Meeting Agenda
1. Determine Quorum and Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Citizens Requesting to Appear Before the Board - non agenda items
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board concerning an issue pertaining to the District that is not on the agenda. A completed Request to Address the Board form must be submitted to the Presiding Officer before the meeting begins. The Presiding Officer may place a time limit on all comments from citizens. Response by the Board to any comments under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information or reciting existing policy related to the issue. Any deliberation by the Board on the matter is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda of a future Board Meeting.
Comments on agenda items must be made during Citizens Participation when the agenda item comes before the Board. |
4. Discussion and Possible Action to approve Construction bid for Chemical Feed Building at end of Mariner.
- Report from General Manager
- Citizen Participation
- Board discussion/action
5. Discussion and Possible Action to approve regarding possible amendment to the “Wholesale
Wastewater Capacity and Services Agreement,” dated to be effective on July 29, 2015 between the District, Travis County MUDs 11, 12, and 13 and Rough Hollow Development, Ltd. to include terms related to provision by the District of treated wastewater effluent (reuse water) to land within the TCMUDs’ boundaries for irrigation. |
- Report from General Manager
- Citizens Participation
- Executive Session (Consultation with Attorney – Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 551.071) (closed session)
- Board discussion/action/direction to staff (open session)
6. Discussion and Possible Action regarding possible amendment to the “Agreement for Wholesale
Water and Wholesale Wastewater Service Agreement Between Lakeway Municipal Utility District and Travis County Municipal Utility District No. 11,” dated to be effective on April 6, 2006 related to provision of potable water and related services by the District to the other contracting party and/or to Travis County. MUDs 12 and 13. |
- Report from General Manager
- Citizens Participation
- Executive Session (Consultation with Attorney – Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 551.071) (closed session)
- Board discussion/action/direction to staff (open session)
7. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve regarding possible amendment to the “Effluent Disposal Agreement Between Lakeway Municipal Utility District and Lakeway Golf Clubs, Inc.” dated to be effective December 15, 1997 related to the terms of provision of reuse water by the District to local golf courses.
- Report from General Manager
- Citizen Participation
- Executive Session (Consultation with Attorney – Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 551.071) (closed session)
- Board discussion/action/direction to staff (open session)
8. Discussion and Possible Action to approve FY 2019 Revenue and Expense Budget.
- Report from General Manager
- Citizens Participation
- Board discussion/action
9. Discussion and Possible Action to approve L-10 Rehab (Received bid from Buyboard).
- Report from General Manager
- Citizens Participation
- Board discussion/action
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 5, 2018 at 9:30 AM - Special Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
1. Determine Quorum and Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
Subject: |
3. Citizens Requesting to Appear Before the Board - non agenda items
Subject: |
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board concerning an issue pertaining to the District that is not on the agenda. A completed Request to Address the Board form must be submitted to the Presiding Officer before the meeting begins. The Presiding Officer may place a time limit on all comments from citizens. Response by the Board to any comments under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information or reciting existing policy related to the issue. Any deliberation by the Board on the matter is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda of a future Board Meeting.
Comments on agenda items must be made during Citizens Participation when the agenda item comes before the Board. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
4. Discussion and Possible Action to approve Construction bid for Chemical Feed Building at end of Mariner.
Subject: |
- Report from General Manager
Subject: |
- Citizen Participation
Subject: |
- Board discussion/action
Subject: |
5. Discussion and Possible Action to approve regarding possible amendment to the “Wholesale
Wastewater Capacity and Services Agreement,” dated to be effective on July 29, 2015 between the District, Travis County MUDs 11, 12, and 13 and Rough Hollow Development, Ltd. to include terms related to provision by the District of treated wastewater effluent (reuse water) to land within the TCMUDs’ boundaries for irrigation. |
Subject: |
- Report from General Manager
Subject: |
- Citizens Participation
Subject: |
- Executive Session (Consultation with Attorney – Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 551.071) (closed session)
Subject: |
- Board discussion/action/direction to staff (open session)
Subject: |
6. Discussion and Possible Action regarding possible amendment to the “Agreement for Wholesale
Water and Wholesale Wastewater Service Agreement Between Lakeway Municipal Utility District and Travis County Municipal Utility District No. 11,” dated to be effective on April 6, 2006 related to provision of potable water and related services by the District to the other contracting party and/or to Travis County. MUDs 12 and 13. |
Subject: |
- Report from General Manager
Subject: |
- Citizens Participation
Subject: |
- Executive Session (Consultation with Attorney – Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 551.071) (closed session)
Subject: |
- Board discussion/action/direction to staff (open session)
Subject: |
7. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve regarding possible amendment to the “Effluent Disposal Agreement Between Lakeway Municipal Utility District and Lakeway Golf Clubs, Inc.” dated to be effective December 15, 1997 related to the terms of provision of reuse water by the District to local golf courses.
Subject: |
- Report from General Manager
Subject: |
- Citizen Participation
Subject: |
- Executive Session (Consultation with Attorney – Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 551.071) (closed session)
Subject: |
- Board discussion/action/direction to staff (open session)
Subject: |
8. Discussion and Possible Action to approve FY 2019 Revenue and Expense Budget.
Subject: |
- Report from General Manager
Subject: |
- Citizens Participation
Subject: |
- Board discussion/action
Subject: |
9. Discussion and Possible Action to approve L-10 Rehab (Received bid from Buyboard).
Subject: |
- Report from General Manager
Subject: |
- Citizens Participation
Subject: |
- Board discussion/action