Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
Pledge of Allegiance:  Stefanie Flores, 8th Grade Student at Alton Memorial Junior High SchoolTexas Pledge:  Kellen Shults, 7th Grade Student at Mission Junior High School
III. Board Awards and Recognitions
III.1. Recognition of Mission C.I.S.D. Two Top Parent Volunteers for 2012
III.2. Recognition of Midkiff Elementary School Teacher, Sandra Lopez, for Saving Student's Life
III.3. Recognition of the Top Three Graduates from Mission High School and Veterans Memorial High School
III.4. Recognition of Veterans Memorial High School Academic UIL Team for District Championship and for State Qualifiers
III.5. Recognition of Veterans Memorial High School One Act Play for District Championship and Advancing to State
III.6. Recognition of Veterans Memorial High School Golf Team for District Championship
IV. Comments from the Public
V. Presentations to the Board
V.1. Quarterly Internal Auditor's Report
VI. Discussion and Possible Action
VI.1. Discussion and Possible Action of The City of Mission Payment of One-Half Share of the Aquatics Operations Cost for the 2011 Fiscal Year

VI.2. Consideration and Approval to Enter into Contract with Rick Hinojosa Structural Engineering for the District Warehouse Roof Repairs and Renovation Project
VI.3. Discussion and Possible Action on the Selection of the Scheme/Option for Roofing for the District Warehouse Roof Repairs and Renovation Project
VI.4. Discussion and Possible Action on the Selection of a Location for the Early College High School Project
VI.5. Consideration and Possible Action on Superintendent's Recommendation Regarding Termination of Teacher's Probationary Contract at the End of its Term
VI.6. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
VI.6.a. Title I Specialist
VI.6.b. Other Position(s) Requiring Board Approval
VII. Items to Consider: The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA. Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VII.1. Approval of First Reading of TASB-Initiated Localized Updates Policy Update 93, Affecting Local Policies
VII.1.a. CW(LOCAL): Naming Facilities (revising)
VII.1.b. DAB(LOCAL): Employment Objectives - Genetic
VII.1.c. Nondiscrimination (deleting)
VII.1.d. DAC(LOCAL): Employment Objectives - Objectives Criteria for Personnel Decisions (adding)
VII.1.e. DH(LOCAL): Employee Standards of Conduct (revising)
VII.1.f. EFA(LOCAL): Instructional  Resources - Instructional Materials (revising)
VII.1.g. FDB(LOCAL): Admissions - Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments (revising)
VII.1.h. FFH(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (Revising)
VII.1.i. FFI(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom from Bullying (Adding)
VII.1.j. FNC(LOCAL): Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student Conduct (Revising)
VII.1.k. FO(LOCAL): Student Discipline (Revising)
VII.2. Approval of Local Policy Changes to the Student Code of Conduct for the 2012-2013 School Year
VII.3. Financial Report as of April 30, 2012
VII.4. Approval of Purchases of $50,000 and Over
VII.4.a. Learning-Focused Professional Development for the 2012-2013 School Year
VII.5. Approval of Recommendation for Bids and Proposals
VII.5.a. BD    20000-12    Athletic Equipment and Supplies
VII.6. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
VII.7. Approval of Tax Collections and Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of March 2012
VII.8. Approval of Budget Amendments
VII.9. Approval of Minutes
VII.9.a. April 18, 2012
VIII. Executive Session
VIII.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Gov’t Code §551.071)
VIII.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Gov’t Code §551.074)
VIII.3. Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (Gov’t Code Section 551.072)
IX. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
X. Board Information Items
X.1. Cash Disbursements the Months of April 2012
X.2. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes
XI. Important Dates to Remember
XI.1. May 8, 2012    Teacher of the Year Luncheon at 12:00 p.m. at the Corinthian
XI.2. May 9, 2012    Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
XI.3. May 17, 2012    Special Board of Trustees Meeting to Canvass the Election Results
XI.4. May 24, 2012    Baccalaureate at 7:00 p.m. at the Neuhaus Gym 
XI.5. June 5, 2012    VMHS Commencement Service at 7:00 p.m. at the
                             McAllen Convention Center
XI.6. June 6, 2012    MHS Commencement Service at 7:00 p.m. at the Tom Landry Stadium
XII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: May 9, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
Pledge of Allegiance:  Stefanie Flores, 8th Grade Student at Alton Memorial Junior High SchoolTexas Pledge:  Kellen Shults, 7th Grade Student at Mission Junior High School
III. Board Awards and Recognitions
III.1. Recognition of Mission C.I.S.D. Two Top Parent Volunteers for 2012
III.2. Recognition of Midkiff Elementary School Teacher, Sandra Lopez, for Saving Student's Life
III.3. Recognition of the Top Three Graduates from Mission High School and Veterans Memorial High School
III.4. Recognition of Veterans Memorial High School Academic UIL Team for District Championship and for State Qualifiers
III.5. Recognition of Veterans Memorial High School One Act Play for District Championship and Advancing to State
III.6. Recognition of Veterans Memorial High School Golf Team for District Championship
IV. Comments from the Public
V. Presentations to the Board
V.1. Quarterly Internal Auditor's Report
VI. Discussion and Possible Action
VI.1. Discussion and Possible Action of The City of Mission Payment of One-Half Share of the Aquatics Operations Cost for the 2011 Fiscal Year

