Meeting Agenda
I. Presentation
I.1. CSCOPE Update
II. Item(s) to be Discussed:
II.1. Approval of Contract(s) for Morgan Math Consultants
II.2. Approval of Gateway to College Partnership with South Texas College
II.3. Approval of Professional Development on PeaceBuilders Curriculum for Secondary Education Staff
II.4. Approval of House Bill 2038 - Concussion Oversight Team and
House Bill 675 - Football Helmet Safety Requirements
II.5. Pre-Approval of Out-of-State Trips for Special Recognition/National Competition for CTE Students
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: September 7, 2011 at 5:30 PM - Curriculum Committee
I. Presentation
I.1. CSCOPE Update
II. Item(s) to be Discussed:
II.1. Approval of Contract(s) for Morgan Math Consultants
II.2. Approval of Gateway to College Partnership with South Texas College
II.3. Approval of Professional Development on PeaceBuilders Curriculum for Secondary Education Staff
II.4. Approval of House Bill 2038 - Concussion Oversight Team and
House Bill 675 - Football Helmet Safety Requirements
II.5. Pre-Approval of Out-of-State Trips for Special Recognition/National Competition for CTE Students

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