Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Transforming Teaching and Learning Committee:   Petra B. Ramirez, Chairwoman;  
       Members:  Dr. Sonia M. Treviño and Minnie R. Rodgers
II.1. Items for Discussion
II.1.a. Pre-Approval of Out-of-State Trips for Special Invitation, Recognition, or National Competition for Career & Technical Education (CTE) Students
II.1.b. Approval of the Use of Innovative Courses Eligible for State Elective Credit
II.1.c. Approval of the Appointment of the 2020-2021 School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Members, Chair, Co-Chair, and Schedule
II.1.d. Award Contract for Comprehensive Online High School Credit Recovery 233-20-0 
II.1.e. Award Renewal Contract for Reading Intervention Program and Math Intervention Programs #200013
II.1.f. Award Contract for Comprehensive On-Line TEKS-Based High School Credit Accural/Recovery Program #233-20-0
III. Facilities/Environment Committee:     Patricia O'Caña-Olivarez, Chairwoman
       Members:  Dr. Sonia M. Treviño and Charlie Garcia III
III.1. Construction Project
III.1.a. Hanna Hurricane Property Damage Update
IV. Support Services
IV.1. Items for Discussion
IV.1.a. Resolution Authorizing Sale of Surplus Real Property Generally Described as Property at the Following Location:
IV.1.a.(1) Alton Elementary School - Parcel 11
IV.1.b. Recommendation and Approval of New Employment Position:
IV.1.c. Recommendation and Approval of Reclassification of Employment Position:
IV.1.c.(1) Executive Director for School Improvement/State and Federal Programs to Executive Director for Special Programs and School Improvement
IV.1.d. Approval of the 2020-2021 Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisal Timeline
IV.1.e. Approval of the 2020-2021 Texas Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisers
V. Finance Committee:  Charlie Garcia III, Chairman
       Members:  Petra B. Ramirez and Jerry Zamora
V.1. Items for Discussion
V.1.a. Approval of 2020-2021 Internal Auditor's Charter
V.1.b. Approval of Resolution stating Annual Review  of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies CDA(LOCAL)
V.1.c. Approval of Bids, Proposals, and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
V.1.c.(1) Award Contract Renewal for AC Equipment and Supplies and#144-20-1
V.1.c.(2) Award Contract Renewals for Building Material and Lumber #151-20-0
V.1.c.(3) Award Contract Renewals for Electrical Equipment and Supplies #152-20-0
V.1.c.(4) Award Contract Renewals for Plumbing Equipment and Supplies #153-20-0
V.1.c.(5) Award Contract Renewals for Painting Equipment and Supplies #155-20-0
V.1.c.(6) Award Contract Renewals for Flooring Equipment and Supplies #156-20-0
V.1.c.(7) Award Contract Renewals for Welding Equipment and Supplies #158-20-0
V.1.c.(8) Award Contract Renewal for Industrial Equipment and Supplies #159-20-0
V.1.c.(9) Award Contract Renewal for Reading and Math Intervention Programs #20013
V.1.c.(10) Award Contract Renewal for Certified Nursing Assistant Certification
Training Program
V.1.c.(11) Award Contract for Custodian Supplies #131-200
V.1.c.(12) Award Contract for Fire and Security Alarm Monitoring #181-20-0
V.1.c.(13) Award Contract for Security Services #182-20-0
V.1.c.(14) Award Contract for K-9 Inspection Services #182-20-1
V.1.c.(15) Award Contract for Professional Development #230-20-9
V.1.c.(16) Award Contract for Comprehensive Online High School Credit Recovery #233-20-0
V.1.c.(17) Award Contract for Welding and Electrical Training Program #234-21-0
V.1.c.(18) Award Contract for Student Drug Testing #462-20-0
V.1.c.(19) Award Contracts for Fuel and Oil #750-20-0
V.1.d. Approval of Region One Education Service Center Interlocal Agreement
V.1.e. Approval of Renewal for Property and Casualty Insurance with Property Casualty Alliance of Texas (PCAT) for the 2020-2021 School Year
V.1.f. Approval of Renewal of Unemployment Compensation Program with Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
V.1.g. Approval of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for The Regional School Program for the Deaf at McAllen ISD
V.1.h. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Mission Consolidated Independent School District and Community Development Institute Head Start Program