VI.2. Consideration and Approval to Enter into Contract with Rick Hinojosa Structural Engineering for the District Warehouse Roof Repairs and Renovation Project
VI.3. Discussion and Possible Action on the Selection of the Scheme/Option for Roofing for the District Warehouse Roof Repairs and Renovation Project
VI.4. Discussion and Possible Action on the Selection of a Location for the Early College High School Project
VI.5. Consideration and Possible Action on Superintendent's Recommendation Regarding Termination of Teacher's Probationary Contract at the End of its Term
VI.6. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for:
VI.6.a. Title I Specialist
VI.6.b. Other Position(s) Requiring Board Approval
VII. Items to Consider: The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA. Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VII.1. Approval of First Reading of TASB-Initiated Localized Updates Policy Update 93, Affecting Local Policies
VII.1.a. CW(LOCAL): Naming Facilities (revising)
VII.1.b. DAB(LOCAL): Employment Objectives - Genetic
VII.1.c. Nondiscrimination (deleting)
VII.1.d. DAC(LOCAL): Employment Objectives - Objectives Criteria for Personnel Decisions (adding)
VII.1.e. DH(LOCAL): Employee Standards of Conduct (revising)
VII.1.f. EFA(LOCAL): Instructional  Resources - Instructional Materials (revising)
VII.1.g. FDB(LOCAL): Admissions - Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments (revising)
VII.1.h. FFH(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (Revising)
VII.1.i. FFI(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom from Bullying (Adding)
VII.1.j. FNC(LOCAL): Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student Conduct (Revising)
VII.1.k. FO(LOCAL): Student Discipline (Revising)
VII.2. Approval of Local Policy Changes to the Student Code of Conduct for the 2012-2013 School Year
VII.3. Financial Report as of April 30, 2012
VII.4. Approval of Purchases of $50,000 and Over
VII.4.a. Learning-Focused Professional Development for the 2012-2013 School Year
VII.5. Approval of Recommendation for Bids and Proposals
VII.5.a. BD    20000-12    Athletic Equipment and Supplies
VII.6. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
VII.7. Approval of Tax Collections and Tax Levy Adjustments for the Month of March 2012
VII.8. Approval of Budget Amendments
VII.9. Approval of Minutes
VII.9.a. April 18, 2012
VIII. Executive Session
VIII.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Gov’t Code §551.071)
VIII.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Gov’t Code §551.074)
VIII.3. Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (Gov’t Code Section 551.072)
IX. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
X. Board Information Items
X.1. Cash Disbursements the Months of April 2012
X.2. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes
XI. Important Dates to Remember
XI.1. May 8, 2012    Teacher of the Year Luncheon at 12:00 p.m. at the Corinthian
XI.2. May 9, 2012    Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
XI.3. May 17, 2012    Special Board of Trustees Meeting to Canvass the Election Results
XI.4. May 24, 2012    Baccalaureate at 7:00 p.m. at the Neuhaus Gym 
XI.5. June 5, 2012    VMHS Commencement Service at 7:00 p.m. at the
                             McAllen Convention Center
XI.6. June 6, 2012    MHS Commencement Service at 7:00 p.m. at the Tom Landry Stadium
XII. Adjournment

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