Ponte Blvd.
VI.8.h. T-888-05--F: P1000-02-000-0223-00 located: Bryan Road and Juarez
VI.8.i. T-780-06-F: M5200-00-157-0010-00 located: West Ninth Street
VI.8.j. T-780-06-F: M5200-00157-0001-00 located: West Ninth Street
VI.8.k. T-1539-07: W0100-00-0040-0010-44 located: Bryan Road and South of Mile 5N
VI.9. Approval of Renew Inter-Local Cooperative Agreement with McAllen Regional Day School Program for the Deaf
VI.10. Approval of Financial Report for the Months of June 30 and July 31, 2013
VI.11. Approval of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Hidalgo County Project Stop Truancy of Patrol (S.T.O.P.) for 2013-2014 School Year
VI.12. Approval of 2013-2014 Region One Eduction Center - Computer Services Commitment Forms
VI.13. Approval of 2013-2014 Region One Education Center District and Charter Commitment for Library Services and Media Cooperative
VI.14. Approval of 2012-2013 Internal Auditor's Charter
VI.15. Approval of Property and Casualty Insurance Contract for FY2014 RFP#40010-14
VI.16. Approval of Bids and Proposals
VI.16.a. Award of Pest Control Contract for FY2014 RFP#14010.14
VI.16.b. Award of AC Filter and Media Services Contract for FY2014 RFP# 14040-14
VI.16.c. Award of Fuel and Oil Contract for FY2014 RFP#27020-14
VI.17. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
VI.18. Approval of Tax Levy for the Month of June 2013
VI.19. Approval of Minutes
VI.19.a. May 8, 2013
VI.19.b. June 4, 2013
VI.19.c. June 12, 2013
VI.19.d. June 18, 2013
VI.19.e. July 1, 2013
VI.19.f. July 8, 2013
VI.19.g. July 9, 2013
VI.19.h. July 16, 2013
VI.19.i. July 30, 2013
VII. Executive Session
VII.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Texas Gov’t Code §551.071)
VII.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Texas Gov’t Code §551.074)
VII.3. Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (Texas Gov’t Code § 551.072)
VIII. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
IX. Board Information Items
IX.1. Annual Internal Audit Plan for 2013-2014
IX.2. Cash Disbursements for the Month of June 2013

X. Important Dates to Remember
X.1. August 20, 2013    Mission Chamber of Commerce Hosts a Community Meet and Greet for the Superintendent at 5:30 p.m.
X.2. August 22, 2013    District Wide Inservice at 8:30 a.m. in the Neuhaus Gym
X.3. August 26, 2013    First Day of School
X.4. August 28, 2013 
2013-2014 Public Hearing on Budget and Proposed Tax Rate at  6:00 p.m.          
Special Board of Trustees Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
X.5. September 4, 2013  Board of Trustees Committee Meetings Times to be Announced
X.6. September 11, 2013    Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
XI. Adjournment

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