V.1.i. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
V.2. Items for Information
V.2.a. Annual Internal Audit Plan for 2020-2021
V.2.b. Tax Levy Adjustments for the Months of May and June 2020
V.2.c. Cash Disbursements for the Month of May 2020
V.2.d. Financial Report for the Month of May 2020
V.2.e. Tax Resale Properties
V.2.f. Financial Report - Self-Funded Health Insurance Fund
V.2.g. Hidalgo County Head Start Program 2020-2021
V.2.h. Fourth Quarterly Investment Report
V.3. Important Dates to Remember
V.3.a. August 12, 2020  Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
VI. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: August 5, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Board of Trustees Workshop
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Transforming Teaching and Learning Committee:   Petra B. Ramirez, Chairwoman;  
       Members:  Dr. Sonia M. Treviño and Minnie R. Rodgers
II.1. Items for Discussion
II.1.a. Pre-Approval of Out-of-State Trips for Special Invitation, Recognition, or National Competition for Career & Technical Education (CTE) Students
II.1.b. Approval of the Use of Innovative Courses Eligible for State Elective Credit
II.1.c. Approval of the Appointment of the 2020-2021 School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Members, Chair, Co-Chair, and Schedule
II.1.d. Award Contract for Comprehensive Online High School Credit Recovery 233-20-0 
II.1.e. Award Renewal Contract for Reading Intervention Program and Math Intervention Programs #200013
II.1.f. Award Contract for Comprehensive On-Line TEKS-Based High School Credit Accural/Recovery Program #233-20-0
III. Facilities/Environment Committee:     Patricia O'Caña-Olivarez, Chairwoman
       Members:  Dr. Sonia M. Treviño and Charlie Garcia III
III.1. Construction Project
III.1.a. Hanna Hurricane Property Damage Update
IV. Support Services
IV.1. Items for Discussion
IV.1.a. Resolution Authorizing Sale of Surplus Real Property Generally Described as Property at the Following Location:
IV.1.a.(1) Alton Elementary School - Parcel 11
IV.1.b. Recommendation and Approval of New Employment Position:
IV.1.c. Recommendation and Approval of Reclassification of Employment Position:
IV.1.c.(1) Executive Director for School Improvement/State and Federal Programs to Executive Director for Special Programs and School Improvement
IV.1.d. Approval of the 2020-2021 Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisal Timeline
IV.1.e. Approval of the 2020-2021 Texas Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisers
V. Finance Committee:  Charlie Garcia III, Chairman
       Members:  Petra B. Ramirez and Jerry Zamora
V.1. Items for Discussion
V.1.a. Approval of 2020-2021 Internal Auditor's Charter
V.1.b. Approval of Resolution stating Annual Review  of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies CDA(LOCAL)
V.1.c. Approval of Bids, Proposals, and Purchases of $50,000 and Over
V.1.c.(1) Award Contract Renewal for AC Equipment and Supplies and#144-20-1
V.1.c.(2) Award Contract Renewals for Building Material and Lumber #151-20-0
V.1.c.(3) Award Contract Renewals for Electrical Equipment and Supplies #152-20-0
V.1.c.(4) Award Contract Renewals for Plumbing Equipment and Supplies #153-20-0
V.1.c.(5) Award Contract Renewals for Painting Equipment and Supplies #155-20-0
V.1.c.(6) Award Contract Renewals for Flooring Equipment and Supplies #156-20-0
V.1.c.(7) Award Contract Renewals for Welding Equipment and Supplies #158-20-0
V.1.c.(8) Award Contract Renewal for Industrial Equipment and Supplies #159-20-0
V.1.c.(9) Award Contract Renewal for Reading and Math Intervention Programs #20013
V.1.c.(10) Award Contract Renewal for Certified Nursing Assistant Certification
Training Program
V.1.c.(11) Award Contract for Custodian Supplies #131-200
V.1.c.(12) Award Contract for Fire and Security Alarm Monitoring #181-20-0
V.1.c.(13) Award Contract for Security Services #182-20-0
V.1.c.(14) Award Contract for K-9 Inspection Services #182-20-1
V.1.c.(15) Award Contract for Professional Development #230-20-9
V.1.c.(16) Award Contract for Comprehensive Online High School Credit Recovery #233-20-0
V.1.c.(17) Award Contract for Welding and Electrical Training Program #234-21-0
V.1.c.(18) Award Contract for Student Drug Testing #462-20-0
V.1.c.(19) Award Contracts for Fuel and Oil #750-20-0
V.1.d. Approval of Region One Education Service Center Interlocal Agreement
V.1.e. Approval of Renewal for Property and Casualty Insurance with Property Casualty Alliance of Texas (PCAT) for the 2020-2021 School Year
V.1.f. Approval of Renewal of Unemployment Compensation Program with Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
V.1.g. Approval of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for The Regional School Program for the Deaf at McAllen ISD
V.1.h. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Mission Consolidated Independent School District and Community Development Institute Head Start Program

V.1.i. Approval of Cash and Non-Cash Donations
V.2. Items for Information
V.2.a. Annual Internal Audit Plan for 2020-2021
V.2.b. Tax Levy Adjustments for the Months of May and June 2020
V.2.c. Cash Disbursements for the Month of May 2020
V.2.d. Financial Report for the Month of May 2020
V.2.e. Tax Resale Properties
V.2.f. Financial Report - Self-Funded Health Insurance Fund
V.2.g. Hidalgo County Head Start Program 2020-2021
V.2.h. Fourth Quarterly Investment Report
V.3. Important Dates to Remember
V.3.a. August 12, 2020  Regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
VI. Adjournment

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