Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Open Forum
3. Superintendent Reports
3.A. Contracts Issued to New Hires
3.B. Balance Sheet
3.C. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
3.D. Cash and Investments
3.E. Tax Collection Summary
3.F. Transportation
3.G. Resignations
3.H. Construction Update
3.I. Board Convention Discussion
4. Consent Items
4.A. Consider approval of minutes, July 8, 2024, Regular meeting.
4.B. Consider adoption of the 2024-2025 Teacher Appraisal Calendar
4.C. Consider adoption of the 2024-2025 Administrator Appraisal Calendar
4.D. Consider approval of an addition to the vendor list and purchasing cooperatives
4.E. Consider approval of adjunct staff members
4.E.1. County Extension Agent, Terry Millican
4.E.2. County Extension Agent, Erin Snodgrass
5. Consider all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of "Seminole Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2024", including the adoption of an order authorizing the issuance of such bonds
6. Consider approval of renewal quote for ELL/LPAC, 504 Program Management, and SuccessEd Special Education Program.
7. Consider approval of Eduphoria subscription renewal for 2024-2025
8. Consider approval of Imagine Learning Edgenuity Digital Curriculum subscription renewal for 2024-2025
9. Public meeting of textbook adoption
10. Consider approval of textbook adoption
11. Consider and approve an easement for the Nolen Air Spraying property that is adjacent to our Ag farms western property line
12. Consider approval of 2024 SISD certified taxable property values as submitted by the Gaines County Appraisal District
13. Consider approval of Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credits (Excess Local Revenue-formerly Recapture) and delegate authority to obligate the school district under Texas Education Code (TEC) §11.1511(c)(4) to the Superintendent
14. Consider approval of TIPS proposal for oil and gas lab equipment for CTE project
15. Consider approval of Non-School Facility Use Policy
16. Consider approval of property and casualty, auto, and school board liability insurance renewal
17. Consider approval of the 2024-25 Staff Development Plan
18. Consider and take possible action on revisions to the Staff / Employee Technology Acceptable Use Policy Agreement
19. Consider proposals for student computer device rotation for 2024-2025
20. Review Gifted and Talented Handbook for 2024-25.
21. Review the Bilingual/ESL Handbook for 2024-25
22. Consider approval of budget amendment
23. Executive Session
23.A. Discuss appointment, employment, reassignment, or dismissal of employees (Texas Government Code §551.074)
23.B. Considering the deployment, specific occasions for, or implementation of, security personnel or devices (Texas Government Code §551.076)
24. Action after reconvening in open session (if needed)
25. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
1.A. Invocation
Subject: |
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
2. Open Forum
Subject: |
3. Superintendent Reports
Subject: |
3.A. Contracts Issued to New Hires
Subject: |
3.B. Balance Sheet
Subject: |
3.C. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
Subject: |
3.D. Cash and Investments
Subject: |
3.E. Tax Collection Summary
Subject: |
3.F. Transportation
Subject: |
3.G. Resignations
Subject: |
3.H. Construction Update
Subject: |
3.I. Board Convention Discussion
Subject: |
4. Consent Items
Subject: |
4.A. Consider approval of minutes, July 8, 2024, Regular meeting.
Subject: |
4.B. Consider adoption of the 2024-2025 Teacher Appraisal Calendar
Subject: |
4.C. Consider adoption of the 2024-2025 Administrator Appraisal Calendar
Subject: |
4.D. Consider approval of an addition to the vendor list and purchasing cooperatives
Subject: |
4.E. Consider approval of adjunct staff members
Subject: |
4.E.1. County Extension Agent, Terry Millican
Subject: |
4.E.2. County Extension Agent, Erin Snodgrass
Subject: |
5. Consider all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of "Seminole Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2024", including the adoption of an order authorizing the issuance of such bonds
Subject: |
6. Consider approval of renewal quote for ELL/LPAC, 504 Program Management, and SuccessEd Special Education Program.
Subject: |
7. Consider approval of Eduphoria subscription renewal for 2024-2025
Subject: |
8. Consider approval of Imagine Learning Edgenuity Digital Curriculum subscription renewal for 2024-2025
Subject: |
9. Public meeting of textbook adoption
Subject: |
10. Consider approval of textbook adoption
Subject: |
11. Consider and approve an easement for the Nolen Air Spraying property that is adjacent to our Ag farms western property line
Subject: |
12. Consider approval of 2024 SISD certified taxable property values as submitted by the Gaines County Appraisal District
Subject: |
13. Consider approval of Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credits (Excess Local Revenue-formerly Recapture) and delegate authority to obligate the school district under Texas Education Code (TEC) §11.1511(c)(4) to the Superintendent
Subject: |
14. Consider approval of TIPS proposal for oil and gas lab equipment for CTE project
Subject: |
15. Consider approval of Non-School Facility Use Policy
Subject: |
16. Consider approval of property and casualty, auto, and school board liability insurance renewal
Subject: |
17. Consider approval of the 2024-25 Staff Development Plan
Subject: |
18. Consider and take possible action on revisions to the Staff / Employee Technology Acceptable Use Policy Agreement
Subject: |
19. Consider proposals for student computer device rotation for 2024-2025
Subject: |
20. Review Gifted and Talented Handbook for 2024-25.
Subject: |
21. Review the Bilingual/ESL Handbook for 2024-25
Subject: |
22. Consider approval of budget amendment
Subject: |
23. Executive Session
Subject: |
23.A. Discuss appointment, employment, reassignment, or dismissal of employees (Texas Government Code §551.074)
Subject: |
23.B. Considering the deployment, specific occasions for, or implementation of, security personnel or devices (Texas Government Code §551.076)
Subject: |
24. Action after reconvening in open session (if needed)
Subject: |
25. Adjourn