Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Welcome to Community Patrons and Visitors
IV. Pledge of Allegiance
V. Invocation
VI. Information Items
VI.A. District Goals
VI.B. Superintendent's Report
VI.B.1. Reports: Campuses
VI.B.2. Reports: District Departments
VI.B.2.a. Athletics
VI.B.2.b. Technology
VI.B.2.c. Maintenance
VI.B.2.d. Food Service
VI.B.3. Review 2020-2021 Student and Employee Handbook Changes.
VI.B.4. New Board Training Requirements
VI.B.5. Calendar
VI.B.5.a. Board Team Building (All Must Attend for ANY to get Credit) - 6:30 pm Tuesday, July 28.
VI.B.5.b. Next regular meeting - 6:30 pm August 10, 2020.
VI.B.5.c. Public Hearing/Called Meeting - 6:30 pm Tuesday, August 25, 2020, to hear discussion on the proposed tax rate and budget and to adopt the 2020-2021 budget and set the 2020-2021 tax rate
VI.C. Upcoming Agenda Items
VI.C.1. Upcoming Reports:
VI.C.1.a. State Assessment Results
VI.C.2. Upcoming Consent:
VI.C.2.a. Approve the EDGAR (Education Department General Administrative Regulations) Manual for 2020-2021.
VI.C.2.b. Approve Agreement for Music Therapy Services
VI.C.2.c. Approve Resolution Granting 4-H Extracurricular Status
VI.C.2.d. Grant Adjunct Status to Tom Green County Extension Agents.
VI.C.2.e. Approve Shared Services Arrangement with Texas Leadership Charter Academy (TLCA) for Vision Impairment Services.
VI.C.2.f. Memorandum of Understanding with ECI PRIDE Region 15 for Early Childhood Services.
VI.C.2.g. Memorandum of Understanding with the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council for the Concho Valley for related services.
VI.C.3. Upcoming Action:
VI.C.3.a. Maximum Tax Rate Used for Publication of Required Tax Notice
VI.C.3.b. Resolution Committing Funds as Part of GASB 54.
VI.C.3.c. 2020-2021 Budget and Tax Rate
VII. Consent Items
VII.A. Approve Minutes
VII.B. Approve Finance Reports
VII.C. Approve Payment of Bills
VII.D. Approve 2020-2021 District Code of Conduct
VII.E. Approve Contract Agreement with West Texas Rehabilitation Center for 2020-2021 Physical and Occupational Services
VII.F. Approve Agreement for Financial Consulting Services.
VII.G. Approve Agreement for Bank Reconciliation Services.
VIII. Audience with Individual or Committee Making a Report
IX. Action Items:
IX.A. Discuss and Consider Action: Budget Amendment(s)
IX.B. Discuss and Consider Action: Bid for Property/Casualty Insurance
IX.C. Discuss and Consider Action: Document A101 - 2017 - Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - Middle School Gym Project.
IX.D. Discuss and Consider Action: Document A201 - 2017 - Conditions of the Contract for Construction - Middle School Gym Project.
IX.E. Discuss and Consider Action: Local Board Policy Update 115 as recommended by TASB
IX.F. Discuss and Consider Action: District Safety Audit
IX.G. Discuss and Consider Action: 2020-2021 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
IX.H. Discuss and Consider Action: Resolution - Exclusion from Extracurricular Activities and Elective Courses
IX.I. Discuss and Consider Action: Resolutions/Waivers/Attestations Pertaining to COVID-19
IX.I.1. Attestation: Asynchronous and Synchronous Instructional Plan
IX.J. Closed Session. Texas Govt. Code 551.074 Personnel Matters.
A. Resignation(s) from Professional Personnel B. Contract(s) for Professional Personnel Teacher(s) and Teacher/Coach(es) Other Professional Personnel C. Contract Agreements for Outside Personnel |
IX.K. Discuss and Consider Action: Resignation(s) from Professional Personnel
IX.L. Discuss and Consider Action: Contract(s) for Professional Personnel
IX.L.1. Teachers and Teacher/Coaches
IX.L.2. Other Professional Personnel
IX.L.3. Discuss and Consider Action: Contract Agreements for Outside Personnel
X. Suggestions from Board Members for Future Agenda Items
XI. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 20, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
Call to Order
Subject: |
Roll Call
Subject: |
Welcome to Community Patrons and Visitors
Subject: |
Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
Subject: |
Information Items
Subject: |
District Goals
Subject: |
Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
Reports: Campuses
Subject: |
Reports: District Departments
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Food Service
Subject: |
Review 2020-2021 Student and Employee Handbook Changes.
