Meeting Agenda
1. Call to order and establish a quorum
2. Comments from public:
3. Presentation by Roosevelt FFA students
4. Consent agenda
4.A. Receive and approve minutes of the meetings held on September 21, 2020
4.B. Business office report
4.C. Set the date for the November 2020 board meeting (16th)
4.D. Consider Budget Amendment #2
5. Review monthly bills
6. Principal's Report
6.A. Update on the suspension of remote learning
7. Report on cafeteria, transportation, health services, building and grounds
8. Discuss potential conversion of football field playing surface
9. Discuss and act upon consideration and possible action pertaining to a resolution retaining professionals in connection with, and authorizing the issuance of, Roosevelt Independent School District Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2020; providing for the payment of such Maintenance Notes; specifying the terms and features of said Maintenance Notes; and resolving other matters incident and related to the issuance, sale, payment, and delivery of said Maintenance Notes not to exceed $1 million.
10. Consider Superintendent Recommendations Regarding Employment of Teachers and other Administrative staff (Gov't Code 551.074)
10.A. Employee Resignations
10.B. Administrator Contracts
10.C. Employee Contracts
10.C.1. Elementary Contracts
10.C.2. Junior High Contracts
10.C.3. High School Contracts
11. Discussion and possible action of a one time lump sum incentive payment for the 2020-21 school year
12. Information item
12.A. Update on Operation Connectivity CRF Funding, High Demand Job Training Grants, and notice of a Texas Department of Agriculture Grant Award.
13. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 19, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to order and establish a quorum
Subject: |
2. Comments from public:
All persons who address the board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins
Subject: |
3. Presentation by Roosevelt FFA students
Subject: |
4. Consent agenda
Subject: |
4.A. Receive and approve minutes of the meetings held on September 21, 2020
Subject: |
4.B. Business office report
Subject: |
4.C. Set the date for the November 2020 board meeting (16th)
Subject: |
4.D. Consider Budget Amendment #2
Subject: |
5. Review monthly bills
Subject: |
6. Principal's Report
Subject: |
6.A. Update on the suspension of remote learning
Subject: |
7. Report on cafeteria, transportation, health services, building and grounds
Subject: |
8. Discuss potential conversion of football field playing surface
Subject: |
9. Discuss and act upon consideration and possible action pertaining to a resolution retaining professionals in connection with, and authorizing the issuance of, Roosevelt Independent School District Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2020; providing for the payment of such Maintenance Notes; specifying the terms and features of said Maintenance Notes; and resolving other matters incident and related to the issuance, sale, payment, and delivery of said Maintenance Notes not to exceed $1 million.
Subject: |
10. Consider Superintendent Recommendations Regarding Employment of Teachers and other Administrative staff (Gov't Code 551.074)
Subject: |
10.A. Employee Resignations
Subject: |
10.B. Administrator Contracts
Subject: |
10.C. Employee Contracts
Subject: |
10.C.1. Elementary Contracts
Subject: |
10.C.2. Junior High Contracts
Subject: |
10.C.3. High School Contracts
Subject: |
11. Discussion and possible action of a one time lump sum incentive payment for the 2020-21 school year
Subject: |
12. Information item
Subject: |
12.A. Update on Operation Connectivity CRF Funding, High Demand Job Training Grants, and notice of a Texas Department of Agriculture Grant Award.
Subject: |
13. Adjourn