Meeting Agenda
I. Presentation(s) to the Board
I.1. Presentation of Internal Auditor's Quarterly Report
I.2. Workers' Compensation Solutions Presentation by Edwards Risk Management, Inc.
II. Discussion on Possible Action Items
II.1. Discussion of 2011-2012 Proposed Budget
II.2. Review of 2011-2012 Salary Structure Recommendations
II.3. Recommendation and Approval of New Employment Position
II.3.a. Director for Student Services
II.4. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for
II.4.a. Veterans Memorial High School Principal
II.4.b. Cantu Elementary School Principal
II.4.c. Castro Elementary School Assistant Principal
II.4.d. Mental Health Specialists (3)
II.4.e. Other Position(s) Requiring Board Approval
III. Consent Agenda
III.1. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) with the Hidalgo County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (J.J.A.E.P.) for Discretionary Expulsions for the 2011-2012 School Year
III.2. Approval of the 2011-2012 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisal Timeline

III.3. Approval of the 2011-2012 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers
III.4. Discussion of GASB Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund-Type Definitions
III.5. Approval of Resolution of GASB 54 Standards Applications
III.6. First Reading of Changes to Board Policies
   •    CE(LOCAL) Annual Operating Budget
   •    CAA(LOCAL) Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives
         Financial Ethics
III.7. Approval of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Hidalgo County Project Stop Truancy on Patrol (S.T.O.P.) for 2011-2012 School Year
III.8. Approval of Interlocal Agreement for Police Services with the City of Mission for the 2011-2012 School Year
III.9. Approval of City of Mission Police Department Contract Services Interlocal Agreement for G.R.E.A.T. Program for the 2011-2012 School Year
III.10. Approval of Renewal of Property and Casualty Insurance Carrier for the 2011-2012 School Year
III.11. Approval of Proposal of Workers' Compensation Insurance  RP  10-105
III.12. Award of Proposal for Student Athletic and Voluntary Insurance RP 10-104
III.13. Approval of Proposal for Group Health and Dental Insurance RP 10-103
III.14. Approval of 2011-2012 Internal Auditor's Charter
III.15. Approval to Extend Region One Pool - Electricity Contract
III.16. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
III.17. Approval to Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rate
III.18. Approval of Increase for Child Nutrition Program Adult Breakfast and Lunch Meals
III.19. Approval of Budget Amendments
III.20. Approval of Bids and Proposals
III.20.a. BD    10-101    Award of Annual Line Bid for School and Office Supplies
III.20.b. BD    10-106    Award of Proposed Daycare Services
III.20.c. BD    17000-12    Renew Award of Catalog Bid for Fine Paper
III.20.d. BD    24000-12    Renew Award of Annual Catalog Bid for
                             Instructional  Supplies
III.20.e. BD    24005-12    Renew Award of Annual Catalog Bid for Library Books
III.20.f. BD    24030-12    Renew Award of Line Item Bid for Periodicals
III.20.g. BD    15005-12    Renew Award of Line Item Bid for District Wide Pest 
                             Control Services

III.21. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
III.22. Approval of Tax Collections and Tax Levy Adjustments for June 2011
IV. Information Items
IV.1. Annual Internal Audit Plan for 2011-2012
IV.2. Financial Report for the Months of June and July 2011
IV.3. Cash Disbursements for the Months of June and July 2011
IV.4. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: August 3, 2011 at 5:00 PM - Finance Committee
I. Presentation(s) to the Board
I.1. Presentation of Internal Auditor's Quarterly Report
I.2. Workers' Compensation Solutions Presentation by Edwards Risk Management, Inc.
II. Discussion on Possible Action Items
II.1. Discussion of 2011-2012 Proposed Budget
II.2. Review of 2011-2012 Salary Structure Recommendations
II.3. Recommendation and Approval of New Employment Position
II.3.a. Director for Student Services
II.4. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for
II.4.a. Veterans Memorial High School Principal
II.4.b. Cantu Elementary School Principal
II.4.c. Castro Elementary School Assistant Principal
II.4.d. Mental Health Specialists (3)
II.4.e. Other Position(s) Requiring Board Approval
III. Consent Agenda
III.1. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) with the Hidalgo County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (J.J.A.E.P.) for Discretionary Expulsions for the 2011-2012 School Year
III.2. Approval of the 2011-2012 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisal Timeline

III.3. Approval of the 2011-2012 Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers
III.4. Discussion of GASB Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund-Type Definitions
III.5. Approval of Resolution of GASB 54 Standards Applications
III.6. First Reading of Changes to Board Policies
   •    CE(LOCAL) Annual Operating Budget
   •    CAA(LOCAL) Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives
         Financial Ethics
III.7. Approval of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Hidalgo County Project Stop Truancy on Patrol (S.T.O.P.) for 2011-2012 School Year
III.8. Approval of Interlocal Agreement for Police Services with the City of Mission for the 2011-2012 School Year
III.9. Approval of City of Mission Police Department Contract Services Interlocal Agreement for G.R.E.A.T. Program for the 2011-2012 School Year
III.10. Approval of Renewal of Property and Casualty Insurance Carrier for the 2011-2012 School Year
III.11. Approval of Proposal of Workers' Compensation Insurance  RP  10-105
III.12. Award of Proposal for Student Athletic and Voluntary Insurance RP 10-104
III.13. Approval of Proposal for Group Health and Dental Insurance RP 10-103
III.14. Approval of 2011-2012 Internal Auditor's Charter
III.15. Approval to Extend Region One Pool - Electricity Contract
III.16. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
III.17. Approval to Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rate
III.18. Approval of Increase for Child Nutrition Program Adult Breakfast and Lunch Meals
III.19. Approval of Budget Amendments
III.20. Approval of Bids and Proposals
III.20.a. BD    10-101    Award of Annual Line Bid for School and Office Supplies
III.20.b. BD    10-106    Award of Proposed Daycare Services
III.20.c. BD    17000-12    Renew Award of Catalog Bid for Fine Paper
III.20.d. BD    24000-12    Renew Award of Annual Catalog Bid for
                             Instructional  Supplies
III.20.e. BD    24005-12    Renew Award of Annual Catalog Bid for Library Books
III.20.f. BD    24030-12    Renew Award of Line Item Bid for Periodicals
III.20.g. BD    15005-12    Renew Award of Line Item Bid for District Wide Pest 
                             Control Services

III.21. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
III.22. Approval of Tax Collections and Tax Levy Adjustments for June 2011
IV. Information Items
IV.1. Annual Internal Audit Plan for 2011-2012
IV.2. Financial Report for the Months of June and July 2011
IV.3. Cash Disbursements for the Months of June and July 2011
IV.4. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes

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