Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Establish Quorum
3. Pledges of Allegiance - Led by THS Beta Club Students (Goal 3)
4. Invocation
5. Campus/Student Recognition: (Goal 3)
5.A. THS Cheerleaders and THS Belles
6. Recess for Public Hearing
7. Public Hearing
7.A. Public Hearing to Discuss the Proposed Tax Rate and Budget for 2019-2020 (Goal 4)
8. Close Public Hearing and Reconvene Regular Meeting
9. Consider Approval of Tax Ordinance Adopting the Local Maintenance & Operation Tax Rate (Goal 4)
10. Consider Approval of Tax Ordinance Adopting the Debt Service Tax Rate (Goal 4)
11. Public Forum
12. Consent Agenda Items
12.A. Consider Approval of Minutes of the August 26, 2019 Regular Meeting.
12.B. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Report and Disbursement of Funds
12.C. Consider Approval of 2019-20 School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
13. Central Office Reports
13.A. Assistant Superintendent of Business Services
13.A.1. Additional Stipends Report
13.B. Executive Director of Curriculum and Testing
13.B.1. TISD Recruitment/Retention Plan Review (Goal 5)
13.C. Superintendent Report
13.C.1. Student Enrollment Update
13.C.2. Tarkington Roundup - Saturday Oct. 5, 2019
13.C.3. Tarkington Alumni Reunion - Saturday Oct. 12, 2019
13.C.4. TASB Staffing Review Report (Goal 5)
13.C.5. Board Legislative Update Training - Monday Oct. 14, 2019 @ 6:00 p.m.
13.C.6. District/Campus Activities Report
14. Regular Agenda (Agenda Items for Discussion and Possible Action)
14.A. Consider TISD Nominee for Liberty County Appraisal Review Board
14.B. Consider TISD Nominee for Appointment to Agricultural Advisory Board
14.C. Consider TISD Nominee of Directors for the Liberty County Central Appraisal District
14.D. Consider Approval of Identified Additional Stipends (Goal 2)
14.E. Consider Personnel Recommendations
15. Adjourn into Closed Session - If Needed - (No Public Discussion) Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code Sections - .071 Consultation with Attorney; .074 Personnel Matters; .076 Deliberation regarding security devices; .082 Student/Employee Information; .0821 Student Information.
16. Reconvene into Open Session and Take Action (if needed) on items discussed in Closed Session
17. Future Agenda Items (Next regular board meeting will be October 21, 2019)
18. Adjourn
19. Subsequent meeting if necessary to be held September 17, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 16, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Establish Quorum
Subject: |
3. Pledges of Allegiance - Led by THS Beta Club Students (Goal 3)
Subject: |
4. Invocation
Subject: |
5. Campus/Student Recognition: (Goal 3)
Subject: |
5.A. THS Cheerleaders and THS Belles
Subject: |
6. Recess for Public Hearing
Subject: |
7. Public Hearing
Subject: |
7.A. Public Hearing to Discuss the Proposed Tax Rate and Budget for 2019-2020 (Goal 4)
Subject: |
8. Close Public Hearing and Reconvene Regular Meeting
Subject: |
9. Consider Approval of Tax Ordinance Adopting the Local Maintenance & Operation Tax Rate (Goal 4)
Subject: |
10. Consider Approval of Tax Ordinance Adopting the Debt Service Tax Rate (Goal 4)
Subject: |
11. Public Forum
Subject: |
12. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
12.A. Consider Approval of Minutes of the August 26, 2019 Regular Meeting.
Subject: |
12.B. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Report and Disbursement of Funds
Subject: |
12.C. Consider Approval of 2019-20 School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
Subject: |
13. Central Office Reports
Subject: |
13.A. Assistant Superintendent of Business Services
Subject: |
13.A.1. Additional Stipends Report
Subject: |
13.B. Executive Director of Curriculum and Testing
Subject: |
13.B.1. TISD Recruitment/Retention Plan Review (Goal 5)
Subject: |
13.C. Superintendent Report
Subject: |
13.C.1. Student Enrollment Update
Subject: |
13.C.2. Tarkington Roundup - Saturday Oct. 5, 2019
Subject: |
13.C.3. Tarkington Alumni Reunion - Saturday Oct. 12, 2019
Subject: |
13.C.4. TASB Staffing Review Report (Goal 5)
Subject: |
13.C.5. Board Legislative Update Training - Monday Oct. 14, 2019 @ 6:00 p.m.
Subject: |
13.C.6. District/Campus Activities Report
Subject: |
14. Regular Agenda (Agenda Items for Discussion and Possible Action)
Subject: |
14.A. Consider TISD Nominee for Liberty County Appraisal Review Board
Subject: |
14.B. Consider TISD Nominee for Appointment to Agricultural Advisory Board
Subject: |
14.C. Consider TISD Nominee of Directors for the Liberty County Central Appraisal District
Subject: |
14.D. Consider Approval of Identified Additional Stipends (Goal 2)
Subject: |
14.E. Consider Personnel Recommendations
Subject: |
15. Adjourn into Closed Session - If Needed - (No Public Discussion) Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code Sections - .071 Consultation with Attorney; .074 Personnel Matters; .076 Deliberation regarding security devices; .082 Student/Employee Information; .0821 Student Information.
Subject: |
16. Reconvene into Open Session and Take Action (if needed) on items discussed in Closed Session
Subject: |
17. Future Agenda Items (Next regular board meeting will be October 21, 2019)
Subject: |
18. Adjourn
Subject: |
19. Subsequent meeting if necessary to be held September 17, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.