Meeting Agenda
I. Item for Discussion

I.1. Consideration and Approval of the Ranking of Proposals for the Cantu Elementary School Ramp Enclosure and HVAC Project
I.2. Consideration and Approval for the Donation of a Sprinkler System and Hydro-Mulch  by Green Thumb Irrigation Systems and Mr. George Davis for the Mims Elementary School Inside Track Area

Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: March 20, 2013 at 6:15 PM - Facilities Committee
I. Item for Discussion

I.1. Consideration and Approval of the Ranking of Proposals for the Cantu Elementary School Ramp Enclosure and HVAC Project
I.2. Consideration and Approval for the Donation of a Sprinkler System and Hydro-Mulch  by Green Thumb Irrigation Systems and Mr. George Davis for the Mims Elementary School Inside Track Area

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