Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call to Establish a Quorum
3. Prayer
4. United States Pledge of Allegiance
5. Texas Pledge
6. Petrolia CISD Mission Statement
7. Citizen Participation
8. Departmental Reports
9. Items for Consideration, Discussion and Possible Action
9.a) Consent Agenda
9.a)I. Minutes from previous meetings since the last regular meeting
9.a)II. Budget Amendment(s) as needed
9.b) Discussion Item Only: Financials/Check Listing/Investment Reports
9.c) Discuss and Approve RUS Technology Grant
9.d) Adopt Petrolia Library Collection Development Policy for HB 900 Compliance
9.e) Discussion and Approval of TASB Local Policy Update 124
9.f) Consider and Approve Edgin Parkman Fleming & Fleming PC to Audit Financial Statements for 2024-2025 School Year
9.g) Cancel May 3, 2025 General Trustee Election Due to Candidates Running Unopposed
9.h) Consider and Approve Administrator Contracts - Elementary Principal, JH/HS Principal, District Instructional Coach and Athletic Director
10. Superintendent's Report
10.a) West Texas Cooperative Interlocal Agreement
10.b) Board Training
10.c) Fund Matching Program
10.d) TIA; State Change to pay scale
10.e) CTE Slab
10.f) 20ft Trailer for Band, OAP, Ag
10.g) AC Unit Auditorium
10.h) Summer Plans
11. Recess Open Session and Enter into Executive/Closed Session
11.a) Discussion of appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, or dismissal of PCISD employees...551.074
11.b) Deliberation of possible land acquisition, economic development opportunity...551.072
11.c) Discussion on the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices or a security audit...551.076
11.d) Students - 551.082
12. Adjourn Executive/Closed Session and Reconvene Open Session
12.a) Item(s) requiring action following Executive/Closed session
13. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 24, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Petrolia Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Call to Order
Subject: |
Roll Call to Establish a Quorum
Subject: |
Subject: |
United States Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
Texas Pledge
Subject: |
Petrolia CISD Mission Statement
Subject: |
Citizen Participation
Subject: |
Departmental Reports
Subject: |
Items for Consideration, Discussion and Possible Action
Subject: |
Consent Agenda
Subject: |
Minutes from previous meetings since the last regular meeting
Subject: |
Budget Amendment(s) as needed
Subject: |
Discussion Item Only: Financials/Check Listing/Investment Reports
Subject: |
Discuss and Approve RUS Technology Grant
Subject: |
Adopt Petrolia Library Collection Development Policy for HB 900 Compliance
Subject: |
Discussion and Approval of TASB Local Policy Update 124
Subject: |
Consider and Approve Edgin Parkman Fleming & Fleming PC to Audit Financial Statements for 2024-2025 School Year
Subject: |
Cancel May 3, 2025 General Trustee Election Due to Candidates Running Unopposed
Subject: |
Consider and Approve Administrator Contracts - Elementary Principal, JH/HS Principal, District Instructional Coach and Athletic Director
Subject: |
Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
West Texas Cooperative Interlocal Agreement
Subject: |
Board Training
Subject: |
Fund Matching Program
Subject: |
TIA; State Change to pay scale
Subject: |
CTE Slab
Subject: |
20ft Trailer for Band, OAP, Ag
Subject: |
AC Unit Auditorium
Subject: |
Summer Plans
Subject: |
Recess Open Session and Enter into Executive/Closed Session
Subject: |
Discussion of appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, or dismissal of PCISD employees...551.074
Subject: |
Deliberation of possible land acquisition, economic development opportunity...551.072
Subject: |
Discussion on the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices or a security audit...551.076
Subject: |
Students - 551.082
Subject: |
Adjourn Executive/Closed Session and Reconvene Open Session
Subject: |
Item(s) requiring action following Executive/Closed session
Subject: |