Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
I.A. Establish Quorum
I.B. Invocation
I.C. Pledge
I.D. Public Comment
II. First Order of Business
II.A. Consent Agenda
II.A.I. Minutes of Regular Meeting Held on July 19, 2022
II.B. Financial Reports
II.B.I. Budget Summary
II.B.II. Expenditures Report
III. Information Items
III.A. 2022-23 Student Handbooks
III.B. 2022-23 Athletic Handbook
III.C. Superintendent Report
III.C.I. Safety and Security
III.C.II. Athletic Update
III.C.III. Baseball / Softball Training Facility
III.C.IV. Enrollment
III.C.V. Facilities
III.C.VI. Convocation: Wednesday, August 10th @ 8:00 am, HS Auditorium
IV. Closed Session
IV.A. Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code 551.074, deliberation regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of District employees.
IV.A.I. Review Resignations
IV.A.II. Review Personnel Contracts
IV.A.III. Consider Personnel Contracts
IV.B. Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code 551.072, deliberation regarding real property
V. Action Items
V.A. Approval of Items Eligible for Closed Session
V.B. Consideration to Set Public Hearing and Proposed Budget and Tax Rate for 2022-23 School Year
V.C. Consider Student Code of Conduct
V.D. Consider High School Course Offering Bulletin for 2022-23
V.E. Consider Innovative Junior High Course Offerings for 2022-23
V.F. Consider Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) for 2022-23
V.G. TASA/TASB Delegate and Alternate
V.H. Consider Purchase of Workers' Compensation Coverage
V.I. Consider Stipend List for 2022-23
V.J. Consider Slaton ISD Safety and Security
V.J.I. Consider Purchase of New Security Doors and Hardware Updates to Existing Security Doors
V.J.II. Consider Approval of Proposed Revisions: 7.15.2022 DH(LOCAL)
V.J.III. Consider Approval of Proposed Revisions: 7.15.2022 CKC(LOCAL)
VI. Discussion
VII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
I.A. Establish Quorum
Subject: |
I.B. Invocation
Subject: |
I.C. Pledge
Subject: |
I.D. Public Comment
Subject: |
II. First Order of Business
Subject: |
II.A. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
II.A.I. Minutes of Regular Meeting Held on July 19, 2022
Subject: |
II.B. Financial Reports
Subject: |
II.B.I. Budget Summary
Subject: |
II.B.II. Expenditures Report
Subject: |
III. Information Items
Subject: |
III.A. 2022-23 Student Handbooks
Subject: |
III.B. 2022-23 Athletic Handbook
Subject: |
III.C. Superintendent Report
Subject: |
III.C.I. Safety and Security
Subject: |
III.C.II. Athletic Update
Subject: |
III.C.III. Baseball / Softball Training Facility
Subject: |
III.C.IV. Enrollment
Subject: |
III.C.V. Facilities
Subject: |
III.C.VI. Convocation: Wednesday, August 10th @ 8:00 am, HS Auditorium
Subject: |
IV. Closed Session
Subject: |
IV.A. Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code 551.074, deliberation regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of District employees.
Subject: |
IV.A.I. Review Resignations
Subject: |
IV.A.II. Review Personnel Contracts
Subject: |
IV.A.III. Consider Personnel Contracts
Subject: |
IV.B. Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code 551.072, deliberation regarding real property
Subject: |
V. Action Items
Subject: |
V.A. Approval of Items Eligible for Closed Session
Subject: |
V.B. Consideration to Set Public Hearing and Proposed Budget and Tax Rate for 2022-23 School Year
Subject: |
V.C. Consider Student Code of Conduct
Subject: |
V.D. Consider High School Course Offering Bulletin for 2022-23
Subject: |
V.E. Consider Innovative Junior High Course Offerings for 2022-23
Subject: |
V.F. Consider Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) for 2022-23
Subject: |
V.G. TASA/TASB Delegate and Alternate
Subject: |
V.H. Consider Purchase of Workers' Compensation Coverage
Subject: |
V.I. Consider Stipend List for 2022-23
Subject: |
V.J. Consider Slaton ISD Safety and Security
Subject: |
V.J.I. Consider Purchase of New Security Doors and Hardware Updates to Existing Security Doors
Subject: |
V.J.II. Consider Approval of Proposed Revisions: 7.15.2022 DH(LOCAL)
Subject: |
V.J.III. Consider Approval of Proposed Revisions: 7.15.2022 CKC(LOCAL)
Subject: |
VI. Discussion
Subject: |
VII. Adjournment