Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
III. Discussion and Possible Action
III.1. Canvass of Results for the Tax Ratification Election (TRE) held on September 17, 2011
III.2. Consideration and Approval of Sale of School District Property located on 5 Mile Line and Conway
III.3. Approval of Purchase Requisitions for $50,000 and Over
IV. Executive Session
IV.1. Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (Gov’t Code Section 551.072)
V. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session Action
VI. Important Dates to Remember
VI.1. October 05, 2011    Board of Trustees Committee Meetings  Times to be Announced
VI.2. October 12, 2011    F.I.R.S.T. Public Hearing at 6:15 p.m.
VI.3. October 12, 2011    Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
VII. Adjournment

Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: September 28, 2011 at 7:30 AM - Special Meeting
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
III. Discussion and Possible Action
III.1. Canvass of Results for the Tax Ratification Election (TRE) held on September 17, 2011
III.2. Consideration and Approval of Sale of School District Property located on 5 Mile Line and Conway
III.3. Approval of Purchase Requisitions for $50,000 and Over
IV. Executive Session
IV.1. Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (Gov’t Code Section 551.072)
V. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session Action
VI. Important Dates to Remember
VI.1. October 05, 2011    Board of Trustees Committee Meetings  Times to be Announced
VI.2. October 12, 2011    F.I.R.S.T. Public Hearing at 6:15 p.m.
VI.3. October 12, 2011    Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
VII. Adjournment

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