Meeting Agenda
I. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
II. Board Awards and Recognitions
III. Comments from the Public
IV. Presentation(s) to the Board
IV.1. Workers' Compensation Solutions Presentation by Edwards Risk Management, Inc.
V. Discussion and Possible Action
V.1. Approval of First Reading and Adoption of Changes to Board Policy DED(LOCAL)-Compensation and Benefits, Vacations and Holidays
V.2. Discussion and Approval of Bids for Surplus Real Estate Property Located at 5 Mile Road and Conway in Alton, Texas
V.3. Discussion and Approval to Enforce Prevailing Wages per Construction Contract with Highmark Construction
V.4. Discussion and Approval to Renew District Annual License for CSCOPE Basic
V.5. Consideration and Approval of Procurement Method, Selection Criteria, Review and Ranking Committee, Wage Rate, and Authorization to Seek Proposals/Bids for HVAC Chiller Plant Repairs at Veterans Memorial High School and Marcell Elementary
V.6. Consideration and Approval for the Selection of Engineering Services for HVAC Chiller Plant Repairs at Veterans Memorial High School and Marcell Elementary
V.7. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposals to Reorder Interior Wood Doors, Cost to Furnish and Install Starter for Chiller, Cost to Reroute Wiring at Library and the Cost for Light Fixtures at Alton Elementary Renovations
V.8. Consideration and Approval of Change Orders for the Cost to Replace Carpet in Administration with VCT and Base, Cost for Accessories to Exterior Storefront Doors, Cost to Add Gutter at the Underside of the Canopy, and Cost to Infill Abandoned Irrigation Line with Concrete at Leal Elementary Renovations
V.9. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #4 – Credits for Days Past Due and Final Payment at Mims Elementary Kitchen Renovations

V.10. Consideration and Approval of Delay Days for O’Grady Elementary Kitchen Renovations
V.11. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #2 – Credits for the Contingency Balance and Final Payment for O’Grady Elementary Kitchen Renovations
V.12. Consideration and Approval of Procurement Method, Selection Criteria, Review and Ranking Committee, Wage Rate, and Authorization to Seek Proposals/Bids for Roofing Projects at Bryan Elementary, Cantu Elementary, Salinas Elementary, Waitz Elementary, Kenneth White Junior High and Roosevelt Alternative
V.13. Consideration and Approval to Enter into Negotiations with ERO International Architects  for Roofing
Projects at Bryan Elementary, Cantu Elementary, Salinas Elementary, Waitz Elementary, Kenneth White Junior High and Roosevelt Alternative
V.14. Discussion of the Possible Reassignment of Physical Education (P.E.) Teachers
V.15. Consideration of Level III Grievance Pursuant to DGBA(LOCAL)
V.16. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for
V.16.a. K. White Junior High School Counselor
V.16.b. Mission Junior High School Counselor
V.16.c. Pearson Elementary School Counselor
V.16.d. Other Position(s) Requiring Board Approval
VI. Items to Consider:  The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA.  Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VI.1. Approval of Second Reading and Adoption of Modifications to Board Policy EHBB(LOCAL) – Gifted and Talented Students
VI.2. Approval of Second Reading and Adoption of Revisions to Board Policy FNCA(LOCAL)-Implementing Standardized Dress for Grades PK-5
VI.3. Approval of First Reading and Adoption of Changes to Board Policy EIF(LOCAL)-Academic Achievement, Graduation
VI.4. Approval of First Reading of Changes to Board Policy DEC(LOCAL)- Compensation and Benefits, Leaves and Absences
VI.5. Approval of Resolution of the Board to Suspend Portions of Board Policy EIE(LOCAL) for the 2011-2012 School Year
VI.6. Approval of the First Reading of Board Policy Items included in TASB-Initiated Localized Updates: Policy Update 90, affecting Local Policies
BBD(LOCAL): Board Members  - Training and Orientation (Revising)
BBI(LOCAL): Board Members -  Technology Resources and Electronic Communications (Adding policy)
CQ(LOCAL): Technology Resources (Revising)
CY(LOCAL): Intellectual Property (Adding policy)