Subject: |
New Board Training Requirements
Subject: |
Subject: |
Board Team Building (All Must Attend for ANY to get Credit) - 6:30 pm Tuesday, July 28.
Subject: |
Next regular meeting - 6:30 pm August 10, 2020.
Subject: |
Public Hearing/Called Meeting - 6:30 pm Tuesday, August 25, 2020, to hear discussion on the proposed tax rate and budget and to adopt the 2020-2021 budget and set the 2020-2021 tax rate
Subject: |
Upcoming Agenda Items
Subject: |
Upcoming Reports:
Subject: |
State Assessment Results
Subject: |
Upcoming Consent:
Subject: |
Approve the EDGAR (Education Department General Administrative Regulations) Manual for 2020-2021.
Subject: |
Approve Agreement for Music Therapy Services
Subject: |
Approve Resolution Granting 4-H Extracurricular Status
Subject: |
Grant Adjunct Status to Tom Green County Extension Agents.
Subject: |
Approve Shared Services Arrangement with Texas Leadership Charter Academy (TLCA) for Vision Impairment Services.
Subject: |
Memorandum of Understanding with ECI PRIDE Region 15 for Early Childhood Services.
Subject: |
Memorandum of Understanding with the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council for the Concho Valley for related services.
Subject: |
Upcoming Action:
Subject: |
Maximum Tax Rate Used for Publication of Required Tax Notice
Subject: |
Resolution Committing Funds as Part of GASB 54.
Subject: |
2020-2021 Budget and Tax Rate
Subject: |
Consent Items
Subject: |
Approve Minutes
Subject: |
Approve Finance Reports
Subject: |
Approve Payment of Bills
Subject: |
Approve 2020-2021 District Code of Conduct
Subject: |
Approve Contract Agreement with West Texas Rehabilitation Center for 2020-2021 Physical and Occupational Services
Subject: |
Approve Agreement for Financial Consulting Services.
Subject: |
Approve Agreement for Bank Reconciliation Services.
Subject: |
Audience with Individual or Committee Making a Report
Subject: |
Action Items:
Subject: |
Discuss and Consider Action: Budget Amendment(s)
Subject: |
Discuss and Consider Action: Bid for Property/Casualty Insurance
Subject: |
Discuss and Consider Action: Document A101 - 2017 - Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - Middle School Gym Project.
Subject: |
Discuss and Consider Action: Document A201 - 2017 - Conditions of the Contract for Construction - Middle School Gym Project.
Subject: |
Discuss and Consider Action: Local Board Policy Update 115 as recommended by TASB
Subject: |
Discuss and Consider Action: District Safety Audit
Subject: |
Discuss and Consider Action: 2020-2021 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
Subject: |
Discuss and Consider Action: Resolution - Exclusion from Extracurricular Activities and Elective Courses
Subject: |
Discuss and Consider Action: Resolutions/Waivers/Attestations Pertaining to COVID-19
Subject: |
Attestation: Asynchronous and Synchronous Instructional Plan
Subject: |
Closed Session. Texas Govt. Code 551.074 Personnel Matters.
A. Resignation(s) from Professional Personnel B. Contract(s) for Professional Personnel Teacher(s) and Teacher/Coach(es) Other Professional Personnel C. Contract Agreements for Outside Personnel |
Subject: |
Discuss and Consider Action: Resignation(s) from Professional Personnel
Subject: |
Discuss and Consider Action: Contract(s) for Professional Personnel
Subject: |
Teachers and Teacher/Coaches
Subject: |
Other Professional Personnel
Subject: |
Discuss and Consider Action: Contract Agreements for Outside Personnel
Subject: |
Suggestions from Board Members for Future Agenda Items
Subject: |