Meeting Agenda
I. Items for Discussion
I.1. Discussion and Approval of Budget for Equipment and Furniture of the New Athletic Field Houses
I.2. Discussion and Approval of Purchases of $50,000 and Over
I.2.a. MUSE (Migrant University Summer Experience) – Migrant
I.2.b. MAARS (Migrant Academic Achievement Residency Summer Program) TSTC, Harlingen – Migrant
I.2.c. Soliciting Bids for Phase II Security Cameras, Magnetic Door Locks, and Emergency Alert System  (Panic Button)
II. Items for Consent
II.1. Approval of Statement of Impact from IDEA Public Schools
II.2. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
II.3. Financial Reports as of February 28, 2013
II.4. Approval of Budget Amendments
II.5. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
II.6. Approval of Tax Collections and Tax Levy Adjustments for the Months of December 2012 and January 2013

III. Items for Information
III.1. School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) 2012 -2013 Annual Activities Report and 2012 – 2013 MCISD Wellness Policy Compliance Report
III.2. Cash Disbursements for the Months of January 2013
III.3. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes

Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: March 6, 2013 at 7:30 PM - Finance Committee
I. Items for Discussion
I.1. Discussion and Approval of Budget for Equipment and Furniture of the New Athletic Field Houses
I.2. Discussion and Approval of Purchases of $50,000 and Over
I.2.a. MUSE (Migrant University Summer Experience) – Migrant
I.2.b. MAARS (Migrant Academic Achievement Residency Summer Program) TSTC, Harlingen – Migrant
I.2.c. Soliciting Bids for Phase II Security Cameras, Magnetic Door Locks, and Emergency Alert System  (Panic Button)
II. Items for Consent
II.1. Approval of Statement of Impact from IDEA Public Schools
II.2. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
II.3. Financial Reports as of February 28, 2013
II.4. Approval of Budget Amendments
II.5. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
II.6. Approval of Tax Collections and Tax Levy Adjustments for the Months of December 2012 and January 2013

III. Items for Information
III.1. School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) 2012 -2013 Annual Activities Report and 2012 – 2013 MCISD Wellness Policy Compliance Report
III.2. Cash Disbursements for the Months of January 2013
III.3. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes

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