DGC(LOCAL): Employee Rights and Privileges - Intellectual Property Rights (Deleting)
EFE(LOCAL): Instructional Resources - Copyrighted Material (Deleting)
EI(LOCAL): Academic Achievement (Revising)
EID(LOCAL): Academic  Achievement - Honor Rolls (Deleting)
FMH(LOCAL): Student Activities - Commencement (Revising)
FNC(LOCAL): Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student Conduct (Revising)
FNCE(LOCAL): Student Conduct - Personal Telecommunications/Electronic Devices (Revising)
VI.7. Approval to Set Date for Public Meeting to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate and Approval of Proposed Tax Rate
VI.8. Approval to Request Waiver from TEA Due to Low Attendance on February 3, 2011 as a Result of the Inclement Weather
VI.9. Approval of Investment Policy:
VI.9.a. Annual Review of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies CDA(LOCAL)
VI.9.b. First Reading and Adoption of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies CDA(LOCAL)
VI.9.c. Resolution stating Annual Review of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies CDA(LOCAL)
VI.10. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between City of Mission Shary Golf Course and Mission C.I.S.D. for 2011-2012 School Year
VI.11. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
VI.12. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
VI.13. Approval of Tax Collections and Tax Levy Adjustments for April 2011
VI.14. Approval of Budget Amendments
VI.15. Approval of Recommendation for Bid and Proposal
VI.15.a. BD    10-094    Custodial Supplies
VI.16. Approval to Renew Inter-Local Cooperative Agreement with McAllen Regional Day School Program
VI.17. Approval to Renew Contract with Visually-Impaired Professional Services with Region One Education Service Center
VI.18. Approval to Renew Contract with Say & Tell Therapy, LLC
VI.19. Approval to Renew Contract with Jorge Escobedo PT, DPT PRO-CARE Therapies II Services
VI.20. Approval to Renew Contract Agreement with Roberto Huerta, Dageris Orientation and Mobility Services
VI.21. Approval of Optional Flexible School Day Program for Options Program
VI.22. Approval of University of Texas-Brownsville Memorandum of Understanding Agreement
VI.23. Approval of Minutes
VI.23.a. May 11, 2011
VII. Executive Session
VII.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Gov’t Code §551.071)
VII.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Gov’t Code §551.074)
VII.3. Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (Gov’t Code Section 551.072)
VIII. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
IX. Board Information Items
IX.1. Financial Report as of May 31, 2011
IX.2. Cash Disbursement for the Month of May 2011
IX.3. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes
X. Important Dates to Remember
X.2. July 1 through July 15, 2011   Administration Office Employees Vacation  
                                                               Administration Offices will be Closed
XI. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: June 7, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
II. Board Awards and Recognitions
III. Comments from the Public
IV. Presentation(s) to the Board
IV.1. Workers' Compensation Solutions Presentation by Edwards Risk Management, Inc.
V. Discussion and Possible Action
V.1. Approval of First Reading and Adoption of Changes to Board Policy DED(LOCAL)-Compensation and Benefits, Vacations and Holidays
V.2. Discussion and Approval of Bids for Surplus Real Estate Property Located at 5 Mile Road and Conway in Alton, Texas
V.3. Discussion and Approval to Enforce Prevailing Wages per Construction Contract with Highmark Construction
V.4. Discussion and Approval to Renew District Annual License for CSCOPE Basic
V.5. Consideration and Approval of Procurement Method, Selection Criteria, Review and Ranking Committee, Wage Rate, and Authorization to Seek Proposals/Bids for HVAC Chiller Plant Repairs at Veterans Memorial High School and Marcell Elementary
V.6. Consideration and Approval for the Selection of Engineering Services for HVAC Chiller Plant Repairs at Veterans Memorial High School and Marcell Elementary
V.7. Consideration and Approval of Change Proposals to Reorder Interior Wood Doors, Cost to Furnish and Install Starter for Chiller, Cost to Reroute Wiring at Library and the Cost for Light Fixtures at Alton Elementary Renovations
V.8. Consideration and Approval of Change Orders for the Cost to Replace Carpet in Administration with VCT and Base, Cost for Accessories to Exterior Storefront Doors, Cost to Add Gutter at the Underside of the Canopy, and Cost to Infill Abandoned Irrigation Line with Concrete at Leal Elementary Renovations
V.9. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #4 – Credits for Days Past Due and Final Payment at Mims Elementary Kitchen Renovations

