Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
I.A. Establish Quorum
I.B. Invocation
I.C. Pledge
I.D. Recognition
I.D.I. Student of the Month sponsored by Slaton Bakery
I.D.II. Employee of the Month sponsored by Slaton Bakery
I.E. Public Comment
II. First Order of Business
II.A. Consent Agenda
II.A.I. Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held on January 14, 2021
II.A.II. Minutes of Called Meeting held on January 14, 2021
II.A.III. Minutes of Called Meeting Held on January 28, 2021
II.A.IV. Financial Reports
II.A.IV.a. Budget Summary
II.A.IV.b. Expenditures Report
III. Information Items
III.A. Superintendent Report
III.A.I. Principal's Report - CTE
III.A.II. Athletics Update
III.A.III. Enrollment Report
III.A.IV. Academics
III.A.IV.a. 2021-2022 District of Innovation School Calendar
III.A.IV.b. Effective Schools Framework
III.A.V. Community
III.A.V.a. Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet Luncheon
III.A.VI. Facilities
III.A.VI.a. Facility Naming Committee Recommendations Presentation
III.A.VII. Policies
III.A.VII.a. Employee Handbook
III.A.VII.a.I. Bereavement Leave
III.A.VIII. Finance
III.A.VIII.a. Budget & Personnel Forecasting
III.A.VIII.b. Fast Growth Allotment
III.A.VIII.c. Current Legislative Session
III.A.VIII.d. Property Value Appeal
III.A.VIII.d.I. Tim Radloff, Chief Appraiser with Lubbock Central Appraisal District and Laura Monroe with Purdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott, LLP
IV. Closed Session
IV.A. Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code 551.074, deliberation regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of District employees.
IV.A.I. Review Resignations
IV.A.II. Personnel Contracts
IV.A.III. Superintendent Evaluation and Contract
IV.B. Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code 551.072, Deliberation Regarding Real Property
V. Action Items
V.A. Approval of Items Eligible for Closed Session
V.A.I. Consider Contracts
V.A.II. Consider Superintendent Contract
V.B. Consider and possible approval of the Facility Naming Committee Recommendation
V.C. Consider Redemption of Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2011
V.D. Consider 2021-2022 District of Innovation School Calendar
V.E. Consider and possible approval of the Notice and Order of General Election for Early Voting and for Election Day. (Considerar para su posible aprobación el Aviso y la Orden de convocatoria de elecciones generales para la votación adelantada y para el día de las elecciones.)
V.F. Consider and possible approval of the Joint Election Contract with Lubbock County for 2021 elections. (Considerar para su posible aprobación el Contrato de elecciones conjuntas con el condado de Lubbock para las elecciones del 2021.)
V.G. Consider and possible approval of Exhibit A to the Joint Election Contract regarding the Joint Early Voting Schedule and Locations. (Considerar para su posible aprobación el Anexo A del Contrato de elecciones conjuntas relativo al horario de la votación adelantada conjunta y las ubicaciones de los centros electorales.)
V.H. Consider and possible approval of Exhibit B to the Joint Election Contract regarding Election Day Vote Centers. (Considerar para su posible aprobación el Anexo B del Contrato de elecciones conjuntas relativo a los centros electorales el día de las elecciones.)
V.I. Consider and possible appointment of a Signature Verification Committee. (Considerar el posible nombramiento de un Comité verificador de firmas.)
V.J. Consider and possible appointment of the Supervisor and the Rover for each Vote Center for Election Day. (Considerar el posible nombramiento del supervisor y rover para cada centro electoral el día de las elecciones.)
V.K. Consider and possible appointment of Johnny Franklin as Early Voting Ballot Board Judge and DeAnn Britton as Alternate Early Voting Ballot Board Judge for the May 1, 2021, election. (Considerar el posible nombramiento de Johnny Franklin como el Juez del Consejo para la votación adelantada y a DeAnn Britton como la Juez suplente del Consejo para la votación adelantada para las elecciones del día 1 de mayo de 2021.)