V.10. Consideration and Approval of Delay Days for O’Grady Elementary Kitchen Renovations
V.11. Consideration and Approval of Change Order #2 – Credits for the Contingency Balance and Final Payment for O’Grady Elementary Kitchen Renovations
V.12. Consideration and Approval of Procurement Method, Selection Criteria, Review and Ranking Committee, Wage Rate, and Authorization to Seek Proposals/Bids for Roofing Projects at Bryan Elementary, Cantu Elementary, Salinas Elementary, Waitz Elementary, Kenneth White Junior High and Roosevelt Alternative
V.13. Consideration and Approval to Enter into Negotiations with ERO International Architects  for Roofing
Projects at Bryan Elementary, Cantu Elementary, Salinas Elementary, Waitz Elementary, Kenneth White Junior High and Roosevelt Alternative
V.14. Discussion of the Possible Reassignment of Physical Education (P.E.) Teachers
V.15. Consideration of Level III Grievance Pursuant to DGBA(LOCAL)
V.16. Recommendation and Approval of the Selection for
V.16.a. K. White Junior High School Counselor
V.16.b. Mission Junior High School Counselor
V.16.c. Pearson Elementary School Counselor
V.16.d. Other Position(s) Requiring Board Approval
VI. Items to Consider:  The Board will consider and may act on the following items under a CONSENT AGENDA.  Any Trustee may request the removal of an item from the CONSENT AGENDA for individual consideration and action.
VI.1. Approval of Second Reading and Adoption of Modifications to Board Policy EHBB(LOCAL) – Gifted and Talented Students
VI.2. Approval of Second Reading and Adoption of Revisions to Board Policy FNCA(LOCAL)-Implementing Standardized Dress for Grades PK-5
VI.3. Approval of First Reading and Adoption of Changes to Board Policy EIF(LOCAL)-Academic Achievement, Graduation
VI.4. Approval of First Reading of Changes to Board Policy DEC(LOCAL)- Compensation and Benefits, Leaves and Absences
VI.5. Approval of Resolution of the Board to Suspend Portions of Board Policy EIE(LOCAL) for the 2011-2012 School Year
VI.6. Approval of the First Reading of Board Policy Items included in TASB-Initiated Localized Updates: Policy Update 90, affecting Local Policies
BBD(LOCAL): Board Members  - Training and Orientation (Revising)
BBI(LOCAL): Board Members -  Technology Resources and Electronic Communications (Adding policy)
CQ(LOCAL): Technology Resources (Revising)
CY(LOCAL): Intellectual Property (Adding policy)

DGC(LOCAL): Employee Rights and Privileges - Intellectual Property Rights (Deleting)
EFE(LOCAL): Instructional Resources - Copyrighted Material (Deleting)
EI(LOCAL): Academic Achievement (Revising)
EID(LOCAL): Academic  Achievement - Honor Rolls (Deleting)
FMH(LOCAL): Student Activities - Commencement (Revising)
FNC(LOCAL): Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student Conduct (Revising)
FNCE(LOCAL): Student Conduct - Personal Telecommunications/Electronic Devices (Revising)
VI.7. Approval to Set Date for Public Meeting to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate and Approval of Proposed Tax Rate
VI.8. Approval to Request Waiver from TEA Due to Low Attendance on February 3, 2011 as a Result of the Inclement Weather
VI.9. Approval of Investment Policy:
VI.9.a. Annual Review of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies CDA(LOCAL)
VI.9.b. First Reading and Adoption of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies CDA(LOCAL)
VI.9.c. Resolution stating Annual Review of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies CDA(LOCAL)
VI.10. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between City of Mission Shary Golf Course and Mission C.I.S.D. for 2011-2012 School Year
VI.11. Approval to Declare Miscellaneous Items as Surplus and Authorize Disposal through On-Line Auction
VI.12. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
VI.13. Approval of Tax Collections and Tax Levy Adjustments for April 2011
VI.14. Approval of Budget Amendments
VI.15. Approval of Recommendation for Bid and Proposal
VI.15.a. BD    10-094    Custodial Supplies
VI.16. Approval to Renew Inter-Local Cooperative Agreement with McAllen Regional Day School Program
VI.17. Approval to Renew Contract with Visually-Impaired Professional Services with Region One Education Service Center
VI.18. Approval to Renew Contract with Say & Tell Therapy, LLC
VI.19. Approval to Renew Contract with Jorge Escobedo PT, DPT PRO-CARE Therapies II Services
VI.20. Approval to Renew Contract Agreement with Roberto Huerta, Dageris Orientation and Mobility Services
VI.21. Approval of Optional Flexible School Day Program for Options Program
VI.22. Approval of University of Texas-Brownsville Memorandum of Understanding Agreement
VI.23. Approval of Minutes
VI.23.a. May 11, 2011
VII. Executive Session
VII.1. Private Consultation with Board Attorney (Gov’t Code §551.071)
VII.2. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear Complaint or Charge against an Officer or Employee (Gov’t Code §551.074)
VII.3. Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (Gov’t Code Section 551.072)
VIII. Action, if Necessary, on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
IX. Board Information Items
IX.1. Financial Report as of May 31, 2011
IX.2. Cash Disbursement for the Month of May 2011
IX.3. Personnel Employments, Resignations, Transfers and Compensation Changes
X. Important Dates to Remember
X.2. July 1 through July 15, 2011   Administration Office Employees Vacation  
                                                               Administration Offices will be Closed
XI. Adjournment

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