VI. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 11, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
I.A. Establish Quorum
Subject: |
I.B. Invocation
Subject: |
I.C. Pledge
Subject: |
I.D. Recognition
Subject: |
I.D.I. Student of the Month sponsored by Slaton Bakery
Subject: |
I.D.II. Employee of the Month sponsored by Slaton Bakery
Subject: |
I.E. Public Comment
Subject: |
II. First Order of Business
Subject: |
II.A. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
II.A.I. Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held on January 14, 2021
Subject: |
II.A.II. Minutes of Called Meeting held on January 14, 2021
Subject: |
II.A.III. Minutes of Called Meeting Held on January 28, 2021
Subject: |
II.A.IV. Financial Reports
Subject: |
II.A.IV.a. Budget Summary
Subject: |
II.A.IV.b. Expenditures Report
Subject: |
III. Information Items
Subject: |
III.A. Superintendent Report
Subject: |
III.A.I. Principal's Report - CTE
Subject: |
III.A.II. Athletics Update
Subject: |
III.A.III. Enrollment Report
Subject: |
III.A.IV. Academics
Subject: |
III.A.IV.a. 2021-2022 District of Innovation School Calendar
Subject: |
III.A.IV.b. Effective Schools Framework
Subject: |
III.A.V. Community
Subject: |
III.A.V.a. Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet Luncheon
Subject: |
III.A.VI. Facilities
Subject: |
III.A.VI.a. Facility Naming Committee Recommendations Presentation
Subject: |
III.A.VII. Policies
Subject: |
III.A.VII.a. Employee Handbook
Subject: |
III.A.VII.a.I. Bereavement Leave
Subject: |
III.A.VIII. Finance
Subject: |
III.A.VIII.a. Budget & Personnel Forecasting
Subject: |
III.A.VIII.b. Fast Growth Allotment
Subject: |
III.A.VIII.c. Current Legislative Session
Subject: |
III.A.VIII.d. Property Value Appeal
Subject: |
III.A.VIII.d.I. Tim Radloff, Chief Appraiser with Lubbock Central Appraisal District and Laura Monroe with Purdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott, LLP
Subject: |
IV. Closed Session
Subject: |
IV.A. Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code 551.074, deliberation regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of District employees.
Subject: |
IV.A.I. Review Resignations
Subject: |
IV.A.II. Personnel Contracts
Subject: |
IV.A.III. Superintendent Evaluation and Contract
Subject: |
IV.B. Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code 551.072, Deliberation Regarding Real Property
Subject: |
V. Action Items
Subject: |
V.A. Approval of Items Eligible for Closed Session
Subject: |
V.A.I. Consider Contracts
Subject: |
V.A.II. Consider Superintendent Contract
Subject: |
V.B. Consider and possible approval of the Facility Naming Committee Recommendation
Subject: |
V.C. Consider Redemption of Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2011
Subject: |
V.D. Consider 2021-2022 District of Innovation School Calendar
Subject: |
V.E. Consider and possible approval of the Notice and Order of General Election for Early Voting and for Election Day. (Considerar para su posible aprobación el Aviso y la Orden de convocatoria de elecciones generales para la votación adelantada y para el día de las elecciones.)
Subject: |
V.F. Consider and possible approval of the Joint Election Contract with Lubbock County for 2021 elections. (Considerar para su posible aprobación el Contrato de elecciones conjuntas con el condado de Lubbock para las elecciones del 2021.)
Subject: |
V.G. Consider and possible approval of Exhibit A to the Joint Election Contract regarding the Joint Early Voting Schedule and Locations. (Considerar para su posible aprobación el Anexo A del Contrato de elecciones conjuntas relativo al horario de la votación adelantada conjunta y las ubicaciones de los centros electorales.)
Subject: |
V.H. Consider and possible approval of Exhibit B to the Joint Election Contract regarding Election Day Vote Centers. (Considerar para su posible aprobación el Anexo B del Contrato de elecciones conjuntas relativo a los centros electorales el día de las elecciones.)
Subject: |
V.I. Consider and possible appointment of a Signature Verification Committee. (Considerar el posible nombramiento de un Comité verificador de firmas.)
Subject: |
V.J. Consider and possible appointment of the Supervisor and the Rover for each Vote Center for Election Day. (Considerar el posible nombramiento del supervisor y rover para cada centro electoral el día de las elecciones.)
Subject: |
V.K. Consider and possible appointment of Johnny Franklin as Early Voting Ballot Board Judge and DeAnn Britton as Alternate Early Voting Ballot Board Judge for the May 1, 2021, election. (Considerar el posible nombramiento de Johnny Franklin como el Juez del Consejo para la votación adelantada y a DeAnn Britton como la Juez suplente del Consejo para la votación adelantada para las elecciones del día 1 de mayo de 2021.)
Subject: |
VI. Adjournment